Phrase replacement is an important concept when it comes to grammar in English section. Though, grammar itself is extremely important and its basics are to be cleared at all costs in order to crack any major banking or government exam. English section is often considered as difficult by the aspirants and one major reason of that is because of the lack of grammar rules and other grammatical concepts. In this article we bring to you Phrase Replacement Tips & Practice Questions for SBI PO Prelims. Though, phrase replacement is an easy topic, but still there are few tips and tricks as how to solve questions primarily related to this. This topic only requires sound knowledge of grammar rules.
In this article we are not only understanding the approach as how to deal with phrase replacement questions when it comes to English grammar, but we are giving a free PDF comprising few practice questions related to this topic. Let’s first take a closer look at the SBI PO Prelims English syllabus or the important topics which a candidate must prepare.
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SBI PO Prelims English Syllabus
The importance of knowing the SBI PO syllabus is manifold. Not only SBI PO syllabus provides you with a proper base to get started with SBI PO preparation, but the knowledge of SBI PO syllabus also ensures that you don’t miss out preparing any important topic. We all know that SBI PO 2023 notification is not out yet, but we strongly suggest you to keep taking mock tests so that you stay prepared well in advance. When it comes to English specifically mentioned below are the important topics that every candidate must prepare well.
- Cloze Test
- Correct Usage
- Error Spotting
- Fillers Single, Double
- Idioms & Phrases
- Odd One Out
- One Word Substitution
- Parajumbles
- Paragraph Completion
- Sentence Improvement
- Reading Comprehension
- Synonyms/Antonyms
- Word/Phrase Replacement
- Vocabulary based Questions
Now coming back to phrase replacement basically these questions are asked to check your grammatical knowledge. In this a question is given in which a part is underlined or bold and is followed by options which state the alternative ways of writing the underlined statement. Here are some important tips mentioned below to tackle phrase replacement well.
- To solve these questions, read the sentence carefully and understand the meaning of the sentence. Analyse the meaning and tone of the sentence that whether it is positive, negative or sarcastic etc and then choose the correct option.
- Make use of the elimination approach if you are not able to find the correct option. Try eliminating inappropriate options as this approach will be help you find answers quickly.
- Found the correct option? If yes then replace the underlined sentence with it and read the whole sentence again. After replacing the sentence with the correct option make sure that the meaning of the sentence does not change.
- Not necessarily there will be errors always in a sentence, it is possible that there are no errors and the sentence is grammatically correct. Avoid the trend of always finding an error.
- Have a sound knowledge of grammar rules and try to check the tense and the correct usage of the verb. This will help you solve the questions easily.
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Phrase Replacement Tips & Practice Questions for SBI PO Prelims
Question 1:
In the following question, three statements are given with a phrase or idiom highlighted in bold. You have to select the answer choice that states the combination of statements in which the idiom or phrase has been correctly used.
1. Since we had been working for twelve hours straight, we called it a day and left early.
2. The building came under fire from the kitchen stove.
3. On the very first day, she caught my eye and I decided to befriend her.
A) Only 3
B) Only 1 and 2
C) Only 1 and 3
D) Only 2 and 3
E) All 1, 2 and 3
Question 2:
In the following question, three statements are given with a phrase or idiom highlighted in bold. You have to select the answer choice that states the combination of statements in which the idiom or phrase has been correctly used.
1. I tried every trick in the book to try to convince her to come with us on the trip.
2. You will have to face the music now since it was you who broke the window.
3. Ever since he got the news that he has been promoted, he has been feeling blue.
A) Only 2
B) Only 1 and 2
C) Only 1 and 3
D) Only 2 and 3
E) All 1, 2 and 3
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Question 3:
In the following question, three statements are given with a phrase or idiom highlighted in bold. You have to select the answer choice that states the combination of statements in which the idiom or phrase has been correctly used.
1. It was so cold in the car that I could feel it in my bones.
2. The landscape of the hill-station, Manali, is a feast for the eyes in the winters.
3. After my father passed away, I filled his shoes and took over the family business.
A) Only 2
B) Only 1 and 2
C) Only 1 and 3
D) Only 2 and 3
E) All 1, 2 and 3
Question 4:
In the question below, a phrase is given, followed by 4 sentences. Each sentence has one phrase which is highlighted. The given phrase can be used to replace the highlighted phrases in the sentences. You are required to identify the sentence where the given phrase can replace its highlighted phrase grammatically and contextually. If the given phrase cannot replace any of the highlighted phrase, mark ‘none of these’ as your answer.
Pull the likes
A) Last week’s gigantic entrepreneurship jamboree in Hyderabad has turned the spotlight on India’s booming startup economy.
B) Over the past three years, India has become the third largest startup ecosystem, big enough to seek the favour of investors like Ivanka Trump.
C) Marias needs little introduction, with the pre-Nobel buzz lingering on the odds of his winning the big literature prize.
D) At the core of the nearly 70-year-old Ramjanmabhoomi-Babri Masjid dispute is the belief that Lord Rama was born 9,00,000 years ago in the Treta Yuga.
E) None of these
SBI PO Prelims Free Mock Test 2023
Question 5:
In the question below, a phrase is given, followed by 4 sentences. Each sentence has one phrase which is highlighted. The given phrase can be used to replace the highlighted phrases in the sentences. You are required to identify the sentence where the given phrase can replace its highlighted phrase grammatically and contextually. If the given phrase cannot replace any of the highlighted phrase, mark ‘none of these’ as your answer.
Took no notice of him
A) With a quick glance to make sure his father’s men paid him no heed, Taran stole away to the far side of the beach, trailing the barbarian youth.
B) China, which has historically been wary of stepping into domestic conflicts in other countries, is being proactive in this case since its own interest is at stake.
C) When the British introduced road and railway transport in the 1850s, wagons replaced the donkeys, and the traders lost their traditional means of livelihood.
D) While on one hand, the government is going all out to take India into the bullet train era, on the other we see strange events such as a train going off in some other direction and finding itself in a different State.
E) None of these
Question 6:
In the question below, a phrase is given, followed by 4 sentences. Each sentence has one phrase which is highlighted. The given phrase can be used to replace the highlighted phrases in the sentences. You are required to identify the sentence where the given phrase can replace its highlighted phrase grammatically and contextually. If the given phrase cannot replace any of the highlighted phrase, mark ‘none of these’ as your answer.
Untrodden paths
A) The rise of a new global economic order, where Third World countries are becoming the harbinger of reforms in hitherto Western-dominated institutions, is now a reality.
B) many rationalists laboured tirelessly to denounce miracles and astrology as cheap tricks.
C) With its trade relations with the EU sinking, the U.K. has no other alternative than to look for greener pastures.
D) Since the route was too long, we tried to locate paths off the beaten track so that we might be able to reach our destination sooner.
E) None of these
Question 7: In the following sentence, there is a part highlighted in bold. Replace the phrase with the most suitable option(s) given below them that will make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.
It seemed like an ordinary piece of broken glass at first glance but on a closer examination Raya saw that it was holding captivated, all the colours of the rainbow and each of their various shades.
1. had captured within it
2. held captive
3. was entrapped
A) Only 2 and 3
B) Only 1 and 2
C) Only 2
D) Only 1
E) Only 3
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Question 8: In the following sentence, there is a part highlighted in bold. Replace the phrase with the most suitable option(s) given below them that will make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.
When I was quite young, I had mistakenly broken a flower vase but had been compelled by my conscience to own up to it and this honesty has gone me a long way over the years.
1. taken me places
2. highly appreciated me
3. gained me much apprehension
A) Only 1
B) Only 1 and 2
C) Only 2 and 3
D) Only 1 and 3
E) Only 2
Question 9: In the following sentence, there is a part highlighted in bold. Replace the phrase with the most suitable option(s) given below them that will make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.
In his mellow yet at times assertive nature, he is taking on his mother and her sisters.
1. Has taken along
2. takes after
3. has been taking upon
A) Only 2
B) Only 1 and 2
C) Only 3
D) Only 2 and 3
E) All 1, 2 and 3
Question 10: In the following sentence, there is a part highlighted in bold. Replace the phrase with the most suitable option(s) given below them that will make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.
The youngster was led askewed by a corrupt gang that used him to do their dirty work.
1. was led astray
2. had been ill-influenced
3. was partook of crimes
A) Only 2 and 3
B) Only 1 and 3
C) Only 2
D) Only 1
E) Only 3
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1) – C) | 2) – B) | 3) – D) | 4) – B) | 5) – A) | 6) – D) |
7) – B) | 8) – A) | 9) – A) | 10) – D) |
Solution 1: C)
Call it a day – to finish work for the day. Come under fire – face criticism. Catch one’s eye – to catch one’s attention.
1 is correct as it makes sense that if one has been working continuously for a long time, one would finish work soon and leave early.
3 is correct as the sentence tells us how the author wished to befriend her after she caught his/ her attention. Thus, (c) is the right answer.
2 seems to have been used literally here, such that the building caught fire, which is not the right meaning of the idiom.
Solution 2: B)
Try every trick in the book – to attempt every possible way to do or achieve something. Face the music – to face the unwanted consequences of something. Feel blue – to feel sad.
1 is correct as the sentence tells us how the author tried every possible way to convince her to accompany them on the trip.
2 is correct as the sentence talks about the unwanted consequences of an action committed by the listener. Thus, (b) is the right answer.
3 is incorrect as sadness would be an inappropriate reaction to good news such as that of promotion.
Solution 3: D)
Feel it in one’s bones – to have a strong feeling about something; a gut-feeling. A feast for the eyes – aesthetically pleasing to view. Fill one’s shoes – to take the responsibilities of one.
2 is correct as it uses the idiom to describe the beautiful landscape of a hill station.
3 is correct as it uses the idiom to explain how the author took over his/ her father’s responsibilities and took charge of the family business. Thus, (d) is the right answer.
1 is incorrect as it does not talk about a gut-feeling, rather it talks about feeling the cold temperature, which is not the meaning of the idiom.
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Solution 4: B)
The phrase PULL THE LIKES means to attract someone. This is synonymous to the phrase in (b), as SEEK THE FAVOUR also means to attract help or support from someone. Here, the sentence talks about how India’s startup ecosystem can attract investors. Thus, (b) is the right answer.
(a) is incorrect as TURNED THE SPOTLIGHT ON means to draw attention to something. (c) is incorrect as ON THE ODDS means on the likelihood or probability. (d) is incorrect as AT THE CORE means on a basic level. The given phrase cannot replace any of these phrases to provide the requisite meaning to the sentences.
Solution 5: A)
The phrase TAKE NO NOTICE OF SOMEONE means to pay no attention to someone. This is synonymous to the phrase in (a) – PAY NO HEED TO SOMEONE. Here, the sentence is talking about how Taran stole away to chase the youth, after making sure that his father’s men were not paying attention to him. Thus, (a) is the right answer.
(b) is incorrect as AT STAKE means under threat. (c) is incorrect as MEANS OF LIVELIHOOD means means of earning an income. (d) is incorrect as GOING ALL OUT means trying every way to do something. None of these phrases is replaceable by the given phrase.
Solution 6: D)
The phrase UNTRODDEN PATHS means roads or paths which are not travelled by usually. This is synonymous to the phrase PATHS OFF THE BEATEN TRACK. Here, the sentence talks about the need for finding alternative paths as the known route was longer. Thus, (d) is the right answer.
(a) is incorrect as THE HARBINGER means a messenger or indicator. B is incorrect as CHEAP TRICKS means unfair or useless means of doing something. (c) is incorrect as GREENER PASTURES mean better or more favourable alternatives. None of these phrases means the same as the given phrase.
Solution 7: B)
The sentence talks about a piece of glass that, upon closer look, displayed all the colours of the rainbow. The phrase should contain a verb to convey the action of capturing something.
1 is correct because it conveys the meaning that the piece of glass had, metaphorically, trapped all the colours, enabling it to display them. 2 is correct because it conveys the meaning that the piece of glass had, metaphorically, held all the colours hostage within its structure.
3 is incorrect because it does not convey the meaning that the colours were entrapped in the glass, but that the piece of glass itself was trapped.
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Solution 8: A)
The sentence talks about an act of honesty has stayed with the speaker throughout their life and this policy has enabled them to gain success over the years. The phrase should contain the perfect tense of a suitable verb in order to be consistent with the rest of the sentence, but it should be in the present perfect tense because of the word HAS.
(a) is correct because it conveys the meaning that the policy of honesty has helped the speaker gain success in life.
2 is incorrect because HONESTY cannot appreciate the speaker. 3 is incorrect because the word APPREHENSION means nervousness and uncertainty, which conveys an incorrect meaning.
Solution 9: A)
The sentence talks about how the subject has followed in his mother and aunts’ footsteps in displaying a calm yet firm nature. The phrase should contain the simple present or the present perfect tense of the verb TAKE.
2 is correct because it conveys the meaning that the subject’s nature and temperament resemble that of his mother’s and aunts’.
1 is incorrect because TAKEN ALONG means to literally and physically take someone else with them to a particular location, which does not convey the required meaning. 3 is incorrect because to TAKE UPON means to shoulder the responsibility of something, which does not convey the required meaning.
Solution 10: D)
The sentence talks about a young person being led onto the wrong path by a gang of corrupt people. The phrase should contain the verb WAS, to be consistent with the simple past tense of the rest of the sentence. This should be followed by an action verb in the simple past tense.
1 is correct because it conveys the meaning that the youngster was led away from the correct path.
2 is incorrect because the past perfect tense HAD BEEN is not consistent with the simple past tense of the rest of the sentence. 3 is incorrect because WAS PARTOOK is an incorrect phrase as both verbs are in the simple past tense. Moreover, it does not convey the required meaning.
SBI PO Prelims Free Mock Test 2023
This brings us to the end of the article. Prepare phrase replacement concept well by practicing these type of phrase replacement questions.
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