The online registration for NIACL AO prelims is currently going on and the last date for online registration is 21st August 2023 which is approaching soon. We advise the candidates to not wait for the final day to register online for the exam and compelete the registration process today itself. We are providing NIACL AO Prelims free mock test 2023 which you can attempt to know your weak and strong areas. By attempting this free mock test you will get to know as what all topics you need to work upon.
The mock test helps you to elaborate solutions to every question help you understand your mistakes and in improving your future performance.
The NIACL AO Prelims free mock test is based on the latest pattern and have top quality content. By giving a free mock test you will get to know the quality of the content that we are providing.
Your progress in the NIACL AO prelims free mock test 2023 will be compared with thousands of test takers all over the country gives you a better idea about your preparation and progress.
On-line registration and payment ofapplication fees | 1st to 21st Aug. 2023 (both dates inclusive) |
Phase-I Online Examination(Objective) | 9th September 2023 (tentative) |
Phase-II Online Examination(Objective + Descriptive) | 8th October 2023 (tentative) |
NIACL AO 2023 Prelims Free Resources
Name of Test/Section (not in sequence) | Type of test | Max. Marks | Duration for each test/section (Separately timed) | Version | |
1 | English Language | Objective | 30 | 20 min | English |
2 | Reasoning Ability | Objective | 35 | 20 min | Eng/Hindi |
3 | Quantitative Aptitude | Objective | 35 | 20 min | Eng/Hindi |
Total | 100 |
Candidates have to qualify for each test/section by securing passing marks to be decided by the Company.
The NIACL AO prelims mock tests are designed to prepare the candidates to appear in the main examination. Latest mock test series and practice quizzes are available for the NIACL AO Prelims exam. Key features of NIACL AO Prelims mock tests are:
In order to attempt this free mock test all you have to do is:
Step1: Visit PracticeMock’s website
Step 2: Sign up on the website by clicking the sign up button, or if you have already signed up then click on the login button.
Step 3: Add your credentials to login
Step 4: Look for NIACL AO 2023 exam under Banking & Insurance tab
Step 5: A free mock test will appear on your screen
Step 6: Click on the Take Test to begin your free mock test
This brings us to the end of the article. The last date for the NIACL AO online registration is approaching soon, thus its advisable to do the registration formalities as soon as possible and take a free mock test thereafter.
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