What is the Minimum Education Qualification required to apply for SSC CPO Exam?
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SSC CPO 2022-Minimum Education Qualification

Thinking of appearing in the upcoming SSC CPO Exam 2022 in the coming December? But you do not know what the minimum educational qualification for that is. It is important to know the Minimum Education Qualification before thinking of filling the application form. Is it that you are not eligible to appear in the exam? Or maybe you are. To get the answer, you just have to go through the SSC rule that guides it. Read ahead to know all about it…

SSC CPO will be conducted to recruit candidates for the post of Sub Inspector in Delhi Police, Sub Inspector in CAPFs, Assistant Sub Inspector in CISF, Inspector posts, and Sub Inspector Posts. Thousands of candidates are gearing up to compete for this year’s exam. And thousands want to know if they are eligible for the exam or not.

In this article, we’ll succinctly discuss about Minimum Education Qualification to be part of the exam and the latest SSC CPO 2022 Mock Tests that can help you clear the exam.

SSC CPO Tier 1 2022 Exam Overview

EventExam Date (2020)Exam Date (2022) (Tentative)
Beginning of Application Form June 17, 2020September 2022
Last Date to submit the Registration FormJuly 16, 2020November 2022
Paper-1 Admit Card ReleaseNovember 2020December 2022
Exam date for Paper-1November 23-26, 2020December 2022
Admit Card for Paper-2July 12, 2021To be announced
Paper-2 ExamJuly 26, 2021To be announced

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SSC CPO Eligibility – Educational Qualification

You must have completed a Bachelor’s degree from a recognised university or equivalent to get eligible for the upcoming SSC CPO exam. Also, if you have pursued your degree or diploma via open and distance learning mode of education, you can apply for the exam.

Note: If you have acquired the educational qualification as of 1st January 2022, you will be eligible to apply for the exam.

SSC CPO Eligibility – Additional Qualification

For the post of Sub Inspector in Delhi Police only, Male candidates must possess a valid Driving License for LMV (Motorcycle and Car) on the date fixed for Physical Endurance and Measurement Tests. The candidates who do not have a Valid Driving License for LMV (Motorcycle and Car) are eligible for all other posts in CAPFs.

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SSC CPO 2022 Mock Tests & its Benefits

If you are serious about cracking the exam, it is recommended you start your preparation right away to stay ahead of all other competitors who can give you a very tough time otherwise. And the best way to start your preparation is by taking SSC CPO 2022 Mock Tests designed on updated exam pattern. Mock Tests show you your strengths and weaknesses and more.

FAQs-Minimum Qualification for SSC CPO Exam

Q. Will Bachelor’s Degree from IGNOU be accepted as an eligible degree?

A. Yes, B. Tech. degree/diploma in Engineering awarded by IGNOU will be treated as valid for the application process.

Q. Can a final year student be eligible for SSC CPO 2022 Exam?

A. Yes, those candidates who have not yet acquired the degree but will it and produce documentary evidence from the Board/University in support thereof as on 01-01-2022 will also be eligible for the recruitment process.

Q. What marks are required in the Bachelor’s degree to get eligible for SSC CPO?

A. SSC has not specified any particular grade or marks and the graduation degree or any other equivalent degree is enough to apply for the exam.

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By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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