NABARD Grade A 10 Tips to Score 2020 in Reasoning
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NABARD Grade A official notification will release anytime by August 2023. Serious aspirants have started preparing 7 subjects for the Prelims exam. The reasoning section is one of the most important sections that must cover in Prelims to achieve the cut-off score. If you want to qualify for the exam in your very first try. Give special emphasis on covering reasoning topics for improving speed and accuracy. Follow our strategic approach to score 20/20 in the Reasoning section of the NABARD Grade A prelims exam.

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NABARD Grade A Prelims Exam Overview

NABARD Grade A Prelims is an online objective-based exam of 200 questions (200 marks). The time allotted is 120 minutes. Candidates knowledge is evaluated in 7 sections Test of Reasoning, English Language, Computer Knowledge, Decision Making, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, ESI and ARD. 1 mark is awarded on every correct answer and a negative marking is of 0.25 mark. 

SectionNo. Of QuestionsMarks
Test of Reasoning2020
English Language3030
Decision Making2020
Computer Knowledge2020
General Awareness1010
Quantitative Aptitude2020
Economic & Social Issues (with a focus on Rural India)4040
Agriculture & Rural Development (with Emphasis on Rural India) 4040

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NABARD Grade A Prelims: Reasoning Section Syllabus

Check out the table below to get the topics to covered in the Reasoning section for the NABARD Grade A Prelims exam 2023.

S.NoReasoning Topics to be Covered
1Puzzle & Seating Arrangement
3Data sufficiency
4Statement-based questions (Verbal reasoning)
5Miscellaneous Questions
7Blood relations

10 Tips Must Follow to Score Full Marks in the Reasoning Section 

Understand and Analyze the Reasoning Syllabus

The first and foremost step is to understand and analyze the syllabus for the Reasoning section. It carries 10% weightage in NABARD Grade A Prelims section. So that, you get an idea to cover most scoring topics to get 20/20 marks.

Follow Relevant Study Material for Practice

A variety of study materials is available online for NABARD Grade A. It depends on you to choose the relevant study notes and mock tests offered by PM. 

Master the Basic Concepts

Bulletproof way to score full marks in the Reasoning section is to first focus on the Reasoning topics for prelims. Give special attention to basic concepts make notes adding tricks and important concepts.

Regular Practice

The best way to get maximum good attempts in the Reasoning section is to practice questions. First, revise the topic and start solving questions regularly.

Time Management

Only practice can make you realize and learn the art of time management. However, if you are stuck on any tricky question leave and move on to other questions you are sure about.

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Set Timer

Keep a timer to improve and accuracy to attempt tricky Reasoning section questions for NABARD Grade A prelims.

Solve Previous Year’s Papers

Get the previous year’s papers to understand the pattern and questions-wise weightage for the Reasoning section. 

Attempt NABARD Grade A Mock Tests

Grab the golden opportunity to get the 1st free Mock Test of NABARD Grade A Prelims to Know AIR and improve your test-taking skills.

Prepare Notes for Revision

Add important tricks, tips and concepts while revising Reasoning section notes. It will benefit in the last-minute revision before the prelims exam.

Stay Calm & Positive’

NABARD Grade A exam is challenging but not impossible to crack. Stay calm and positive covering Reasoning section topics and practice seriously to transform your dreams into reality becoming a Grade A officer in NABARD. 

PM’s Relevant Online Resources to Prepare for NABARD Grade A

NABARD Grade A Prelims 2022 Reasoning Section Detailed Analysis

Detailed analysis of the NABARD Grade A Prelims 2022 Reasoning Section is given in the table format below:

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NABARD Grade A Prelims Reasoning Section Shift 1 Analysis 2022

Reasoning Section TopicsQuestions Asked
Blood Relation02
Puzzles (Comparison Based)04
Circular Seating Arrangement04
Linear Seating Arrangement05
Total20 Questions

NABARD Grade A Prelims Reasoning Section Shift 2 Analysis 2022

Reasoning Section TopicsQuestions Asked
Blood Relation03-04
Puzzles (Comparison Based)04-05
Circular Seating Arrangement05
Linear Seating Arrangement04-05
Total20 Questions

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Final Takeaway

Practice well preparing the most scoring topics to score full marks in the Reasoning section NABARD Grade A Prelims. This will sail you through the exam achieving the cut-off scores. Keep Preparing & All the Best to NABARD Exam Aspirants

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By Divya Sharma

My Role as a Content Writer in PracticeMock is to craft research based blogs. I ensure that aspirants get accurate information on government exams through blogs.

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