NIACL AO 2021-Exam Pattern, Syllabus & Imp. Topics

Do you want to crack the NIACL AO 2021 Exam? Then, you must be aware of the fact that the NIACL (New India Assurance Company Limited) conducts AO Exam for generalist and specialist administrative officers, in which thousands of aspirants compete with each other every year. Recently, NIACL released notification for 300 vacancies of Administrative Officers (Generalists). Even though the Exam dates for NIACL AO Exam 2021 are not out yet, but the candidates should gear up for the upcoming exam by covering the complete syllabus and focusing on the important topics that often appear in the exam.

Holi SaleHoli Sale

Here is the latest exam pattern and the syllabus of the NIACL AO 2021 Exam:

NIACL AO Exam Pattern

As per the NIACL, the selection process of a candidate is based on the four recruitment stages given below:

Preliminary Stage

This stage of the recruitment process consists of three sections, English language, quantitative aptitude, and reasoning ability. The exam is conducted in online mode, with objective-type questions carrying a total score of 100 Marks.

TopicsNo. of QuestionsMarksDuration
English Language303020 minutes
Reasoning Ability353520 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude353520 minutes
Total10010060 minutes (1 hour)

Mains Exam

The second stage of selection is the Mains Examination which is an objective test of 200 marks and a Descriptive Test of 30 marks. Both the Objective and Descriptive Tests are conducted in online mode and you need to pass both the tests separately to get qualified for the next round. The objective type paper has a duration of 2 hours, while the descriptive paper has a time limit of only 30 minutes. In it, you will face 200 multiple-choice questions and have to write two essays or a letter. The mode of exam of the descriptive test will only be English. There is also negative marking involved, as 1/4th of a Mark will be deducted for every wrong answer. The four sections of the mains exam are the English language, reasoning ability, quantitative aptitude, and general awareness. There are two Mains exams, one each for Generalist officers and Specialist officers with only a little difference between the two.

Mains for Generalists

English Language (Objective)50120 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude50
Reasoning Ability50
General Awareness50
English Language (Descriptive)3030 minutes
Total230150 minutes (2 hours 30 minutes)

Mains for Specialists

English Language (Objective)4090 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude40
Reasoning Ability40
General Awareness40
Professional Knowledge4030 minutes
English (Descriptive)3030 minutes
Total230150 minutes (2 hours 30 minutes)

Interview & Final selection

After clearing all the above-mentioned stages, you would be called for an interview. Keep in mind, the weightage ratio of online exams and interviews is 80:20. The final selection process of the NIACL AO examination depends upon the combined marks of the mains exam and the interview stage.

NIACL AO Syllabus 2021

Knowing the detailed NIACL AO syllabus and exam pattern is a key factor in the preparation for any examination. Let us have a look at the updated NIACL AO Syllabus 2021 provided below. 

NIACL AO Syllabus 2021 – Prelims Exam

The NIACL AO Prelims Exam consists of three sections. Candidates must check the detailed NIACL AO Syllabus from the table mentioned below to cover all important topics:

SectionNIACL AO Syllabus
English LanguageReading Comprehension
Cloze Test
Fill in the blanks
Multiple Meaning / Error Spotting
Paragraph Complete / Sentence Correction
Para jumbles
Quantitative AptitudeSimplification
Ratio & Proportion, Percentage
Number Systems
Profit & Loss
Mixtures & Alligations
Simple Interest & Compound Interest & Surds & Indices
Time & Distance
Work & Time added in NIACL AO Syllabus
Sequence & Series
Permutation, Combination & Probability. Data Interpretation
Mensuration – Cylinder, Cone, Sphere
ReasoningCoded Inequalities
Seating Arrangement
Puzzle Tabulation
Logical Reasoning
Ranking/Direction/Alphabet Test
Data Sufficiency
Blood Relations
Alphanumeric Series

NIACL AO Syllabus 2021 – Mains Exam

The NIACL AO Mains Exam consists of 4 sections. Students must check all the important topics and detailed section-wise syllabus from the table mentioned below:

SectionNIACL AO Syllabus
ReasoningCoded Inequalities
Seating Arrangement
Puzzle Tabulation
Logical Reasoning
Ranking/Direction/Alphabet Test
Data Sufficiency
Blood Relations
Alphanumeric Series
Quantitative AptitudeSimplification
Ratio & Proportion, Percentage
Number Systems
Profit & Loss
Mixtures & Alligations
Simple Interest & Compound Interest & Surds & Indices
Time & Distance
Work & Time added in NIACL AO Syllabus
Sequence & Series
Permutation, Combination & Probability. Data Interpretation
Mensuration – Cylinder, Cone, Sphere
English LanguageReading Comprehension
Cloze Test
Fill in the blanks
Multiple Meaning / Error Spotting
Paragraph Complete / Sentence Correction
Para jumbles
General AwarenessCurrent Affairs
Books & Authors
Sports added in NIACL AO Syllabus
Obituary etc
Banking Awareness
Indian Financial System
History of Indian Banking Industry
Regulatory Bodies Monetary & Credit Policies
Budget Basics and Current Union Budget
International Organisation / Financial Institutions
Capital Market & Money Market added in NIACL AO Syllabus
Government Schemes Abbreviations and Economic terminologies
Other important concepts
Abbreviations and Economic terminologies
Other important concepts

Important Topics NIACL AO 2021

Given below is a table that shows the most scoring topics that often become part of the exam. Cover all these topics by practicing different types of questions based on all these topics to ensure good results in Prelims and mains Exams.

Here are the important topics for Prelims Exam 2021:

S. No.TopicWeightage for Prelims
1.Syllogism5 Qs
2.Coding-Decoding5 Qs
3.Square/Circular Seating Arrangement4 Qs
4.Puzzles18 Qs
5.Direction Sense2 Qs
6.Inequality5 Qs
7.Alphanumeric Series3-5 Qs
8.Data Interpretation10 Qs
9.Simplification/Approximation5 Qs
10.Quadratic Equations5-6 Qs
11.Word Problems10 Qs
12.Caselet5 Qs
13.Cloze Test5 Qs
14.Word Usage3 Qs
15.Fill in the Blanks5 Qs
16.Sentence Rearrangement5 Qs
17.Spell Correction3-5 Qs
18.Reading Comprehension7 Qs
19.Current Affairs20-25 Qs

Here are the important topics for Mains Exam 2021:

S. No.TopicWeightage for Mains
1.Syllogism3-5 Qs
2.Coding-Decoding5 Qs
3.Square/Circular Seating Arrangement10-15 Qs
4.Puzzles5 Qs
5.Direction Sense3-5 Qs
6.Inequality5 Qs
7.Alphanumeric Series5 Qs
8.Data Interpretation10-15 Qs
9.Simplification/Approximation8-10 Qs
10.Quadratic Equations5 Qs
11.Word Problems5-6 Qs
12.Caselet3-5 Qs
13.Cloze Test7-8 Qs
14.Word Usage4-5 Qs
15.Fill in the Blanks5 Qs
16.Sentence Rearrangement5 Qs
17.Spell Correction5 Qs
18. Reading Comprehension9-13 Qs
19.Current Affairs19-25 Qs

FAQs: NIACL AO Syllabus 2021

Q1. How many sections are there in the NIACL AO Prelims exam 2021?
Ans. There are 3 sections i.e., Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, and English in the NIACL AO Prelims exam 2021.

Q2. What is the duration of the NIACL AO Mains Exam 2021?
Ans. The duration of the NIACL AO Mains Exam 2021 is 2 hours.

Q3. How many sections are there in the NIACL AO Mains exam 2021?
Ans. There are 4 sections i.e. Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, English, and General Awareness in the NIACL AO Mains exam 2021.

Q4. Is there any sectional timing in the NIACL AO Mains exam 2021?
Ans. No, there is a composite time of 120 minutes in the NIACL AO Mains exam 2021.

Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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