NABARD Grade A Job Role & Exam Pattern
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NABARD Grade A 2021 Exam: The official notification is now out for NABARD Grade A jobs under various job roles. The last date to apply online is August 7, 2021. In this article we will mention all the necessary details about the eligibility criteria, job roles, and exam pattern. 

Holi Sale


Responsibility & Job Role for Technical Disciplines 

Sr. No.  Technical disciplines  Skill sets/nature of work 
Computer and Information Technology  Security /Analytics /Database Administration /Application Development/ Networking /Server Management and related fields/ Database Analysis (MySQL, Oracle, MSSQL). 
Finance  Treasury Management /Risk management/Handling of regulatory and/or statutory compliances for public issues, retail bonds, etc. 
Agriculture Engineering
Animal Husbandry
Forestry Horticulture 
 LD – Soil Sci. 
 Minor Irrigation/ Water Resources 
i. Identifying and mapping of resource potential under related sectors and sub sectors of rural economy and SWOT analysis thereof, credit-linked planning, preparation of sectoral papers, State Focus Papers, etc. 
  ii. Meeting requests from client institutions, especially Banks and Government Departments, for periodic updating of techno-financial parameters and unit costs of various developmental activities. 
  iii. Provision of expert views, advisory services, consultancy, etc. to individual entrepreneurs, Corporates, institutions, Government Departments etc. seeking such advice. This may be in contexts of preparation of DPRs, standardisation of techno-financial norms with specific reference to new agri-business ventures such as high value agriculture, value chain financing, processing and value addition, organic farming, etc.   
iv. Liaison with National / Regional Research Institutes to support their R&D interventions to develop solutions to field level technical /operational problems and innovative technologies.   
v. Liaison with Line Departments of Central as well as State Governments, ICAR, and State Universities of related disciplines. 
  vi. Advisory services at District/State/National level in operationalization of several Government sponsored schemes pertaining to related disciplines.  
 vii. Representation on various technical committees/ sub-groups constituted by State / National Level institutions etc. towards policy advocacy.  
 viii. Provision, and simultaneous internal capacity building, in the emerging areas of NABARD’s interest and projects being implemented by NABARD requiring specialisations / expertise from related discipline.  
 ix. Miscellaneous areas – suggestions / advice for effective policy formulations and business plans, Appraisal & Monitoring of proposals having NABARD’s interest and/or involvement. Documentation of Success stories and dissemination technology for replication. Any support related to technical discipline sought from time to time. 

Exam Pattern for NABARD Grade A 

The selection procedure is divided in three phases.  

  • Prelims 
  • Mains 
  • Interview 

NABARD Grade A Prelims Exam Pattern 

S. No.  Subjects  Maximum Marks 
1.  Test of Reasoning  20 Marks 
2.  English Language  30 Marks 
3.  Computer Knowledge  20 Marks 
4.  General Awareness  20 Marks 
5.  Quantitative Aptitude  20 Marks 
6.  Decision Making  10 Marks 
7.  Economic & Social Issues (with focus on Rural India)  40 Marks 
8.  Agriculture & Rural Development (with focus on Rural India)  40 Marks 
Total Marks  200 Marks 

NABARD Grade A Mains Exam Pattern (General) 

Subjects  No. of Questions  Maximum Marks  Duration 
Paper-I (Descriptive Test)  100 Marks  90 Minutes 
Paper-II: Objective  30  50 Marks  30 Minutes 
Descriptive (6 questions will be asked, of which candidates will be required to attempt 4 questions [2 of 15 marks each (with difficulty level) and 2 of 10 marks each]  50 Marks  90 Minutes 
Total  37  200 marks  3 hours 30 min 

Rajbhasha mains exam pattern  

Subjects  No. of Questions  Maximum Marks  Duration 
Paper-I (Descriptive Test)  100 Marks  90 Minutes 
Paper-II: Objective (Proficiency in Hindi including Translation from English to Hindi and Vice versa)  30  50 Marks  30 Minutes 
Descriptive (6 questions will be asked, of which candidates will be required to attempt 4 questions [2 of 15 marks each (with difficulty level) and 2 of 10 marks each]  50 Marks  90 Minutes 
Total  37  200 marks  3 hours 30 min 

Legal service mains exam pattern 

Subjects  No. of Questions  Maximum Marks  Duration 
Paper-I (Descriptive Test)  100 Marks  90 Minutes 
Paper-II: Objective (Interpretation of various Laws viz., Banking, Negotiable Instruments, Company, Industrial and Cooperative Laws, Cyber laws, Commerce/Property transactions, Rural non-life insurance, direct financing, staff matters and good experience in drafting various types of documents.)  30  50 Marks  30 Minutes 
Descriptive (6 questions will be asked, of which candidates will be required to attempt 4 questions [2 of 15 marks each (with difficulty level) and 2 of 10 marks each]  50 Marks  90 Minutes 
  Total  37  200 marks  3 hours 30 min 

Interview Process 

Candidates chosen post mains will have to appear for the final round of interviews. The calling Ratio to qualify for the main examination and interview would be a maximum of 1:25 and 1:3, respectively. The interview round will consist of 50 marks in total.  


Theer are a few notable changes made by the NABARD this year. The descriptive tests are now added which wasn’t the case earlier. A section for decision making is now also introduced. The interview round will now make up for 50 marks.


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