NABARD Grade A Take a FREE Mock to Cover Top Scoring Topics
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Are you targeting NABARD 2023? Have you started prelim preparation now? As expected, the exam will be in October 2023. Still, you have a month in hand. Without wasting your time being nervous and anxious. Utilize your energy and time revising topics and practice. Moreover, unlock and experience the power of a FREE Mock Test to check your performance.


Attempt a FREE Mock TEST to Boost your Performance!

Mock TestNABARD Grade A Prelims Mock Test (FREE)
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NABARD Grade A 2023: Preliminary Paper Pattern

Take a look at the prelim exam pattern and section-wise weightage to kickstart exam preparations accordingly:

SectionsNo. of QuestionsMarks Allotted
Test of Reasoning2020
Computer Knowledge2020
Quantitative Aptitude2020
Decision Making1010
General Awareness2020
Agriculture & Rural Development (with Emphasis on Rural India)4040
Economic & Social Issues4040
Total200 Questions200 Marks

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Important Points to Note:

  • Online Exam Mode
  • 8 Sections: Test of Reasoning, English, Decision Making, Computer Knowledge, Quantitative Aptitude, ESI, ARD and General Awareness
  • Negative Marking: 0.25 Marks
  • Merit Sections: Economic & Social Issues, Agriculture & Rural Development & General Awareness
  • Qualifying Section: Test of Reasoning, Decision Making, Computer Knowledge, English & Quantitative Aptitude.

Target to Crack NABARD Grade A 2023 in 1st Attempt with a FREE Mock

Stimulate with Exam Environment

Mocks make you familiar with the exam environment. So that, you know how to manage your time and attempt questions accordingly in Prelims. Figure out a bulletproof strategy to maxmize your chance of qualifying 1st attempt.

Attempt a FREE Mock TEST to Boost your Performance!

Master in Art of Time Management

Develop skills to be a pro managing time. Cracking a competitive exam demands strong conceptual knowledge along with that you know how to face 200 questions in 120 minutes in NABARD Grade A Prelims.

Get Performance Analysis from Experts

Attempt a FREE Mock TEST tool offered by Practice Mock. Moreover, sign up to grab the ultimate preparation tool for 100%. Give your time in performing the analysis received from the expert panel.

Learn from Mistakes

A Mock Test attempt is helpful for you to get a 360-degree performance overview. So that, you can learn from your mistakes and correct them with time. 

Figure out Exam Strategies

Frame exam strategies for the NABARD Grade A Preliminary Exam to get maximum good attempts to increase chances of qualifying for the exam.

Beat Exam Stress & Anxiety

Exam Stress and Strategy are common for aspirants appearing in competitive examinations like NABARD. Regularly taking up mocks makes you a pro to beat the unwanted exam stress and strategy. 

Attempt a FREE Mock TEST to Boost your Performance!


Preparing for NABARD Grade A is an embarking journey to achieve success. Equip yourself with a valuable preparation tool i.e.FREE Mock. If you have not signed up yet. Then, hurry up to sign up right now to take a free mock test for NABARD Grade A and test your skills to get useful performance insights. 

    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

By Divya Sharma

My Role as a Content Writer in PracticeMock is to craft research based blogs. I ensure that aspirants get accurate information on government exams through blogs.

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