Mixture and Alligation Most Expected Questions for SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam
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Mixture & Alligation for SSC CGL Exam: Mixture and Alligation is a simple topic that can be asked in the SSC CGL Tier 2 exam at a moderate level. Candidates can expect at least 2-6 questions from this topic in the Tier 2 exam. This concept is widely used in areas like manufacturing, medicine, and even cooking to achieve desired proportions in mixtures. In this blog, we have explained the mixture and allegation in very simple words and provided some most important questions that have been asked in the SSC CGL Tier 2 exam. Candidates are advised to read the complete concept first and then try to solve the questions based on it.

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Concept of Mixture and Alligation

Mixture: A mixture problem typically involves two or more quantities mixed together, and we want to determine the resulting concentration, quantity, or cost.

Example: Imagine mixing two types of rice, one costing $5 per kg and the other $10 per kg. The mixture’s cost depends on the ratio in which we mix them.

Alligation: Alligation is a specific rule used to solve mixture problems, especially useful when we mix two things with known quantities or costs to achieve a certain concentration or average cost.

Alligation Method: The method uses a cross formula to find the mixing ratio between two items.

Most Expected Important Questions PDF for Mixture and Alligation

Question 1: There are two alloys, ‘A’ and ‘B’ of iron and tin. Ratio of quantity of iron to that of tin in alloy ‘A’ and alloy ‘B’ is 5:3 and 3:4, respectively. An alloy ‘C’ is prepared by mixing alloy ‘A’ and ‘B’ in the ratio 5:4. Find the ratio of quantity of iron to that of tin in alloy ‘C’.

A) 271:233

B) 274:125

C) 129:55

D) 241:171

Question 2: In a 300 ml solution of alcohol and water, ratio of quantity of alcohol to that of water is 2:3. Some amount of mixture is removed, in which the quantity of water is 36 litres. 6 ml of alcohol is added in the resultant mixture. Find the ratio of quantity of alcohol to that of water in the resultant mixture.

A) 17:24

B) 35:18

C) 24:49

D) 12:5

Question 3: The ratio of quantity of milk to that of water in three containers ‘A’, ‘B’, and ‘C’ are 5:3, 3:2, and 7:5, respectively. If equal quantities of mixtures from the 3 containers are mixed together in container ‘D’. Find the ratio of quantity of milk to that of water in container ‘D’.

A) 125:48

B) 217:143

C) 208:135

D) None of these

Question 4: A seller mixes two types of rice, ‘A’ and ‘B’ and sells the mixture at Rs. 120/kg. Seller makes a profit of (100/3)%. Per kg cost of rice of type ‘A’ is Rs. 60. If he mixed 9 kgs of rice of type ‘A’ with 15 kg of rice of type ‘B’, then find the per kg cost price of rice of type ‘B’.

A) Rs. 116

B) Rs. 123

C) Rs. 108

D) Rs. 125

Question 5: When 80 litres of water is added to a mixture of milk and water, quantity of milk in the new mixture constitutes 50% of the total quantity of the new mixture. Further, when 60 litres of milk is added to the mixture, quantity of milk in the new mixture becomes (500/9)% of the total quantity of new mixture. Quantity of milk in the initial mixture is approximately how much percent of total quantity of the initial mixture?

A) 80%

B) 53.33%

C) 75%

D) 40%

SSC CGL 2024 Tier 2 Free Preparation Resources

Below, we are providing the SSC CGL 2024 Tier 2 Free Preparation Resources, which contains multiple tests, including section-wise mock tests. Practicing these tests will help you revise all these sections in a time-bound manner and test the skills and knowledge acquired in the last stretch of revision.

SSC CGL 2024 Tier 2 Free Preparation Resources
Task 1SSC CGL 2024 Tier 2 Free Mock TestMini Mock Tests
Task 2Quantitative Aptitude Free Mock TestsSectional Mock Tests
Task 3English Free Mock TestsPrevious Year Question Paper
Task 4General Awareness Free Mock TestsMock Test 1
Task 5Reasoning Free Mock TestsMock Test 2

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Mixture and Alligation Questions for SSC CGL Exam FAQs

What is Mixture?

A mixture problem typically involves two or more quantities mixed together, and we want to determine the resulting concentration, quantity, or cost.

What is Alligation?

Alligation is a specific rule used to solve mixture problems, especially useful when we mix two things with known quantities or costs to achieve a certain concentration or average cost.

How many questions can I expect from Mixture and Alligation in the SSC CGL Tier 2 exam?

Candidates can expect at least 2-6 questions from Mixture and Alligation in the SSC CGL Tier 2 exam.

What is the level of questions of the Mixture and Alligation in the SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam?

Candidates can expect the level of the questions from Mixture and Alligation in the SSC CGL Tier 2 exam to be Moderate.

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By Abhishek Jatariya

I help candidates prepare for SSC, Banking and Regulatory exams by covering topics ranging from exam patterns to syllabus to study techniques and more.

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