NABARD Grade-A 2021-A Quick 15 Day Revision-Strategy
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NABARD Grade A 2021: The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) has released the Grade A and B 2021 admit card. The exam will be conducted for the manager in Grade ‘B’ (Rural Development Banking Service) on September 17 and Assistant Manager in Grade A (Rajbhasha Service) exam on September 18. As there are only a few days left for the Grade -A Exam, many students might be worried about the revision as it has a vast syllabus to cover.

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In this article, we will be presenting you with a quick plan that will help you in covering not just all the topics but all the important topics as well.

You may like to read: Don’t Make These 5 Little Mistakes on NABARD Grade-A Exam Day

But, before we discuss the NABARD Grade A 15 Day Revision Plan and strategy for Phase-1 & Phase-2, let us have a thorough look at the scheme of the examination and exam pattern for Phase-1 & Phase-2. 

NABARD Grade-A Exam is for recruitment for the post of Assistant Managers is conducted in three phases.

S. No.Phases of ExamMarks
1.Phase-1Preliminary Examination (Online Exam)-200 Marks
2.Phase-2Main Examination will be online and will be a mix of MCQ and descriptive patterns. –200 Marks
3.Phase-3Interview-50 marks

Also read, NABARD Grade A/B Exam 2021: How to Score Full marks in ESI and ARD?

NABARD Grade-A Exam Pattern

Name of the Test   

No. of Qs.

Max. Marks
Test of Reasoning   
English Language   
Computer Knowledge   
Quantitative Aptitude   
Decision Making   
General Awareness   

Economic & Social Issues (with focus on Rural India)

Agriculture & Rural Development (with emphasis on Rural India)


 It is an objective online exam comprising of eight sections The total marks for this phase of the examination is 200.

NABARD Grade A 2021 Phase 1 Exam Pattern

Important pointers to note for the phase 1 exam.

Qualifying Section – Test of Reasoning, English Language, Computer Knowledge, Quantitative Aptitude, Decision Making.

Merit Section – General Awareness, Eco & Soc. Issues (with focus on Rural India), Agriculture & Rural Development with Emphasis on Rural India.

Shortlisting of the candidates for the Main exam will be based on marks scored in the merit section only.

Are you still confused about the Job profile of the NABARD Grade-A Officer? Know All About It!

30 Days Study Plan for NABARD Grade-A 2021

  • Here is the 30 Days Study Plan you can follow to find success in the upcoming NABARD Grade-A 2021 Exam:
DayTopic to Cover
1-Data Interpretation       
-Quadratic Equations
Puzzles (Seating arrangement)   -Measurement of Poverty
-Poverty Alleviation Programmes of the Government     
-Population Trends (Population, Growth, and Economic )

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2-Profit & Loss     
-SI & CI Interest
-Linear seating arrangement (floor-based)
-Rural banking and financial institutions in India
-Reforms in Banking/ Financial sector    
-Globalization of Economy

3-Data Sufficiency
-Partnerships & Discount
-Current Affairs (Agriculture Focused)  -Reforms in India
-Employment Generation in India
-Rural and Urban
-Economic Inflation       

*Revise Topics from Day 1 & 2 Take a Mock Test
4-Ratio and Proportion    
-Problems on Ages Data sufficiency Banking Awareness and Economy (Agriculture Focused) -Ecology and Climate Change     
-Present Scenario of Indian Agriculture and Allied activities
-Rural Development      
-Rural population in India

-Percentage Statement based questions (Verbal Reasoning)
-Employment Generation in India
-Rural and Urban
-Population Policy in India
-Seed production
-Rural banking and financial institutions in India  

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6-Simplification/Approximation Inequality
-Important people in the news
-Population Policy in India
-Agriculture Industry     
-Social Structure in India
7-Number Series 
-Miscellaneous Questions
-One word out   
-Idioms and Phrases    
-Population, Growth and Economic
-Measurement of Poverty
-Globalization of Economy        

*Revise topics from Day 6 & Take a FREE Mock Test
-Series completion          
– Single/Double Agricultural Insurance  
-Blood relation
-Social Structure in India            
-Social Justice
-Reforms in Banking/Financial sector    
-Relations Order and Ranking
-Vocabulary-based questions
9-Measurement of Poverty
-Poverty Alleviation Programmes of the Government    
-Population Trends
-Population, Growth and Economic
-Population Policy in India
-Agriculture Industry

*Revise Topics covered on Day 8
Give Mock Test
10-Coding-Decoding Sports News     
-Decision Making (Behavioural, Mathematical, Managerial, data Arrangements Based, Eligibility
-Criteria based)
-Reading comprehension            
-Cloze test
11-Sentence improvement
-Spotting the errors
-Rural banking and financial institutions in India
-Reforms in Banking/Financial sector    
-Farm and Agri Engineering -DBMS 
-MS Office

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12-Fill in the blanks            
 – Sentence rearrangement Appointments
-Classification of field crops       
-Factors affecting crop production
-Soil and Water Conservation
-Water Resource            
-Agro-Climatic Zones 
-Cropping Systems
-Globalization of Economy
-Poverty Alleviation Programmes of the Government     

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14-Plantation & Horticulture          
-Animal Husbandry
-Panchayati Raj Institutions
-Keyboard Shortcuts
-Computer Terminology
-Operating system

*Revise all the topics from Day 1o & 12 & Give Mock Test
15-Nature of Indian Economy        
-Structural and Institutional features
-Economic underdevelopment  
-Opening up the Indian Economy
-Input-output devices
-History of computer & generations

*Increase your speed solving topics you are good in by Attempting a Mock Test

Note: To master complete and master the syllabus, try to Revise important topics from the table above at the end of every 3 days.

NABARD Grade-A Study Plan-Important Topics

Given below is a plan that you can follow simultaneously with the table given above. It consists of important topics that must be covered and mastered in order to beat the NABARD Grade-A.

Important Static Agri Topics (15 days)
*Invest 7 Days in –General Agriculture-
-Crop Production
-Cereals and pulses)
-Cropping Pattern and concepts
-Types of farming

-Soil Science:
-Indian soil classification
-Soil properties
-Soil Nutrients and fertility

-General Horticulture
-Irrigation & its types
-Fruit Science & Vegetable science

*Invest 8 Days in:

-Animal Husbandry–
–Cattle rearing)
-Farm engineering  
Important Dynamic Agri Topics for the 15 days before the Exam
-Keep updating yourself for 15 days continuously via:  

-PIB (Press Information Bureau) updates-  

– Updates from Ministries like:
Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Ministry of Rural Development Ministry of Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, and Dairying Ministry of MSME Ministry of Food Processing Industries Ministry of Jal Shakti Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Development  

–Pratiyogita Darpan
 Current Affairs Magazines  

-Data related to topics:
Production data
-Estimates, and MSP
-NABARD bankable projects
-ICAR -KVK updates
-Current affairs related to Agri and RD  

–Various other Reports:
-NABARD annual report
-ISFR report
-various indexes, and more.
Policy reviews of the Government of India  

-Other Important Reports:
The Economic Survey of India The Union Budget  

-Important Newspapers:
-The Hindu Newspaper
-The Economic Times Newspaper

Also read, Don’t Make These 5 Little Mistakes on NABARD Grade-A Exam Day


Make sure you have revised all the topics in the tables given above. Cover the ESI & ARD section, which is common for both the Phase-1 & Phase-2 Exams. You need to prepare it for both Phases at the same time and can grab 80 marks out of the total 200 marks. So, you need to study for both Phases. The type of Questions in Phase 1 (ESI & ARD) & Ph 2 (Objective Type of Questions) would be the same. Thus, it is better to test yourself with NABARD Grade-A Exam via Mock Test. You can retain all that you would learn from the 15-day revision plan by taking as many Mock Tests as possible in last 15 days.

    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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