Never Do These Mistakes in English-RRB PO Mains 2021

There are certain mistakes that many students commit while preparing for the IBPS RRB Mains examination and ruin their chances of grabbing a good score in the English Section. This article is dedicated to discussing all those key mistakes that you can commit and also the simple ways to avoid them altogether. 

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Before jumping straightaway to the common mistakes, you need to avoid to be successful in the English Section, let’s throw light on the Exam pattern and syllabus to know the Exam well!

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Exam Pattern of IBPS RRB PO Mains

Let’s look at the pattern of IBPS RRB PO and Clerk Mains exam one after the other. This will give us a clear picture of where does ‘English’ as a section stands in the big picture of the overall exam.


SectionNumber of QuestionsMarksTime Allotted
Reasoning Ability4050A cumulative time of 2 hours
Quantitative Aptitude4050
General Awareness4040
English/Hindi Language4040
Computer Knowledge4020
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Note: From the table above, you can clearly see that the weightage of English for IBPS RRB PO is equal to the other sections of the Exam and hence we can easily understand that the English section can be a high scoring section for you if you can prepare well and avoid all the mistakes before and in the examination hall.

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Read to know: 5 Timeless Tips from Experts to Beat any Bank Exam-Current Affairs

IBPS RRB PO 2021 English/ Hindi Language Syllabus

You can choose only one language from the English or Hindi Language section in IBPS RRB PO Exam 2021. Take a look at the table given below that reflects the syllabus for English Language and Hindi Language:

English Language TopicsEnglish Language TopicsHindi Language Topics
Cloze TestAntonymsGadyansh (Paragraph)
Reading ComprehensionMultiple MeaningsVartani
Fill in the blanksError SpottingAlankar
Paragraph CompletionDouble blanks in a sentenceMuhavre
Sentence CorrectionPhrase substitutionVyakaran
Para JumblesFill in the blanks with suitable wordsVipritarthak Shabd
MiscellaneousMistakesSamanarthak Shabd
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Also read, Section-Wise Important Topics-RRB PO Mains 2021

Topics for English for IBPS RRB

Generally, the entire syllabus of IBPS RRB PO Mains level can be categorized under three heads, namely Reading Comprehension, Cloze Test, and Miscellaneous. Given below are the topics that you need to cover in the English section of the IBPS RRB PO examination.

  1. Reading Comprehension
  2. Cloze Test
  3. Miscellaneous (Error Spotting, Fill in the blanks (FIBs), One-word substitution, Phrase Replacement, Para jumbles, Spelling Errors), Synonyms & Antonyms, and Idioms & Phrases).

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Common Mistakes to Avoid While Preparing for IBPS RRB PO Mains Exam 2021

Given below are some of the most crucial points that you must keep in mind while preparing for IBPS RRB PO Mains exam 2021:

1.    Syllabus Completion

Most aspirants fall in the pit of leaving some parts or portions of the English. They may have different reasons for leaving some topics from the syllabus. Maybe they underestimate the importance of some topics. Maybe because they think they will revisit questions of those topics after completing the topics they like, but they fail because of lack of time. This can clearly stop anybody from cracking the exam because a crucial 15-20 marks will be lost with those topics. Therefore, you need to cover the entire syllabus properly to grab maximum marks in the English section and contribute the score to crack the exam. 

2.    Don’t ignore the topics you are good at

Sometimes what students do is, they leave the topics of subjects they feel are good. And they have to pay for this overconfidence in the Exam when they find tough questions on the subject, they felt they were good at and can’t answer. Also, they waste a lot of time. So, you need to practice hard each and every subject and make sure you have learned all the basic concepts. This will surely help you in answering those questions efficiently.

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3.    Follow only one strategy

Avoid copying others’ strategies and make your own simple strategy you feel comfortable in. Make your own study and revision plan by taking help from others. Don’t just blindly try to copy the study style of the toppers. It may have worked for them but I might not work for them. Go through previous year’s question papers and think over how you can make one sound strategy and follow it rigorously for better results.

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4.    Be Consistent

You need to be consistent in your preparation and revise all the topics well to master all the English topics. Don’t get demotivated by the challenges that emerge while studying and study daily. Consistency and dedication are the keys to success in RRB PO Exam.

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Grammatical Mistakes to Avoid

Here are the 2 grammatical mistakes that you must avoid:

1.    Mistakes to avoid while spotting the errors

In the questions related to spot the errors in the SBI Clerk Exam, the candidates are required to find out the part having an error. The error may be related to the use of, nouns, pronouns, prepositions, articles, the tense of verbs, conjunction, subject-verb agreement, etc. Sometimes the error may also be that of un-English expressions. 

Sometimes they may be of superfluous use of some word. Some candidates, who have no good command over grammar rules and their usages use their own shortcuts to answer them in a hurry. You need to properly go through the rules, their usages to find the errors in the actual exam. Mock tests are the best source to check your command over the basic rules of grammar that make a big difference while answering such questions.

For instance, read the sentence given below and find out whether there is any error in it:

*He (a)/ always (speaks) c/ truth. (d)/ No error (e)

Answer: He always speaks ‘the’ truth. (It is an error related to article)

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Also read: Must-Do English Topics-RRB Clerk/PO Mains Exam 2021

2.    Mistake to avoid while attempting cloze test

In the cloze test, the candidates are required to fill in the blanks out of the given choices in the exam. The purpose of this exam is to test the grammatical know-how, to judge the vocabulary power, and the general English sense of the candidate. The candidates must go through the entire passage properly and quickly before beginning to answer the questions. 

One or two given blanks can sometimes be difficult to answer or seem to have more than one correct answer. The answer to these blanks has some connection or links with the next sentences. But some candidates, in a hurry, fail to read out the whole passage properly first and commit mistakes. So, you need to avoid it. Close test tests your knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, and common sense.

For instance, read the directions given below:

Directions: Fill in the blanks in the passage given below with the most appropriate word from the options given for each blank.

The …(1)… age is the age of machines. From the …(2)… the industrial revolution began in Europe. Man’s life has been changing …(3)… many ways. At first, the change was …(4)…. Now machines have become …(5)… of our daily lives. 

Answers: 1. (a) 2. (b) 3. © 4. (a) 5. (b)

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The mistakes mentioned above are some of the most commonly committed mistakes you may commit while preparing for the English Section in the RRB PO Exam. If you are waiting to appear in the upcoming RRB PO Exam must practice all-important rules and go through enough practice exercises. The best way to fulfill this objective is to go for Mock Tests regularly. These Mock Tests offer questions related to essential grammar rules related to every sort of question asked in the English Section of the RRB PO Exam. Taking Mock Tests coupled with previous years’ examination questions can also make you aware of the present trend and pattern of the upcoming RRB PO Exam 2021.

Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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