No candidate can give a cold shoulder to the English language as this is an important section while you are preparing for bank exams. We are highlighting each and every topic from the English section by providing tips and tricks and a few practice questions on how to solve these kinds of questions along with their detailed solutions. In this article we will be discussing Phrase Replacement English Practice Questions with Detailed Solutions as phrase replacement is an important concept which is usually asked to test the grammar part of an aspirant. Usually there are two types of phrase replacement, one is based on the grammar and the other one is based on phrases. Mentioned below are the set of practice questions:
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Phrase Replacement English Practice Questions with Detailed Solutions
Question 1: In the following question, a sentence is given with a phrase or idiom highlighted in bold. Select the option given below that can replace the highlighted phrase and mark that as your answer.
I had no clue what to expect, and I certainly didn’t know what I accounted for.
A) bore away
B) was in for
C) blown out
D) asked after
E) No improvement
Question 2: In the following question, a sentence is given with a phrase or idiom highlighted in bold. Select the option given below that can replace the highlighted phrase and mark that as your answer.
She is defending her seat against the advancing Conservatives, who accounted through last year to take one of the ward’s three seats.
A) wipe out
B) set out
C) wipe away
D) broke through
E) No improvement
Question 3: In the following question, a sentence is given with a phrase or idiom highlighted in bold. Select the option given below that can replace the highlighted phrase and mark that as your answer.
The current situation brings for tough and focused decisions and no soft and vague measures.
A) send for
B) turn on
C) calls for
D) sit up
E) No improvement
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Question 4: In the following question, a sentence is given with a phrase or idiom highlighted in bold. Select the option given below that can replace the highlighted phrase and mark that as your answer.
We will die on with the task of building a modern, efficient and collegial university – regardless of irrational rantings.
A) see through
B) take for
C) carry on
D) work upon
E) No improvement
Question 5: In the following question, a sentence is given with a phrase or idiom highlighted in bold. Select the option given below that can replace the highlighted phrase and mark that as your answer.
The seriously-injured man had lost consciousness but had dispose round again by the time police arrived.
A) look into
B) put up with
C) come round
D) run over
E) No improvement
Question 6: In the following sentence, there is a part highlighted in bold. Replace the phrase with the most suitable option(s) given below them that will make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.
In his mellow yet at times assertive nature, he is taking on his mother and her sisters.
1. Has taken along
2. takes after
3. has been taking upon
A) Only 2
B) Only 1 and 2
C) Only 3
D) Only 2 and 3
E) All 1, 2 and 3
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Question 7: In the following sentence, there is a part highlighted in bold. Replace the phrase with the most suitable option(s) given below them that will make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.
The youngster was led askewed by a corrupt gang that used him to do their dirty work.
1. was led astray
2. had been ill-influenced
3. was partook of crimes
A) Only 2 and 3
B) Only 1 and 3
C) Only 2
D) Only 1
E) Only 3
Question 8: In the following sentence, there is a part highlighted in bold. Replace the phrase with the most suitable option(s) given below them that will make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.
Several books and films today draw inspiration from William Shakespeare’s Hamlet because of its exploration of character in psychological view and vivid imagery.
1. a character’s psyche
2. character from a psychological viewpoint
3. characters’ psychological minds
A) Only 3
B) Only 1 and 2
C) Only 2 and 3
D) Only 1 and 3
E) Only 2
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Question 9: In the following question, a sentence is given with the phrase or idiom highlighted in bold. Identify the option that contains a word similar to the phrase contextually and can replace it. If none of the options express the similar meaning, mark ‘None’ as the right answer. If all the options fit in the sentence grammatically and contextually, mark ‘All’ as the right answer.
The Indian constitution mandates that people will have to abide by the orders of the Supreme Court.
A) access
B) follow
C) request
D) integrate
E) instill
Question 10: In the following question, a sentence is given with the phrase or idiom highlighted in bold. Identify the option that contains a word similar to the phrase contextually and can replace it. If none of the options express the similar meaning, mark ‘None’ as the right answer. If all the options fit in the sentence grammatically and contextually, mark ‘All’ as the right answer.
The enzyme acts upon only certain proteins and it does not harm the tissues.
A) mends
B) retreats
C) affects
D) contributes
E) All of the above
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1) – B) | 2) – D) | 3) – C) | 4) – C) | 5) – C) | 6) – A) |
7) – D) | 8) – B) | 9) – B) | 10) – C) |
Solution 1: B)
Accounted for- explained the reason, answered for. The usage of the highlighted phrase ‘accounted for’ is incorrect. The context suggests that the author had no clue what to expect, and she/he certainly did not know what she/he had to expect. Was in for- Have good reason to expect (something, typically something unpleasant). ‘Was in for’ provides the correct context. Hence, (b) is the correct answer.
Bore away- win. Blown out- extinguished. Asked after- asked about the welfare, inquired after.
Solution 2: D)
‘Accounted through’ is a meaningless phrase, so inappropriate. The context suggests that she is defending her seat against the advancing Conservative who achieved success last year to take one of the ward’s three seats. Broke through- achieved success in a particular area.
Hence, (d) is the correct answer.
Wipe out- destroy completely. Set out- start on a journey, set forth. Wipe away- cleanse, remove.
Solution 3: C)
The phrase ‘brings for’ is a meaningless phrase and requires replacement. The context suggests that the current situation makes it necessary for tough and focussed decisions and no soft and vague measures. Calls for- makes necessary. The phrase ‘calls for’ provides the correct context. Hence, (c) is the correct answer.
Send for- summon. Turn on- switch on. Sit up- to sit upright in bed.
Solution 4: C)
The phrase ‘die on’ is a meaningless phrase, and so inappropriate. The context suggests that the group of persons will continue with the task of building a modern, efficient and collegial university–regardless of irrational rantings (Lengthy, angry, and impassioned speech.) Carry on- Continue an activity or task. The phrase ‘carry on’ provides the correct context. Hence, (c) is the correct answer.
See through- discover something hidden. Take for- suppose to be, identify. Work upon- influence.
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Solution 5: C)
The phrase ‘dispose round’ is a meaningless phrase. The context suggests that the seriously-injured man had lost consciousness but had recovered his consciousness again by the time police arrived. Come round- Recovered consciousness. The phrase ‘come round’ provides the correct context. Hence, (c) is the correct answer.
Look into- investigate the matter. Put up with- tolerate patiently. Run over- crush under.
Solution 6: A)
The sentence talks about how the subject has followed in his mother and aunts’ footsteps in displaying a calm yet firm nature. The phrase should contain the simple present or the present perfect tense of the verb TAKE.
2 is correct because it conveys the meaning that the subject’s nature and temperament resemble that of his mother’s and aunts’.
1 is incorrect because TAKEN ALONG means to literally and physically take someone else with them to a particular location, which does not convey the required meaning. 3 is incorrect because to TAKE UPON means to shoulder the responsibility of something, which does not convey the required meaning.
Solution 7: D)
The sentence talks about a young person being led onto the wrong path by a gang of corrupt people. The phrase should contain the verb WAS, to be consistent with the simple past tense of the rest of the sentence. This should be followed by an action verb in the simple past tense.
1 is correct because it conveys the meaning that the youngster was led away from the correct path.
2 is incorrect because the past perfect tense HAD BEEN is not consistent with the simple past tense of the rest of the sentence. 3 is incorrect because WAS PARTOOK is an incorrect phrase as both verbs are in the simple past tense. Moreover, it does not convey the required meaning.
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Solution 8: B)
The sentence talks about William Shakespeare’s Hamlet as an inspirational piece of work due to the psychological exploration of the characters and vivid imagery. The phrase should contain a noun, that is, the subject because of the preceding preposition OF. It should also contain an adverb to qualify the approach to the subject.
1 is correct because it conveys the meaning that the text probes a character’s mind. 2 is correct because it conveys the meaning that the text looks at characters from a psychological perspective.
3 is incorrect because PSYCHOLOGICAL MINDS is an incorrect phrase – one’s mind cannot be described as psychological.
Solution 9: B)
(b) is the right answer. The sentence seeks to convey that the Indian constitution has made it compulsory for the citizens to follow the orders of the Supreme Court. TO ABIDE BY means to follow a rule, decision, or instruction. FOLLOW can replace the highlighted phrase.
ACCESS- to approach or enter (a place).
REQUEST- to politely or formally ask for something
INTEGRATE- combine (one thing) with another to form a whole
INSTILL- gradually but firmly establish (an idea or attitude) in a person’s mind
Solution 10: C)
(c) is the right answer. The sentence seeks to convey that the enzyme reacts only with certain proteins and it does not harm the tissues. AFFECTS fits contextually.
MEND- repair (something that is broken or damaged).
RETREAT- (of an army) withdraw from enemy forces as a result of their superior power or after a defeat.
CONTRIBUTE- give (something, especially money) in order to help achieve or provide something.
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This brings us to the end of the article. Practice these phrase replacement questions.
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