Miscellaneous Reasoning Practice Questions for RBI Assistant Prelims Exam

When it comes to the reasoning section it is one of the most important and is dread prepared by the candidates as it requires a lot of logic and tough interpretations which is why we are here with some Miscellaneous Reasoning Practice Questions for RBI Assistant Prelims Exam. These questions are very important and similar to the ones that can be asked in the actual examination. As the RBI Assistant 2023 exam is not far away and is scheduled for October 21st it’s important for the candidates to prepare extremely well for the same. 

RBI Assistant Prelims Reasoning Question Pattern

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Reasoning Ability 35 35 20 Mins

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RBI Assistant Prelims Reasoning Important Topics

Any ‘Series’ is the order of sequence of elements like – letters (or words), digits (or numbers) or symbols, and also any two or three elements which are arranged in such a manner that position of each element is defined according to some specific rules.

There are different types of series as given below,

  1. Alphanumeric:

There are different type alphanumeric series which include elements among alphabets, numbers or symbols.

Alphabet-Number Series → P 8 G 7 H K W 2 3 T Y U 6 1

Number-Symbol Series → 5 8 % 2 $ # 1 3 & 9 4 ! @ 1

Alphabet-Symbol Series → W & Q R $ T H % @ A M &

Number-Alphabet-Symbol Series → 2 E & % W Q 1 3 P # L @


P 6 @ # D O 4 5 P % * ! S 2 & 3 F Z +

The common terminology used in the ‘series’ questions are given below:

Here, ‘@’ is preceded by ‘#’ and succeeded (followed) by ‘6’.

The 5th element from the left end is ‘D’, and 5th element from the right end is ‘&’.

The 3rd number from the left end is ‘5’, and 2nd number from the right end is ‘2’.

The 2nd alphabet (letter) from the left end is ‘D’, and 3rd alphabet (letter) from the right end is ‘S’.

The 3rd symbol from the left end is ‘%’, and 4th symbol from the right end is ‘*’.

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  1. Word Arrangement:

Series of words (or set of letters) are arranged in certain manner such that position of each letter is specified.

For example:


Here, 3rd letter (from the right) of the 3rd word (from the left) is ‘T’ as 3rd word from the left is STEB, and 3rd letter from the right of STEB is ‘T’.

The 4th letter (from the left) of the 4th word (from the right) is ‘I’, as 4th word from the right is GNSI, and 4th letter from the left of GNSI is ‘I’.

  1. Number Arrangement:

Series of numbers are arranged in certain manner such that position of each number is specified.

For example:

6315   8847   5231   9492   

Here, 3rd digit (from the right) of the 3rd number (from the left) is ‘2’, as 3rd number from the left is 5231, and 3rd digit from the right of 5231 is ‘2’.

The 4th digit (from the left) of the 4th number (from the right) is ‘5’, as 4th number from the left is 6315, and 4th digit from the left of 6315 is ‘5’.

  1. Alphabets:

Any word (or set of letters) where the letters are arranged in specific order.

For example:


Here, 2nd alphabet (letter) from the right is ‘C’, and 3rd alphabet (letter) from the left is ‘A’.

Here, as many letter are between P and T in the word is same the number of letters between them according to English alphabetical series. As, there are three letters between P and T in the word (R, A and C), and also there are three letters between P and T in English Alphabetical Series (Q, R and S).

  1. Numbers:

Any number (or set of digits) where the digits are arranged in specific order.

For example:


Here, 2nd digit from the right is ‘2’, and 3rd digit from the left is ‘3’.

Here, as many digits are between 6 and 9 in the number is same the number of digits between them according to whole number series (from 0 to 9). As, there are two numbers between 6 and 9 in the number (4 and 3), and also there are two numbers between 6 and 9 i.e., 7 and 8 in whole number series (from 0 to 9).

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Miscellaneous Reasoning Practice Questions for RBI Assistant Prelims Exam

Directions(1-4): Study the following arrangement of numbers, symbols and letters carefully and answer the questions:

T 5 @ E # W 2 S $ M B ^ 6 V & 3 U * 7 + C > 4 R 9 < A 8

Question 1: In the given arrangement, what is the sum of the 2nd number from the left end and 3rd number from the right end?

  1. A) 12
  2. B) 6
  3. C) 11
  4. D) 9
  5. E) None of the above

Question 2: If all the letters are dropped from the given arrangement, which element will be 3rd to the left of 2nd number from the right end?

  1. A) >
  2. B) +
  3. C) 7
  4. D) *
  5. E) None of the above

Question 3: In the given arrangement, there are ___ letters between “E” and “A”.

  1. A) Six
  2. B) Four
  3. C) Nine
  4. D) Seven
  5. E) None of the above

RBI Assistant Prelims Free Mock Test

Question 4: In the given arrangement, how many such symbols are there which are immediately followed by a number and immediately preceded by a letter?

  1. A) Three
  2. B) Four
  3. C) Two
  4. D) Five
  5. E) None of the above

Question 5: How many pairs of letters are there in the word ‘TRADITION’ which has as many letters between them as well as we have in the English alphabetical series from both backward and forward direction?

  1. A) One
  2. B) Two
  3. C) Three
  4. D) Four
  5. E) None

Question 6: Which of the following letter will be 7th letter from the left end if the letters at even positions are replaced by succeeding letter in the word “UNIVERSITY” such that from left end “U” is at odd position and “N” is at even position and so on?

  1. A) Z
  2. B) T
  3. C) S
  4. D) J
  5. E) None of these

Question 7: Which of the following letter will be 8th letter from the right end if the letters of the word “URBANIZATION” are arranged in reverse alphabetical order from left to right?

  1. A) N
  2. B) A
  3. C) B
  4. D) O
  5. E) None of these

Question 8: If all the alphabets of the word ANDROID are interchanged i.e. first and last, second and second last and so on, then which alphabet is 2nd to the right of 3rd element from the left end of the new word formed?

  1. A) D
  2. B) A
  3. C) R
  4. D) Cannot be determined
  5. E) None of these

Question 9: If we add “1” to all the digits of the number 453128687875, then what will be the sum of 4th, 8th, 9th, and 11th digits from the left end after the rearrangement?

  1. A) 27
  2. B) 29
  3. C) 30
  4. D) 26
  5. E) None of the above

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Question 10: If we add ‘1’ to all the even digits of the number 9437678482267, then, which digit(s) appears, more than twice after the rearrangement?

  1. A) Only 7
  2. B) Only 3 and 9
  3. C) Only 5 and 7
  4. D) Only 9 and 7
  5. E) Only 3, 7 and 9

निर्देश(1-4): दिए गए संख्या, प्रतिक और अक्षर के व्यवस्था का ध्यानपूर्वक अध्ययन करें और सवालों के उत्तर दें|

T 5 @ E # W 2 S $ M B ^ 6 V & 3 U * 7 + C > 4 R 9 < A 8

प्रश्न 1: दिए गए व्यवस्था में, बाएं छोर से दूसरी संख्या और दाएँ छोर से तीसरी संख्या का योग कितना है?

  1. A) 12
  2. B) 6
  3. C) 11
  4. D) 9
  5. E) इनमे से कोई नहीं

प्रश्न 2: यदि दिए गए व्यवस्था से सभी अक्षर को हटा दिया जाता है तो दाएँ छोर से दूसरी संख्या के बाएं से तीसरा तत्व कौन सा होगा?

  1. A) >
  2. B) +
  3. C) 7
  4. D) *
  5. E) इनमे से कोई नहीं

प्रश्न 3: दिए गए व्यवस्था में, “E” और “A” के बीच ______ अक्षर है|

  1. A) छह
  2. B) चार
  3. C) नौ
  4. D) सात
  5. E) इनमे से कोई नहीं

प्रश्न 4: दिए गए व्यवस्था में, ऐसे कितने प्रतिक है जिनके तत्काल बाद एक संख्या और तत्काल पहले एक अक्षर है?

  1. A) तीन
  2. B) चार
  3. C) दो
  4. D) पांच
  5. E) इनमे से कोई नहीं

प्रश्न 5: शब्द ‘TRADITION’ में अक्षरों के ऐसे कितने जोड़े हैं जिनके बीच उतने ही अक्षर हैं जितने कि अंग्रेजी वर्णमाला क्रम में होते हैं (दोनों आगे और पीछे की दिशा में)?

  1. A) एक
  2. B) दो
  3. C) तीन
  4. D) चार
  5. E) एक भी नहीं

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प्रश्न 6: यदि शब्द “UNIVERSITY” में सम स्थान पर स्थित अक्षरों को अगले अक्षर से प्रतिस्थापित किया जाता है तो बाएं छोर से सातवां अक्षर कौन सा होगा जहाँ बाएं छोर से “U” विषम स्थान पर है और “N” सम स्थान पर है और इसी तरह?

  1. A) Z
  2. B) T
  3. C) S
  4. D) J
  5. E) इनमे से कोई नहीं

प्रश्न 7: यदि शब्द “URBANIZATION” के अक्षरों को बाएं से दाएँ वर्णमाला के उलट क्रम में व्यवस्थित किया जाता है तो दाएँ छोर से आठवां अक्षर कौन सा होगा?

  1. A) N
  2. B) A
  3. C) B
  4. D) O
  5. E) इनमे से कोई नहीं

प्रश्न 8: यदि शब्द ANDROID के अक्षरों को आपस में बदल दिया जाता है अर्थात पहला और अंतिम, दूसरा और दूसरा सबसे अंतिम, और इसी तरह अन्य अक्षरों को भी बदला जाता है तो निर्मित नए शब्द के बाएं छोर से तीसरे तत्व के दाएँ से दूसरा अक्षर कौन सा है?

  1. A) D
  2. B) A
  3. C) R
  4. D) निर्धारत नहीं किया जा सकता
  5. E) इनमे से कोई नहीं

प्रश्न 9: यदि हम संख्या 453128687875 के सभी अंकों में “1′ जोड़ दें, तो पुनर्व्यवस्था के बाद बाएं छोर से चौथे, आठवें, नौवें और ग्यारहवें अंक का योग कितना होगा?

  1. A) 27
  2. B) 29
  3. C) 30
  4. D) 26
  5. E) इनमे से कोई नहीं

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प्रश्न 10: यदि हम संख्या 9437678482267 के सभी सम अंकों में ‘1’ जोड़ें, तो पुनर्व्यवस्था के बाद कौन सा अंक दो से अधिक बार प्रकट होता है?

  1. A) Only 7
  2. B) Only 3 and 9
  3. C) Only 5 and 7
  4. D) Only 9 and 7
  5. E) Only 3, 7 and 9


1) – B) 2) – B) 3) – E) 4) – B) 5) – A) 6) – C)
7) – D) 8) – A) 9) – A) 10) – E)

Solution 1: B)

T 5 @ E # W 2 S $ M B ^ 6 V & 3 U * 7 + C > 4 R 9 < A 8

In the given arrangement, “2” is the 2nd number from the left end. “4” is the 3rd number from the right end.

Sum = (2 + 4) = 6

Hence, option b.

Solution 2: B)

T 5 @ E # W 2 S $ M B ^ 6 V & 3 U * 7 + C > 4 R 9 < A 8

If all the letters are dropped from the given arrangement, the arrangement obtained is:

5 @ # 2 $ ^ 6 & 3 * 7 + > 4 9 < 8

The element, which is 3rd to the left of 2nd number from the right end, is “+”.

Hence, option b.

Solution 3: E)

T 5 @ E # W 2 S $ M B ^ 6 V & 3 U * 7 + C > 4 R 9 < A 8

There are eight letters between “E” and “A”.

Hence, option e.

Solution 4: B)

T 5 @ E # W 2 S $ M B ^ 6 V & 3 U * 7 + C > 4 R 9 < A 8

There are four such symbols in the given arrangement which are immediately followed by a number and immediately preceded by a letter.

Hence, option b.

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Solution 5: A)

Given word,

TRADITION so, there is only one such pair i.e., NO.

Hence, option a.

Solution 6: C)

If we replace the even positioned letters with their respective succeeding letter then we would get the following word “UOIWESSJTZ”.

So, the letter, which is 7th from the left end is ‘S’.

Hence, option c.

Solution 7: D)

If arrange the letters in reverse alphabetical order then we would get the following word “ZUTRONNIIBAA”.

So, the letter, which is 8th from the right end is ‘O’.

Hence, option d.

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Solution 8: A)

Given word: ANDROID

After interchanging: DIORDNA

So, the alphabet 2nd to the right of 3rd element from the left end is ‘D’.

Hence, option a.

Solution 9: A)

Given number:


After adding “1” to all the digits we get:


The 4th, 8th, 9th, and 11th digits from the left end after rearrangement is ‘2’, ‘9’, ‘8’, and ‘8’.

So, the required sum will be (2 + 9 + 8 + 8) = 27.

Hence, option a.

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Solution 10: E)

Given number:


After we add one to all even digits we get:


‘9’, ‘3’, and ‘7’, will appear more than twice.

Hence, option e.

This brings us to the end of the article. Read and practice these Miscellaneous Reasoning Practice Questions for the upcoming RBI Assistant Prelims Exam.

Cheena Sawhney

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