NIACL Assistant Prelims 2024 9-Day Mock Test Challenge for Success on March 2, 2024
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Dear Candidates! You are almost there! The NIACL Assistant 2024 Prelims exam is just 9 days away and you need to make the most of your time. You have put in a lot of effort and learned a lot, but now you need to sharpen your skills and check your knowledge. How? By taking our NIACL Assistant 9-day Mock Test Challenge cum revision plan, where we will give you a Free Mock Test on the first day. The NIACL Assistant Prelims exam is on March 2, 2024, so you have no time to waste. This is not the time to dive into any new topic, but to review what you already know and how to use it. We will help you with a NIACL Assistant prelims 2024 free mock and other handy tips to help you revise smartly.

Holi Sale

What are you waiting for? Take the Free Mock Test now!

NIACL Assistant Prelims Exam Pattern

Start by taking a look at the NIACL Assistant prelims exam pattern below:

S.No.Name of TestNo. of QuestionsMarksDuration
1Test of English Language303020 minutes
2Test of Reasoning353520 minutes
3Test of Numerical Ability353520 minutes

NIACL Assistant Prelims 2024

DateMock Test Links
Day 1 (22nd Feb)NIACL Assistant Prelims- 1 Free Mock Test + Analysis
·        Puzzles
·        Seating Arrangement
·        Number Sequence
·        Input – Output
·        Coding-Decoding
·        Blood Relation 
·        Syllogism
. Alphabet test
Day 2 (23rd Feb)Take NIACL Assistant Prelims Mock Test no. 2👈
·        Number Series
·        Data Interpretation
·        Quadratic Equation
·        HCF & LCM
·        Simplification
·        Approximation
·        Profit & Loss
·        Simple Interest & Compound Interest
·        Time & Work
Day 3 (24th Feb)Take NIACL Assistant Prelims Mock Test no. 3👈
·        Reading Comprehensions
·        Grammar
·        Spotting Errors
·        Fillers
·        Misspelt Words
·        Sentence correction
·        Identify the Correct Sentence
·        Antonyms and Synonyms
·        Word Replacement
Day 4 (25th Feb)Take NIACL Assistant Prelims Mock Test no. 4👈
·        Inequality
·        Statement and Assumption 
·        Assertion and Reason
·        Statement and Conclusion
·        Statement and Arguments 
·        Statements and Action Courses
Day 5 (26th Feb)Take NIACL Assistant Prelims Mock Test no. 5👈
·        Word Usage
·        Word rearrangement
·        Phrase Replacement
·        Sentence Connector
·        Sentence Improvement
·        Vocabulary
·        Word Swap
·        Pairs of words
. Starters
Day 6 (27th Feb)Take NIACL Assistant Prelims Mock Test no. 6👈
·        Jumbled Words
·        Sentence Rearrangement
·        Jumbled sentences
·        Idioms and Phrases
·        Cloze Tests
·        Match the Column
·        One word Substitution
Day 7 (28th Feb)Take NIACL Assistant Prelims Mock Test no. 7👈
·        Alphanumeric Sequence
·        Order & Ranking 
·        Causes and Effects
·        Direction Sense
. Word Formation
Day 8 (29th Feb)Take NIACL Assistant Prelims Mock Test no. 8👈 Time, Speed, & DistanceDecimal & FractionData Sufficiency
Day 9 (1st Mar)Take NIACL Assistant Prelims Mock Test no. 9👈
·        Quantity Based Questions
·        Average
·        Partnership
·        Percentage
·        Mixture & Alligations
·        Ratio & Proportion
·        Boats and Streams
·        Problems On Trains
·        Ages
·        Mensuration
·        Pipes and Cisterns
·        Permutation & Combination
·        Probability

NOTE: Click on the highlighted topics to access the mock test and test your knowledge on them.

NIACL Assistant Quant Free Topic Wise Tests

Number Series Number Series
Simplification and ApproximationWord Problems
Equations ComparisonDI – 85
Simplification and Approximation Equations Comparison
DI Word Problems

👆Click here to Get NIACL Assistant Quant Free Topic Wise Tests

NIACL Assistant Reasoning Free Topic Wise Tests

Seating ArrangementPuzzles
MiscellaneousSeating Arrangement

Click here for more NIACL Assistant Reasoning Free Topic Wise Tests

NIACL Assistant English Free Topic Wise Tests

Parajumbles 85Cloze Passage 85
Vocabulary 85Grammar – 85
RC- 85Parajumbles 84
Cloze Passage 84Vocabulary 84
Grammar – 84RC- 84

Click here for more NIACL Assistant English Free Topic Wise Tests

How to Ace the NIACL Assistant Prelims 2024 Exam with the 9-Day Mock Test Challenge?

The NIACL Assistant Prelims 2024 exam is a competitive and challenging test that requires thorough preparation and smart strategy. If you want to score well and secure your dream job as an assistant in the New India Assurance Company Limited, you need to follow these key preparation/revision points to make the most of the remaining 9 days and excel like a champ:

1.     Keep the Exam Pattern and Syllabus in Mind

Before you start your preparation, you need to know what the exam is all about. The NIACL Assistant Prelims 2024 exam consists of three sections: English Language, Reasoning Ability, and Numerical Ability. Each section has 35 questions and carries 35 marks. The total duration of the exam is 60 minutes. You need to qualify in each section and also score above the overall cut-off to be eligible for the main exam. The syllabus covers topics such as grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, logical reasoning, data interpretation, simplification, and arithmetic. You should familiarize yourself with the exam pattern and syllabus well in advance so that you can plan your study schedule accordingly.

2.     Clear Your Basics and Practice Mock Tests

The next step is to build a strong foundation of the basic concepts and skills required for the exam. You should refer to reliable study materials and books that cover the syllabus in depth and explain the concepts clearly. You should also practice mock tests regularly to check your progress and identify your strengths and weaknesses. Mock tests will help you to improve your speed, accuracy, and time management skills. They will also expose you to the types and levels of questions that you can expect in the actual exam. You should analyze your performance after each mock test and work on your weak areas.

3.     Focus on Every Section Equally and Don’t Ignore Any

The NIACL Assistant Prelims 2024 exam is not only about scoring high marks, but also about clearing the sectional cut-offs. You need to perform well in each section to qualify for the main exam. Therefore, you should not neglect any section or topic and give equal attention and time to all of them. You should also balance your preparation between the easy and difficult topics and not spend too much time on either. You should aim to master the topics that are frequently asked and have high weightage in the exam.

4.     Draft a Perfect Revision Plan and Follow It Regularly

Revision is an essential part of your preparation and should not be skipped or postponed. You should draft a perfect revision plan that covers all the topics and concepts that you have studied and allocates sufficient time for each of them. You should follow your revision plan regularly and revise the important formulas, rules, shortcuts, and tricks that you have learned. You should also revise the mock tests and previous year question papers that you have attempted and revise the questions that you have answered incorrectly or skipped.

5.     Download and Attempt Previous Year Question Papers

One of the best ways to prepare for the NIACL Assistant Prelims 2024 exam is to download and attempt previous year question papers. Previous year question papers will give you an idea of the difficulty level, trend, and pattern of the exam. They will also help you to understand the types of questions that are asked and the topics that are important. You should attempt previous year question papers in a simulated exam environment and try to complete them within the stipulated time. You should also evaluate your performance and learn from your mistakes.

6.     Develop Strong Analytical Skills

The NIACL Assistant Prelims 2024 exam is not only a test of your knowledge, but also of your analytical skills. The exam may also test your ability to solve problems, reason logically, and think critically. You need to develop strong analytical skills to tackle the questions that are tricky, complex, or unfamiliar. You can enhance your analytical skills by practicing exercises and puzzles that challenge your brain and stimulate your thinking. You should also read newspapers, magazines, and blogs that cover current affairs, business, and economy and improve your general awareness and comprehension skills.

7.     Manage Stress and Relax

The NIACL Assistant Prelims 2024 exam can be stressful and demanding, especially as the exam date approaches. You may feel anxious, nervous, or overwhelmed by the pressure and expectations. However, you should not let stress affect your preparation and performance. You should try to manage stress and relax by taking breaks, listening to music, meditating, or doing any activity that makes you happy and calm. You should also take care of your health and sleep well. You should have a positive attitude and confidence in yourself and your preparation.


Start and boost your revision today by following these tips and tricks and ace the exam. Don’t forget to include NIACL Assistant Prelims 2024 free mock and other free topic tests for practice. All the best!

    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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