The notification of ADO (Apprentice Development Officer) was out by LIC recently and there are 9,394 golden opportunities in the form of vacancies. The date of Prelims is March 12, 2023, which is exactly 35 days away. This time is sufficient enough for you to prepare and clear this exam provided your preparation strategy is correct. To get you into the preparation mode, we have come up with the complete syllabus of the prelims exam and the list of books to cover the syllabus. Please remember that merely covering the syllabus won’t suffice. What is probably equally important is, practising the same level of questions in an exam-like scenario where you compete with other aspirants in the country.
Mock Tests are the perfect tool to start your preparation. Take the First Mock Test Free of Cost before even starting your preparation and get an insightful report on your performance. The report will highlight your weak areas on which you should put extra effort as you start your preparation. You also get to know which sections you have spent unusually high time on so that you can do the root-cause analysis and find out what is taking time and improve upon that. As the date of the exam approaches, you should keep taking Mock Tests to track your performance, vis-a-vis other aspirants. With solid preparation, regular practice and proper analysis of Mock Tests, your performance should get better day by day.
Section | Section | Number of Questions | Marks | Medium | Duration (in mins) |
1 | Reasoning Ability | 35 | 35 | English/ Hindi | 20 |
2 | Numerical Ability | 35 | 35 | English/ Hindi | 20 |
3 | English | 30 | 30** | English | 20 |
Total | 100 | 70 | 60 |
**English Language test will be of qualifying nature.
Reasoning Ability | Numerical Ability | English |
Alpha-numeric/Alphabetical Series | Average | Cloze Test |
Analogy | Data interpretation | Error Spotting |
Analytical Reasoning | Data Sufficiency | Fillers – Single, Double, etc. |
Blood Relations | L.C.M. and H.C.F. | Find the odd one out |
Coding Decoding | Mathematical Inequality | Grammar (verb, prepositions, adverbs, articles, tenses etc.), |
Data Sufficiency | Mixture and allegation problems | Misspelt Words |
Direction Sense | Number Series/Number System | One Word Substitution |
Inequality | Percentage | Parajumbles |
Input-Output | Profit and loss problems | Reading Comprehension |
Odd one out | Problems on Age | Rearrangement of Sentences |
Puzzles & Seating Arrangement | Ratio and Proportion | Sentence Completion |
Ranking | Simple and compound interest | Sentence Improvement |
Syllogism | Simplification and Approximation | Synonyms/Antonyms |
Statement and Conclusion | Time, Speed and distance; | Spotting Errors |
Statement-Course of Action | Trains, Boat and Stream, and other Arithematic problems | Subject-Verb Agreement |
Time and work problems |
Name of Book | Author/ Publisher |
Quicker Maths | M.Tyra, K.Kundan (Magical Book Series) |
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations | R.S Aggarwal (S.Chand Publisher) |
Data Interpretation | Arun Sharma (TMH Publication) |
Topic-wise Solved Papers for IBPS/SBI PO/Clerk Prelims/Mains Quantitative Aptitude | Disha Experts |
Name of Book | Author/ Publisher |
Test of Reasoning | Edgar Thorpe |
A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning | R.S Aggarwal (S.Chand Publisher) |
Bank Clerk Reasoning Chapter-wise Solved Papers 2003 – Till Date | Kiran Prakashan |
Analytical Reasoning | MK Pandey |
Name of Book | Author/ Publisher |
Objective English 6th Edition | Edgar Thorpe (Pearson) |
Word Power Made Easy | Norman Lewis (Penguin) |
Objective General English | S.P Bakshi (Arihant) |
From Plinth to Paramount | Neetu Singh (KD Publication) |
We hope this article has provided you with the opportunity to kick-start your LIC ADO Prelims preparation. So what are you waiting for? Take a Free Mock Test now to assess the level of your performance and start your preparation.
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