Most expected essay topics for SBI PO Mains 2022-23 Exam
Most of the Bank aspirants find the English Section one of the most critical yet scoring sections of all, especially all in the SBI PO Mains Exam. There are no mathematical solutions required to tackle the questions. Good command over basic concepts of Grammar coupled with good writing skills will surely make you a winner in any upcoming Bank exam in 2021. Essay writing is a crucial part of descriptive English mostly in the Mains phase of these Exams. Hence, we are providing you with some very important essay topics you should prepare in order to score well in it.
But before jumping on the Essay Topics let’s discuss in brief what an Essay for competitive exam demands.
An essay is a short piece of writing on any given topic, which can be divided into three parts:
A good Essay should always be error-free and properly structured with a flow of ideas.
There are certain simple rules that can help you in writing an essay as quickly and efficiently as possible, without killing the quality. You need to brainstorm ideas around the given topic and collect them as you generate them. Make an outline and include a brief summary of about one to two sentences of what you are going to discuss in each section of the essay.
60 Essay Writing Topics Asked in Previous Year SBI PO & Other Bank PO Exams
Given below are some of the 60 most important essay topics which are most likely to be asked in the examination. Divided category-wise., you need to write on and practice on the topics.
Pros and cons of ‘one rank one pension scheme.
Women Empowerment.
Ethical problems of e-commerce.
Ethical problems of e-commerce.
Is the election commission right in banning election symbols during the casting of votes?
Roll of uneducated people in the Indian Economy.
Benefits of Mutual fund investments.
Role of newspapers in influencing society or youth.
Transformation caused in the workplace by information technology In the past two decades
The relevance of Swadeshi on Globalization.
Over-dependence on monsoon.
Is the generation gap a myth?
Enslavement of man by technology.
Those who saved More were Taxed More. Justify
The Viability of Presidential Form of Govt in India.
How can education in the economy be indulged in college study?
What’s the future of the Banking Industry?
How is the economy related to the common man?
The contribution of unskilled labour in the Indian economy.
The decreasing number of research taken up by students
Suggestions to alleviate the unemployment problem.
How far can a press have a license to infringe on others’ privacy?
Role of effective credit rating.
Advantages of classroom education over distance learning
There is no permanent friend or enemy in politics give examples from Indian politics.
Two types of functions of government are necessary and optional.
If I were a minister of the Banking Industry.
Economic importance of tourism.
Will India ever be a developed country?
Banking Risk and Management.
Emerging Threats to India’s Internal Security
Crime against women is an expression of male domination
Crisis of credibility in Indian Electronic Media
Securing India’s International Borders is a Challenging exercise for the Indian Armed Forces
Parenting in a competitive Indian Society is a challenge
Ensuring social justice is a human right
Life is a Long Journey between Human Being and Being Humane
Mindful Manifesto is the catalyst to a tranquil self
Ships don’t sink because of water around the, ships sink because of water that gets into them
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication
Culture is what we are, Civilization is what we have
There can be no social justice without economic prosperity but economic prosperity without social justice is meaningless
Patriarchy is the least noticed yet the most significant structure of social inequality
Technology as the silent factor in the international relations
Alternative Technologies for a climate change resilient India
A good life is inspired by love and guided by knowledge
Poverty anywhere is a threat to prosperity everywhere
Management of Indian border disputes- a complex task
Customary morality cannot be a guide to modern life
Unequal economic distribution
Revolution of technology
Reality does not conform to the ideal but confirms it
Civil wrong emerging from religious bigotry, constitutionally punishable
Reservation suppresses civil dynamism
Privacy is an elitist Idea
Neglect of primary health care and education in India are reasons for its backwardness
Biased Media is a real threat to the Indian Democracy
Rise of Artificial Intelligence: the threat of a jobless future or better job opportunities through reskilling and upskilling
You can achieve nothing in this world without hard work, practice and dedication. And that is what is needed in SBI PO Mains English preparation. To come out with good essays every time you need to take care of your daily reading as well as writing habits. Read newspapers daily without fail. Newspapers will supply you with general knowledge, grammar and vocabulary power, and more. Pay heed to grammatical errors. After writing every summary or essay, you should proofread it for errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.
You can find countless and diverse resources that are conducive to improving your writing skills including the grammar part, both online and offline. Do a quick google search to jump to a plenitude of platforms that offer lessons and tips on grammar and writing with games and exercises.Practiceall that you have learned and test your skills via the best SBI PO 2022-23 Mock Tests to get successful in the upcoming exam this time!
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