NIACL AO Exam 2021 Exam Pattern and Syllabus
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NIACL AO Exam 2021 Exam: The New India Assurance Company Limited (NIACL) just release the official notification for the position of Administration Officer. A total of 300 vacancies are being provided this year by NIACL.  

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NIACL AO 2021 Important Dates 

On-line registration and payment of application fees 1st to 21st Sept. 2021 (both dates inclusive) 
Phase-I Online Examination (Objective) October 2021 (tentative) 
Phase-II Online Examination (Objective + Descriptive) November 2021 (tentative) 

The selection procedure will have three intervals of examination and all of them will have eliminations. The first exam would be a prelim, followed by mains, and finally an interview will be conducted for candidates which have cleared the mains.  

NIACL AO Exam Pattern 2021 

Phase-1 – Prelims Exam Pattern 

Subject Marks Time Medium 
English Language 30 20 Minutes English 
Reasoning 35 20 Minutes English & Hindi 
Quantitative Aptitude 35 20 Minutes English & Hindi 
Total 100 60 Minutes  

Phase-2 Exam Pattern – Mains 

Subject No. of Ques.  / Max Marks Time Medium Type 
Test of English Language 50 120 Mins English Objective 
Test of Reasoning 50 English & Hindi Objective  
Test of General Awareness 50 English & Hindi Objective  
Test of Quantitative Aptitude 50 English & Hindi Objective  
Total 200      

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NIACL AO 2021 Application Fee 

Payable on-line from 01.09.2021 to 21.09.2021 (both dates inclusive) 

SC/ ST / PwBD Rs. 100/- (Intimation charge only) 
All candidates other than SC/ ST / PwBD Rs. 750/- (Application fee including intimation charges) 

Descriptive Test Mains 

The Descriptive Test of 30 minutes’ duration with 30 marks will be a Test of English Language (Letter Writing-10marks & Essay-20 marks). The descriptive test will be in English and will be conducted through on-line mode. Each candidate will be required to obtain a minimum score for each section of objective test separately for short listing for the Descriptive test evaluation/Interview. Descriptive answer script would be evaluated only in respect of those candidates who qualify the objective test. Depending on the number of vacancies available, cut offs will be decided for Descriptive paper evaluation. 

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NIACL AO Exam Syllabus 

The topic-wise syllabus for each section in the NIACL AO examination is as follows: 

Subject Topics 
Reasoning Coded Inequalities Seating Arrangement (Circular, Linear, Square) Puzzle Tabulation Logical Reasoning Order/ Ranking/Direction/Alphabet Test Data Sufficiency Syllogism Blood Relations Input-Output Coding-Decoding Alphanumeric Series/ Number Series/Alphabet Series Direction based question inequalities (Direct and Coded) 
English Reading Comprehension Cloze test Fill in the blanks Error Spotting/New Pattern Error Spotting Sentence Correction/Sentence Improvement Para Jumbles Para Summary Odd One Out Para Completion 
Quantitative Aptitude Data Interpretation Simplification/ Approximation Number Series Quadratic Equations Quantity based problems Ratio & Proportion Percentage & Averages Profit & Loss Mixtures & Allegations Pipes and Cisterns Boats and Streams Simple Interest & Compound Interest Time, Work, and Wages Time & Distance Permutation, Combination & Probability 
General Awareness Current Affairs Summits Books & Author Awards Sports added in NIACL AO Syllabus Defence National Appointment International Obituary etc. Banking Awareness Indian Financial System History of Indian Banking Industry Regulatory Bodies Monetary & Credit Policies Budget Basics and Current Union Budget International Organisation / Financial Institutions Capital Market & Money Market added in NIACL AO Syllabus Government Schemes Abbreviations and Economic terminologies Other important concept abbreviations and Economic terminologies Other important concepts. 

Emoluments & Benefits  

Basic pay of Rs. 32,795/- in the scale of Rs. 32795-1610(14)-55335-1745(4)- 62315 and other admissible allowance as applicable. Gross emoluments will be approximately Rs. 60,000/- p.m. in Metropolitan Centers. Other benefits such as coverage under National Pension System governed by PFRDA, Gratuity, LTS, Medical Benefits, Group Personal Accident Insurance etc. shall be as per rules. The Officers are also entitled for Company’s / leased accommodation as per norms. The salary scales are due for revision w.e.f Aug 2017. 

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

What is NIACL? 

NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD, founded by Sir Dorabji Tata in 1919, a Multinational General Insurance Company, today operates in 28 countries and headquartered at Mumbai, India. Our global business crossed Rs. 31573 crores in March 2021. 

Is there any negative marking in the NIACL AO exam? 

Yes, there will be a negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer. 

How many sections are there in the NIACL AO prelims exam? 

A total of 3 sections: Prelim, Mains, Personal interview 

Is there any interview for the NIACL AO post? 

A personal interview is conducted for candidates which clear the pahse-2 examination.  

How many vacancies are there for NIACL AO 2021? 

300 vacancies 

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