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Most Scoring & Expected Topics for IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022 Exam

The online examination (Preliminary and Main) for the next Common Recruitment Process for selection of personnel for Clerical cadre Posts in the Participating Banks is tentatively scheduled in September 2022 & October 2022. The IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022 exam will be held on 3rd and 4th Sept, 20222. September is not far away. So, all the students who are interested in becoming clerks by clearing the upcoming IBPS Clerk 2022 exam must seriously start their preparation from today.

But before giving a push to their preparation, they must know the important topics or chapters from every section that carry most weightage in the exam. This will allow them to put in required efforts, attention and focus to such scoring topics.

Today, we’ll shed light on the important chapters from Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, and English Language for IBPS Clerk prelims 2022 exam

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Most Scoring, Important & Expected Topics for IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022 Exam

IBPS Clerk Prelims exam will test your skills with the 3 sections in the IBPS Clerk Prelims exam 2022. They are:  Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, and English language. The Prelims exam carry 100 marks and consists of 100 questions. You’ll have to clear the sectional as well as the overall IBPS Clerk Cut off for the Prelims exam to crack the exam and reach to the Mains exam.

Here is the distribution of marks amongst the 3 sections:

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Pattern

SubjectsNumber of QuestionsMaximum MarksTime Duration
English Language303020 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude353520 minutes
Reasoning Ability353520 minutes
Total10010060 minutes

IBPS Clerk Exam English Language Topics

This section of the prelims consists of 30 questions in exams in which each question carries one mark Resulting in 30 marks in total. The pattern of the English language has also been changed in the IBPS clerk prelims Exam recently. Go through the following important topics to crack the IBPS Clerk prelims exam with a good score:

*Practice via latest IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022 Mock Tests, learn from the analysis & Clear the upcoming exam with full confidence!

IBPS Clerk Prelims Syllabus

The IBPS Clerk prelims syllabus is vast and candidates who are preparing for the upcoming IBPS Clerk exam start their preparation and make sure that they cover each topic under each section of the preliminary examination.

The table given below gives the detail IBPS Clerk Prelims syllabus for the reference of candidates:

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Syllabus 2022

English LanguageReasoning AbilityQuantitative Aptitude
Reading ComprehensionSeating ArrangementData Interpretation
Cloze TestPuzzlesProfit & Loss
Fill in the BlanksLogical ReasoningPercentage
Phase ReplacementBlood RelationsSimple and Compound Interest
Match the ColumnsSyllogismNumber System
Sentence RearrangementDirection TestAverage
Error SpottingAlphanumeric SeriesProbability
Jumbled WordsStatement & ConclusionMensuration
Antonyms & SynonymsStatement & AssumptionPermutation & Combination
Phrases & IdiomsCoding & DecodingPipes and Cisterns
Direct & Indirect SpeechNumber RankingSpeed, Distance & Time
Active & Passive VoiceWork & Time
Cube Root & Square Root
Ratio & Proportion
Upstream & Downstream
Mixture & Allegations
Wrong Number Series
Missing Number Series
Train Based Word Problems
Age Based Word Problems

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IBPS Clerk Exam English Language Topics

The English section of the prelims serves you 30 questions. Each question carries 1 mark with a total of 30 marks. The pattern of the English language has also been changed in the IBPS clerk prelims Exam recently.

Cover the following topics to fetch maximum or full marks in the English section:

1.     Reading Comprehension

This is the most important topic in the English language section. Be ready to face a minimum of 5-10 questions from this section. RC or Reading comprehension is of two types, Story-based and scenario-based. Most of the times, story-based RCs are asked in IBPS Clerk exam.

2. Cloze test

Cloze test is also one of the most important topics that guarantee you good marks in IBPS Clerk Prelims exam. In it, you’ll be tested with 5 or 10 blanks in between a passage, which you’ll be required to fill. Master grammar rules, especially, Prepositions and conjunctions and build a good vocabulary to score well in it.

3. Para jumbles/Sentence Rearrangement

5 questions can be asked on this topic in the IBPS clerk prelims exam. In it, you’ll be required to arrange a misarranged paragraph. By identifying the first and last line of the paragraph, you can easily arrange the paragraph. Practice as many questions as you can via IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022 Mock Tests.

4. Spotting errors/Sentence Improvement

You can expect 5-10 questions on Spotting errors/Sentence Improvement. Some of the topics that you need to master in order to easily spot errors are: Articles, conditional sentences, Tenses, Singular, plural, Sentence Correction, and Subject-Verb Agreement.

5. Fillers

Fill in the blanks (Double Fillers/Single Fillers) topic is also very important for IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam. You’ll be required to read the options and eliminate the inappropriate options. Practice elimination trick effectively answer such question. Take IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022 Mock Tests to practice it in the real-life situation or setting.

6. Odd one out

This is also a scoring topic. You’ll be required to identify a sentence which is different from other given options. Identify the theme of all the sentences and then see which option is not matching that theme. Take Mock Tests to Practice questions to master this art quickly.

7. Match the column

You can expect 5 questions on Match the column in IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022 exam. You’ll have to match both the columns and make sure that all the sentences are connected properly.

8. Para completion

Be ready to face at least 1 question on Para completion, wherein you’ll be tested with a bland in the paragraph. You’ll be required to fill it either in the beginning of the para, in the middle or at the end of the para.

9. Phrase Replacement

This is another topic wherein you’ll be required to correct the sentence. To be a master in it, you should have a good knowledge of phrases and phrasal verbs.

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IBPS Clerk Exam Quantitative Aptitude Topics

Here the topics that you need to master to score full marks in the Quants section:

1. Simplification/Approximation

Be ready to face 10-15 questions for this topic. This is also a very scoring topic. You can really score almost full marks in this topic. Practice following BODMAS Rule to solve questions. Learn Tables (1-40), Square (1-30), Cubes(1-20), Square roots, and cube roots to quickly solve questions. Practice tricks to find out squares, cubes, square roots, and cube roots and solve different levels of questions to master this topic.

2. Number series

Expect around 5 questions on this topic. Practice question on square pattern, cube, prime number pattern, difference pattern, and a difference of difference pattern.

3. Data Interpretation

There can be a minimum of 1 means 5 questions and a maximum of 2 sets of DI means 10 questions of Data Interpretation in Prelims exam. Data interpretation includes topics of Bar graphs, tabular DI, and Pie charts. Do not use a calculator while solving DI at home. Try to get an answer by looking at the DI itself instead of writing every time. Sharpen your percentage, average, ratio topics, and calculation skills.

4. Quadratic Equation

This is a scoring topic that requires good observation of equations and then good observation of the values of x and y.

5. Data Sufficiency

There can be 5 questions from this in the exam. They will be a combination of all the miscellaneous topics Which are mentioned above. In this, the candidates are required to find whether the given statements are sufficient to solve the questions or not.

6. Arithmetic Problems

You can expect around 10-12 questions from this topic part in the prelims. It includes, Percentage, Ratios & Proportions, Profit & Loss, Partnerships, Problems on Ages, SI and CI, Problems on trains, boats, and streams, Probability, etc. Cover Average, Percentage, Ratio & Proportion, Partnerships, Profit & Loss, and Time and work/ wages.

IBPS Clerk Exam Reasoning Ability Topics

This section will test you with of 35 questions carrying a total of 35 Marks. Here are the topics that you need to master to maximize your score in this section of the exam:

1. Puzzles/Seating Arrangement

Expect 10-15 or even 20 questions on this topic. Seating arrangement includes linear arrangement, circular arrangement, square arrangement, etc. The puzzle can be of various types, for example, Scheduling based puzzles, comparison-based puzzles, etc. Practice is the only key to excelling in puzzles and seating arrangements. Try to take as many Mock Test as you can.

2. Blood relations

Be ready to face 2-3 questions on topics like, direct blood relation or coded blood relation. Blood relations are also mixed with puzzles or seating arrangements sometimes.

3. Alphanumeric Series/Number Series/Alphabet Series

It is easy to score maximum marks in question on this topic. You’re required to be good with concepts of Left/Right from the series and other related concepts of this topic. Here also, Practice is the key to success.

4. Direction Sense

Around 2-3 questions were asked on this topic in the IBPS clerk exam 2017. So, you can expect the same number of questions this year too. You can easily solve these questions if your concepts are clear. You need to find out the particular direction and distance in direction sense questions. Always draw the lines while solving these questions to avoid any mistakes. Be well familiar with the directions and left-right sides.

5. Inequality

This is a topic to fetch sure shot 5 marks in IBPS Clerk Prelims. This is a very scoring topic. There are two types of inequality, direct and indirect or coded equalities. Be thorough with the concepts of this topic.

6. Syllogism

You can expect 5 questions on this topic. The question asked can be of two types, which conclusion logically follows or which conclusion does not follow logically. A new pattern of Reverse syllogism has also been introduced in the exam. Practice it well to score these 5 marks. It is nothing new, the same concepts are applied, and it is just a little more time taking than the old pattern.

7. Input-Output

Input-output has also emerged as an essential topic for the Prelims Exam. The level of the questions will be easy to moderate. Understand the concepts well and practice Input-output questions so that you can solve them easily if asked in the exam.

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Given above are the topics that can help you maximize your score in the upcoming IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022 exam. But, to make sure you master all these scoring topics, you’ll have to practice questions on them. And the best method to ensure that is by taking as many IBPS Clerk Prelims Mock Tests as you can. Mock Test are the exams before the exam. Start from today and try to improve your results day by day and succeed.

Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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