Percentage For SSC CGL Exam, Learn Concept & Solve Questions

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Percentage For SSC CGL Exam

Percentage For SSC CGL Exam: The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) conducts the SSC CGL Exam year. It is considered one of the most competitive exams in India. The Quantitative Aptitude section plays an important role in the exam. In this blog, we have provided the basic concept of Percentage For SSC CGL Exam with different types of questions. A percentage is a simple topic one can easily understand but the SSC can present the questions on Percentage For SSC CGL exam in different ways. Candidates can expect at least 1-2 questions at a moderate to difficult level from percentage for SSC CGL Exam. So, practicing the different types of questions is very important to gain a score on this topic.

Holi SaleHoli Sale

Concept of Percentage

Percentage: It can be defined as it is a mathematical concept in which a number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100.

Symbol for Percentage:- %

Some Important Formulas:

  1. Percentage=(Value/Total Value) x 100
  2. Percentage Increase = (Increase value – Original value / Average) × 100
  3. Percentage Decrease = (Original value – Decrease value / Average) × 100


Convert 0.58 into the percentage.





Questions on Percentage with Solutions

In this section, we have provided questions related to the Percentage for SSC CGL Exam in both Hindi and English with solutions.

Percentage Questions in the English Language

Question 1: In an election, ‘A’ got 30% of the total votes, ‘B’ got 25% of the total votes, and ‘C’ got the remaining votes. If ‘C’ got 2400 votes more than ‘A’, then how many votes did ‘B’ get?

A) 2,500

B) 3,000

C) 5,000

D) 4,000

Question 2: A truck contains 730 kg of apples. If 20% of total quantity of apple got rotten, then find the quantity of non-rotten apples in the truck.

A) 146 kg

B) 584 kg

C) 438 kg

D) 500 kg

Question 3: Two numbers are 20% more and 25% more, respectively than the third number. The ratio of the two numbers is:

A) 13:12

B) 15:14

C) 24:25

D) 12:11

Question 4: In a village, there are 1500 voters out of which 28% did not cast their votes. 20% of the votes cast were declared invalid. Find the number of valid votes cast.

A) 864

B) 216

C) 1080

D) 648

Question 5: Due to 25% reduction in price (per kg) of the sugar, a man can now buy 12.5 kg more sugar on spending Rs. 600. Find the initial price (per kg) of the sugar.

A) Rs. 24

B) Rs. 20

C) Rs. 12

D) Rs. 16

Question 6: Present age of Ram is 40% more than that of Raman. If the sum of their present ages is 36 years, then find the difference (in years) between their present ages.

A) 6 years

B) 8 years

C) 9 years

D) 12 years

Question 7: If 40% of ‘x’ is 100 more than 60% of ‘y’ and ‘x’ exceeds ‘y’ by 300, then find the sum of ‘x’ and ‘y’.

A) 300

B) 600

C) 400

D) 500

Question 8: If a students scored 44% marks in a class test and failed by 16 marks, then find the passing percentage given that the class test was of 250 marks.

A) 48.2%

B) 52.6%

C) 50.4%

D) 54.8%

Question 9: In a village with a total population of 56000, 35% are children and remaining are adults. If only 80% of adults are registered voters, then find the number of registered voters in the village.

A) 27800

B) 30240

C) 28800

D) 29120

Question 10: A box contains 250 red balls, 50 yellow balls and 100 pink balls. If 20% of red balls and 50% of pink balls, are taken out, then find the percentage of number of yellow balls in the box.


B) 25%

C) 20%


Percentage Questions in the Hindi Language

प्रश्न 1: एक चुनाव में, ‘A’ को कुल वोटों का 30% ‘B’ को कुल वोटों का 25% और ‘C’ को शेष वोट मिले। यदि ‘C’ को ‘A’ से 2400 वोट अधिक मिले तो ‘B’ को कितने वोट मिले?

A) 2,500

B) 3,000

C) 5,000

D) 4,000

प्रश्न 2: एक ट्रक में 730 kg Apples हैं। यदि Apples की कुल मात्रा का 20% खराब हो गया, तो ट्रक में बिना सड़े हुए Apples की मात्रा ज्ञात कीजिए।

A) 146 kg

B) 584 kg

C) 438 kg

D) 500 kg

प्रश्न 3: दो संख्याएँ तीसरी संख्या से क्रमशः 20% अधिक और 25% अधिक हैं। दोनो संख्याओं का अनुपात है:

A) 13:12

B) 15:14

C) 24:25

D) 12:11

प्रश्न 4: एक गांव में 1500 मतदाता हैं जिनमें से 28% ने वोट नहीं डाला। डाले गए वोटों में से 20% को अमान्य घोषित कर दिया गया। डाले गए वैध मतों की संख्या ज्ञात कीजिए।

A) 864

B) 216

C) 1080

D) 648

प्रश्न 5: चीनी के मूल्य (per kg) में 25% की कमी के कारण, एक आदमी अब Rs. 600 खर्च करने पर 12.5 kgअधिक चीनी खरीद सकता है। चीनी का प्रारंभिक मूल्य (per kg) ज्ञात कीजिए।

A) Rs. 24

B) Rs. 20

C) Rs. 12

D) Rs. 16

प्रश्न 6: राम की वर्तमान आयु रमन की वर्तमान आयु से 40% अधिक है। यदि उनकी वर्तमान आयु का योग 36 वर्ष है, तो उनकी वर्तमान आयु के बीच का अंतर (वर्षों में) ज्ञात कीजिए।

A) 6 वर्ष

B) 8 वर्ष

C) 9 वर्ष

D) 12 वर्ष

प्रश्न 7: यदि ‘x’ का 40%, ‘y’ के 60% से 100 अधिक है और ‘x’, ‘y’ से 300 अधिक है तो ‘x’ और ‘y’ का योग ज्ञात कीजिए।

A) 300

B) 600

C) 400

D) 500

प्रश्न 8: यदि एक छात्र ने एक कक्षा की परीक्षा में 44% अंक प्राप्त किए और 16 अंकों से अनुत्तीर्ण हो गया, तो उत्तीर्ण होने के लिए प्रतिशत ज्ञात कीजिए, यह देखते हुए कि कक्षा की परीक्षा 250 अंकों की थी।

A) 48.2%

B) 52.6%

C) 50.4%

D) 54.8%

प्रश्न 9: 56000 की कुल आबादी वाले एक गांव में, 35% बच्चे हैं और शेष वयस्क हैं। यदि केवल 80% वयस्क पंजीकृत मतदाता हैं, तो गाँव में पंजीकृत मतदाताओं की संख्या ज्ञात कीजिए।

A) 27800

B) 30240

C) 28800

D) 29120

प्रश्न 10: एक बॉक्स में 250 लाल गेंदें, 50 पीली गेंदें और 100 गुलाबी गेंदें हैं। यदि लाल गेंदों का 20% और गुलाबी गेंदों का 50% निकाल दिया जाता है, तो बॉक्स में पीले गेंदों की संख्या का प्रतिशत ज्ञात करें।


B) 25%

C) 20%



1) – 4)2) – 2)3) – 3)4) – 1)5) – 4)6) – 1)
7) – 4)8) – 3)9) – 4)10) – 1)

Solutions of the Above Questions with Explanation

Solution 1: 4)

Let total number of votes be ‘100x’

So, number of votes ‘A’ got = 100x X 0.3 = ’30x’

Number of votes ‘B’ got = 100x X 0.25 = ’25x’

So, number of votes ‘C’ got = 100x – (30x + 25x) = ’45x’


45x – 30x = 2400

Or, 15x = 2400

So, x = 160

So, number of votes ‘B’ got = 160 X 25 = 4,000

Hence, option d.

Solution 2: 2)

Quantity of non-rotten apples in the truck = 730 X 0.80 = 584 kg

Hence, option b.

Solution 3: 3)

Let the third number be ’20x’.

So, one of the numbers = 20x X 1.2 = ’24x’

And, the other number = 20x X 1.25 = ’25x’

So, required ratio = 24x:25x = 24:25

Hence, option c.

Solution 4: 1)

Number of votes which were cast = 1500 X 0.72 = 1080

So, number of valid votes which were cast = 1080 X 0.8 = 864

Hence, option a.

Solution 5: 4)

Let the initial price of the sugar be Rs. ‘4x’ per kg

So, initial quantity of bought = 600 ÷ 4x = (150/x) kg

So, new price of sugar = 4x X 0.75 = Rs. ‘3x’ per kg


(600 ÷ 3x) – 12.5 = (150/x)

Or, (200/x) – 12.5 = (150/x)

Or, 12.5x = 200 – 150

Or, 12.5x = 50

So, x = 4

So, initial price of the sugar = 4 X 4 = Rs. 16 per kg

Alternate solution

Ratio of initial and new price = 4:3

So, ratio of initial consumption and new consumption = (1/4):(1/3) = 3:4

So, required answer = {600/(3 X 12.5)} = Rs. 16

Hence, option d.

Solution 6: 1)

Let the present age of Ram be ‘5x’ years

So, present age of Raman = 5x X 1.4 = ‘7x’ years


7x + 5x = 36

Or, 12x = 36

So, x = 3

So, required difference = 7x – 5x = 2x = 2 X 3 = 6 years

Hence, option a.

Solution 7: 4)


300 + y = x


0.4 X x = 100 + 0.6 X y

Or, 0.4 X (300 + y) = 100 + 0.6y

Or, 120 + 0.4y = 100 + 0.6y

Or, 20 = 0.2y

So, y = 100

So, x = 300 + 100 = 400

So, required sum = 400 + 100 = 500

Hence, option d.

Solution 8: 3)

Marks scored by student = 250 X 0.44 = 110

So, passing marks = 110 + 16 = 126

So, passing percentage = (126/250) X 100 = 50.4%

Hence, option c.

Solution 9: 4)

Number of adults in the village = 56000 – 56000 X 0.35 = 36400

Number of registered voters in the village = 36400 X 0.8 = 29120

Hence, option d.

Solution 10: 1)

Remaining number of red balls in the box = 

Remaining number of pink balls in the box = 

Now, total number of balls in the box = (200 + 50 + 50) = 300

Required percentage = 

Hence, option a.

Other Blogs of SSC CGL 2024
SSC CGL Exam PatternSSC CGL Syllabus
SSC CGL Study PlanSSC CGL Eligibility Criteria
SSC CGL Cut OffSSC CGL Preparation Strategy
SSC CGL Previous Year Question PapersSSC CGL Selection Process
SSC CGL Documents Required

Percentage For SSC CGL Exam FAQs

What is the weightage of the Percentage for SSC CGL Exam?

Candidates can expect at least 1-2 questions of Percentage for SSC CGL Exam.

What is the level of questions of Percentage for SSC CGL Exam?

The level of questions of Percentage for SSC CGL Exam is Moderate to Difficult level.

What is Percentage?

Percentage is a mathematical concept in which a number or ratio is expressed as a fraction of 100.

What is the formula of percentage?

The formula for Percentage is (Value/Total Value) x 100.

Abhishek Jatariya

Hello Guys, I am Abhishek Jatariya (B.Tech (IT), HBTU Kanpur). At Practicemock I am a dedicated Government Job aspirant turned passionate Content writer & Content creator. My blogs are a one-stop destination for accurate and comprehensive information on exams like SSC, Railways, and Other PSU Jobs. I am on a mission to provide you with all the details about these exams you need, conveniently in one place. I hope you will like my writing.

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