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Partnership For SSC CGL Exam

Partnership For SSC CGL Exam: The SSC CGL Quantitative Aptitude section consists of many topics. The Partnership is one of those topics. Candidates can expect at least 1-2 questions on partnership at moderate to difficult levels. In this blog, we have provided the concept and questions with explained solutions on the Partnership for SSC CGL Exam. Candidates can find the questions in both Hindi and English Language. The questions provided in the blog are provided by analyzing the previous year’s question papers.

Definition of Partnership

Partnership: It is an agreement where two or more people agree to share their responsibility for a business.

For Example:

Ex 1: Suppose there are two persons A and B investing some amount Rs. x and Rs. y respectively in a business for one year. Then at the end of the year:

(Share of Profit of A):(Share of Profit of B)=x:y {This is for one year}

Ex 2: When investments are for different time periods then,

Suppose, there are two persons A and B.

A invests Rs. x for p months and B invests Rs. y for q months then,

(Share profit of A):(Share profit of B)=xp:yq

Important Questions on Partnership with Solutions

In this section, we have provided the questions on Partnerships for SSC CGL Exam in both Hindi and English. Candidates must understand the concept first and then try out the questions provided in the blog.

Partnership Questions in the English Language

Question 1: ‘A’ and ‘B’ started a business by investing Rs. 7,200 and Rs. 11,700, respectively. 20 months later, ‘A’ withdrew his investment. 2 years after starting the business, if the profit share of ‘A’ was Rs. 16,000, then find the profit share of ‘B’.

A) Rs. 26,400

B) Rs. 32,600

C) Rs. 28,800

D) Rs. 31,200

Question 2: Rajat and Rakesh started a business by investing Rs. 6,300 and Rs. 9,800, respectively where Rakesh invested for 18 months and Rajat invested for 3 more months than Rakesh. If the total profit earned from the business is Rs. 5,670, then find the profit share of Rajat.

A) Rs. 1,980

B) Rs. 2,720

C) Rs. 2,430

D) Rs. 1,770

Question 3: ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ started a business by investing their capital in the ratio 3:5:7, respectively. If at the end of the year, the profits were divided among ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ in the ratio 18:20:21, respectively, then find the ratio of the time for which they made their investments.

A) 6:4:3

B) 5:3:2

C) 3:2:1

D) 3:2:2

Question 4: Sagar and Rahul started a business by investing Rs. 1,650 and Rs. 1,950, respectively. 6 months later, Sagar and Rahul increased their investments by Rs. 450 and Rs. 600, respectively. 1 year after starting the business, the profit share of Rahul is how percent more than that of Sagar?

A) 20%

B) 30%

C) 10%

D) 25%

Question 5: Manoj and Ratan started a business by investing Rs. 5,760 and Rs. 6,480 respectively. 6 months later, Manoj increased his investment by 25% and Ratan increased his investment by Rs. 2,160. 1 year after starting the business, find the proportion of profit share of Manoj out of total profit.

A) (8/15)

B) (6/13)

C) (7/13)

D) (11/26)

Question 6: ‘A’ and ‘B’ started a company by investing Rs. 4,500 and Rs. 6,000, respectively. Six months later, ‘B’ withdrew half of his investment. If at the end of the year, the company earned a total profit of Rs. 72,400, then find the profit share of ‘A’.

A) Rs. 32,240

B) Rs. 42,600

C) Rs. 32,400

D) Rs. 36,200

Question 7: Rajat and Rakesh started a business by investing Rs. 6,300 and Rs. 9,800, respectively where Rakesh invested for 18 months and Rajat invested for 3 more months than Rakesh. If the total profit earned from the business is Rs. 5,670, then find the profit share of Rajat.

A) Rs. 1,980

B) Rs. 2,720

C) Rs. 2,430

D) Rs. 1,770

Question 8: Manish and Manoj started a business by investing their capital in the ratio 9:16, respectively. 18 months later, Manoj withdrew his entire investment. 2 years after starting the business, if the total profit earned from the business is Rs. 5,600, then find the difference between the profit shares of Manish and Manoj.

A) Rs. 800

B) Rs. 900

C) Rs. 720

D) Rs. 1,000

Question 9: Anand and Amit started a business by investing Rs. 1,120 and Rs. 1,200, respectively. 30 months later, Amit withdrew his entire investment. 3 years after starting the business, find the proportion of profit share of Amit out of total profit.

A) (28/53)

B) (25/53)

C) (1/2)

D) (7/15)

Question 10: Arun and Amal started a business by investing Rs. 21,600 and Rs. 28,800, respectively. Few months later Amal withdrew his entire investment, such that 2 years after starting the business, the profit shares of Arun and Amal were equal. Find the number of months for which Amal invested in the business.

A) 16

B) 20

C) 18

D) 21

Partnership Questions in the Hindi Language

प्रश्न 1: ‘A’ और ‘B’ ने क्रमशः Rs. 7,200 और Rs. 11,700 निवेश करके एक व्यवसाय शुरू किया। 20 महीने बाद, ‘A’ ने अपना निवेश वापस ले लिया। व्यवसाय शुरू करने के 2 वर्ष बाद, यदि ‘A’ का लाभ हिस्सा Rs. 16,000 था, तो ‘B’ का लाभ हिस्सा ज्ञात करें।

A) Rs. 26,400

B) Rs. 32,600

C) Rs. 28,800

D) Rs. 31,200

प्रश्न 2: Rajat और Rakesh ने क्रमशः Rs. 6,300 और Rs. 9,800 का निवेश करके एक व्यवसाय शुरू किया, जहां Rakesh ने 18 महीने के लिए निवेश किया और Rajat ने Rakesh से 3 महीने अधिक निवेश किया। यदि व्यवसाय से अर्जित कुल लाभ Rs. 5,670 है, तो Rajat का लाभ हिस्सा ज्ञात करें।

A) Rs. 1,980

B) Rs. 2,720

C) Rs. 2,430

D) Rs. 1,770

प्रश्न 3: ‘A’, ‘B’ और ‘C’ ने क्रमशः 3:5:7 के अनुपात में अपनी पूंजी निवेश करके एक व्यवसाय शुरू किया। यदि वर्ष के अंत में लाभ को क्रमशः 18:20:21 के अनुपात में ‘A’, ‘B’ और ‘C’ के बीच विभाजित किया जाता है तो उनके द्वारा निवेश किए गए समय का अनुपात ज्ञात कीजिए।

A) 6:4:3

B) 5:3:2

C) 3:2:1

D) 3:2:2

प्रश्न 4: सागर और राहुल ने क्रमशः Rs. 1,650 और Rs. 1,950 का निवेश करके एक व्यवसाय शुरू किया। 6 महीने बाद, सागर और राहुल ने अपने निवेश में क्रमशः Rs. 450 और Rs. 600 की वृद्धि की। व्यवसाय शुरू करने के 1 वर्ष बाद राहुल का लाभांश सागर के लाभांश से कितने प्रतिशत अधिक है?

A) 20%

B) 30%

C) 10%

D) 25%

प्रश्न 5: Manoj और Ratan ने क्रमशः Rs. 5,760 और Rs. 6,480 का निवेश करके एक व्यवसाय शुरू किया। 6 महीने बाद, Manoj ने अपने निवेश में 25% की वृद्धि की और Ratan ने अपना निवेश को Rs. 2,160 से बढ़ा दिया। व्यवसाय शुरू करने के 1 वर्ष बाद, कुल लाभ से बाहर Manoj के लाभ हिस्सेदारी का अनुपात ज्ञात करें।।

A) (8/15)

B) (6/13)

C) (7/13)

D) (11/26)

प्रश्न 6: ‘A’ और ‘B’ ने क्रमशः Rs. 4,500 और Rs. 6,000 निवेश करके एक कंपनी शुरू की। छह महीने बाद, ‘B’ ने अपना आधा निवेश वापस ले लिया। यदि वर्ष के अंत में, कंपनी ने Rs. 72,400 का कुल लाभ अर्जित किया, तो ‘A’ का लाभ हिस्सा ज्ञात कीजिए।

A) Rs. 32,240

B) Rs. 42,600

C) Rs. 32,400

D) Rs. 36,200

प्रश्न 7: Rajat और Rakesh ने क्रमशः Rs. 6,300 और Rs. 9,800 का निवेश करके एक व्यवसाय शुरू किया, जहां Rakesh ने 18 महीने के लिए निवेश किया और Rajat ने Rakesh से 3 महीने अधिक निवेश किया। यदि व्यवसाय से अर्जित कुल लाभ Rs. 5,670 है, तो Rajat का लाभ हिस्सा ज्ञात करें।

A) Rs. 1,980

B) Rs. 2,720

C) Rs. 2,430

D) Rs. 1,770

प्रश्न 8: मनीष और मनोज ने क्रमशः 9:16 के अनुपात में अपनी पूंजी निवेश करके एक व्यवसाय शुरू किया। 18 महीने बाद मनोज ने अपना पूरा निवेश निकाल लिया। व्यवसाय शुरू करने के 2 वर्ष बाद, यदि व्यवसाय से अर्जित कुल लाभ Rs. 5,600 है तो मनीष और मनोज के लाभ हिस्सों के बीच का अंतर ज्ञात कीजिए।

A) Rs. 800

B) Rs. 900

C) Rs. 720

D) Rs. 1,000

प्रश्न 9: आनंद और अमित ने क्रमशः Rs. 1,120 और Rs. 1,200 निवेश करके एक व्यवसाय शुरू किया। 30 महीने बाद अमित ने अपना पूरा निवेश वापस ले लिया। व्यवसाय शुरू करने के 3 वर्ष बाद, कुल लाभ में से अमित के लाभांश का अनुपात ज्ञात कीजिये।

A) (28/53)

B) (25/53)

C) (1/2)

D) (7/15)

प्रश्न 10: अरुण और अमल ने क्रमशः Rs. 21,600 और Rs. 28,800 का निवेश करके एक व्यवसाय शुरू किया। कुछ महीने बाद अमल ने अपना पूरा निवेश वापस ले लिया, जैसे कि व्यापार शुरू करने के 2 वर्ष बाद, अरुण और अमल के लाभ के हिस्से बराबर थे। ज्ञात कीजिए अमल ने व्यवसाय में कितने महीनों के लिए निवेश किया।

A) 16

B) 20

C) 18

D) 21

Solutions of the Above Questions with Explanation

Solution 1: 4)

Respective ratio of profit shares of ‘A’ and ‘B’ = (7200 X 20):(11700 X 24)

= 144000:280800

= 20:39

So, profit share of ‘B’ = 16000 X (39/20) = Rs. 31,200

Hence, option d.

Solution 2: 3)

Number of months for which Rajat invested in the business = 18 + 3 = 21 months

Respective ratio of profit shares of Rajat and Rakesh = (6300 X 21):(9800 X 18)

= 132300:176400

= 3:4

So, profit share of Rajat = 5670 X (3/4) = Rs. 2,430

Hence, option c.

Solution 3: 1)

Let the amount invested by ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ be Rs. ‘3x’, Rs. ‘5x’ and Rs. ‘7x’, respectively.

Let the profit shares of ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ be Rs. ’18y’, Rs. ’20y’ and Rs. ’21y’

So, ratio of period of investments of ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ = (18y/3x):(20y/5x):(21y/7x) = (6y/x):(4y/x):(3y/x) = 6:4:3

Hence, option a.

Solution 4: 1)

Increased investment of Sagar = 1650 + 450 = Rs. 2,100

Increased investment of Rahul = 1950 + 600 = Rs. 2,550

So, respective ratio of profit shares of Sagar and Rahul = (1650 + 2100):(1950 + 2550)

= 3750:4500 = 5:6

So, required percentage = {(6 – 5)/5} X 100 = 20%

Hence, option a.

Solution 5: 2)

Increased investment of Manoj = 5760 X 1.25 = Rs. 7,200

Increased investment of Ratan = 6480 + 2160 = Rs. 8,640

So, respective ratio of profit shares of Manoj and Ratan = (5760 X 6 + 7200 X 6):(6480 X 6 + 8640 X 6)

= (77760):(90720)

= 6:7

So, proportion of profit share of Manoj out of total profit = 6 ÷ (6 + 7) = (6/13)

Hence, option b.

Solution 6: 4)

Ratio of profit shares at the end of the year = {4500 X 12}:{(6000 X 6) + (6000 X 0.5 X 6)} = 54000:54000 = 1:1

So, required profit = 72400 X (1/2) = Rs. 36,200

Hence, option d.

Solution 7: 3)

Number of months for which Rajat invested in the business = 18 + 3 = 21 months

Respective ratio of profit shares of Rajat and Rakesh = (6300 X 21):(9800 X 18)

= 132300:176400

= 3:4

So, profit share of Rajat = 5670 X (3/4) = Rs. 2,430

Hence, option c.

Solution 8: 1)

Let the initial investment made by Manish and Manoj be Rs. ‘9a’ and Rs. ’16a’, respectively.

Respective ratio of profit shares of Manish and Manoj = (9a X 24):(16a X 18)

= 216:288 = 3:4

So, let the profit shares of Manish and Manoj equals Rs. ‘3x’ and Rs. ‘4x’, respectively

We have, 3x + 4x = 5600

Or, difference between profit shares of Manish and Manoj = 4x – 3x = x = 5600 ÷ 7 = Rs. 800

Hence, option a.

Solution 9: 2)

Respective ratio of profit shares of Anand and Amit = (1120 X 36):(1200 X 30)

= 40320:36000

= 28:25

So, proportion of profit share of Amit out of total profit = {25/(28 + 25)} = (25/53)

Hence, option b.

Solution 10: 3)

Let the number of months for which Amal invested in the business = ‘y’

Then, respective ratio of profit shares of Arun and Amal = (21600 X 24):(28800 X y)

= 518400:28800y

According to the question,

518400 = 28800y

So, y = 518400 ÷ 28800 = 18

So, number of months for which Amal invested in the business = 18

Hence, option c.

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Partnership For SSC CGL Exam FAQs

How many questions I can expect from the Partnership for SSC CGL Exam?

You can expect at least 1-2 questions from the Partnership for SSC CGL Exam.

Where I can get the questions on the Partnership for SSC CGL Exam?

We have provided the questions on the Partnership for SSC CGL Exam in this blog.

What is Partnership?

Partnership is an agreement where two or more people agree to share their responsibility for a business.

Are solutions to the Partnership questions available?

Yes, we have provided the solutions along with the explanations in the blog.

Abhishek Jatariya

I help candidates prepare for SSC, Banking and Regulatory exams by covering topics ranging from exam patterns to syllabus to study techniques and more.

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