NABARD Grade A How to Score 25+ Marks in ESI
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ESI combines with General Awareness and ARD as the three king subjects decide your journey from NABARD prelims to the next levels of the selection process. Do you seriously want to be a Grade A officer in NABARD? Launch your preparations for prelim and main exams together. ESI holds importance in these two stages of the selection process. For the prelim exam, follow our strategy to score 25+ marks in Economic & Social Issues. 

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NABARD Grade A Preliminary Pattern 2023

Gateway to NABARD’s recruitment process is the prelim examination. The exam is conducted online. Candidates get a composite time of 120 minutes to face 200 questions.

  • Negative Marking: 0.25 mark
  • Merit Subjects: English Language, Test of Reasoning, Decision Making, Computer Knowledge and Quantitative Aptitude. 
  • Qualifying Subjects: General Awareness, ESI and ARD
SectionNo. Of QuestionsMarks
Test of Reasoning2020
English Language3030
Decision Making1010
Computer Knowledge2020
General Awareness2020
Quantitative Aptitude2020
Economic & Social Issues (with a focus on Rural India)4040
Agriculture & Rural Development (with Emphasis on Rural India) 4040

Preparation Strategy for Economic & Social Issues

Analyze ESI Syllabus

At the beginning, while you start preparing for ESI, analyze the syllabus. Take your time in analyzing the topics to be covered in Economic and Social Issues. Candidates should note a significant portion of questions asked from current and static parts. Prepare for these portions accordingly to improve the scores and achieve the merit cut-off.

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Make a Study Schedule

Once you finish a proper analysis of the ESI syllabus then, you should make a study schedule. Prepare a list of easy and difficult topics and give time to cover these topics accordingly. So that, no important topics are missed during the preparation phase.

Prepare Notes

Maintain notes covering current and static parts of the Economic & Social Issues section. Furthermore, you prepare an important resource for last-minute revisions. 

Focus on Regular Revision

Emphsize to cover the ESI topics regularly. Take your time revision to recall the essential information.

Solve Past Papers

Practice previous year’s papers to the idea of the question pattern asked from the ESI section in the prelim examination. 

Attempt ESI Tests

Signup to get access to the Economic & Social Issues (ESI) tests to assess your preparation levels and performance. 

List on PM’s Online Resources to Kickstart ESI Preparations

  • Signup for NABARD Grade 1st FREE Mock Test
  • NABARD Grade A Mock Tests 2023
  • NABARD Grade A Non-Video Course 
  • PIB
  • Study Notes
  • Sampoorna
  • ARD & ESI Tests
  • NABARD Grade A Study Notes

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Important Materials to Study for Economic & Social Issues

  • The Economic Survey of India
  • The Union Budget
  • PIB
  • Yojana
  • Pratiyogita Darpan
  • The EconomicTimes Newspaper
  • The Hindu


Prepare yourself for NABARD Grade A by covering the important topics to achieve 25+ marks. Mocks act as a launchpad to prepare and assess your performance levels for NABARD prelims. Without taking time, signup to grab a free mock test now! Keep preparing to achieve your goals.

Don’t Miss Out: Preparation Strategy to Score 25+ in ARD

    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

By Divya Sharma

My Role as a Content Writer in PracticeMock is to craft research based blogs. I ensure that aspirants get accurate information on government exams through blogs.

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