LIC ADO Reasoning Revision
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LIC ADO prelims 2023 results are out and now the candidates those who have cleared the prelims must rigourlsy start preparing for the LIC ADO Mains. Not much time is left for the LIC ADO mains exam to commnce, however those who have already started preparing for the same beforehand will now feel a little relaxed in comparison to those who have not started it yet. Since only 13 days are left for the LIC ADO mains 2023 exam to take place candidates by now must start their revision. In order to help the aspirants we are providing some LIC ADO Mains Reasoning Revision Questions. Before mentioning these practice questions, let us first take a look at the LIC ADO mains exam pattern.

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LIC ADO Mains 2023 Exam Pattern

S. N.SectionsNumber of QuestionsTotal MarksDuration
1.Reasoning Ability & Numerical Ability5050120 minutes
2.General Knowledge, Current Affairs and English Language with Special Emphasis on Grammar and vocabulary5050
3.Insurance and Financial Marketing Awareness with special emphasis on knowledge of Life Insurance and Financial Sector5050

Many aspirants find reasoning section a bit tough and thus, we are here with few LIC ADO Mains Reasoning Revision Questions so that candidates can practice and prepare well. Mentioned below are LIC ADO mains reasoning revising questions. Practice these and strengthen your reasoning concept for the upcoming LIC ADO mains 2023 examination.

LIC ADO Mains Reasoning Revision Questions

Directions (1 – 5): Answer the questions based on the information given below.

Nine persons Jia, Lia, Kia, Pia, Tia, Mia, Nia, Sia, and Dia sit around a circular table such that five persons face towards the center and remaining persons face away from the center of the table. Not more than two adjacent persons face the same direction. Each person lives in different places i.e., Dwarka, Noida, Vaishali, GTB, CP, Saket, Huaz Khas, Jor Bagh, and Kailash.

Pia and Tia sit 2nd to the left of each other. Immediate neighbours of Tia face same direction as Pia. Mia, who lives in Saket, sits adjacent to Pia. Mia faces in same direction as Pia. Nia sits 3rd to the right of Sia, who face towards the center. Sia doesn’t live in CP. The persons, who lives in CP and the person, who lives in Vaishali, sit adjacent to Dia. The person, who lives in Hauz Khas, sits 3rd to the right of the person, who lives in Kailash. Nia doesn’t live in Dwarka. Lia, who lives in Noida, sits 4th to the right of Mia. Immediate neighbours of Lia face towards the center. Jia sits 2nd to the right of Kia, who lives in GTB.

Common Solution:

Starting Point: Start with placing Pia and Tia as many clues are regarding them to form least number of cases initially.


1. Pia and Tia sit 2nd to the left of each other.

2. Immediate neighbours of Tia face same direction as Pia.

3. Mia, who lives in Saket, sits adjacent to Pia. Mia faces in same direction as Pia.


From clue 1 and clue 2, we get immediate neighbours of Tia face either towards or away from the center of the table.

From clue 3, we get Mia sits immediate left of Pia as not more than two adjacent persons face the same direction. Mia faces either towards or away from the center of the table.

Case I: When Pia faces towards the center of the table.

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Case II: When Pia faces away from the center of the table.


1. Lia, who lives in Noida, sits 4th to the right of Mia.

2. Immediate neighbours of Lia face towards the center.

3. Jia sits 2nd to the right of Kia, who lives in GTB.


From clue 1 and clue 2, we get Lia faces away from the center of the table. Also, we can place the directions of remaining persons as not more than two adjacent persons face the same direction.

From clue 3, we get Jia sits either immediate left of Lia or immediate right of Tia. Kia faces towards the center of the table.

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Case Ia: When Jia sits immediate left of Lia.

Case Ib: When Jia sits immediate right of Tia.

Case II:


1. Nia sits 3rd to the right of Sia, who face towards the center. Sia doesn’t live in CP.

2. The persons, who lives in CP and the person, who lives in Vaishali, sit adjacent to Dia.

3. The person, who lives in Hauz Khas, sits 3rd to the right of the person, who lives in Kailash.

4. Nia doesn’t live in Dwarka.


From clue 1, we reject Case Ia and Case II as we can’t place Nia. Nia sits immediate left of Jia. Sia sits 2nd to the right of Pia. Dia sits immediate right of Pia.

From clue 1 and clue 2, we get Sia lives in Vaishali. Pia lives in CP.

From clue 3, we get Dia lives in Kailash. Tia lives in Hauz Khas.

From clue 4, we get Nia lives in Jor Bagh. Jia lives in Dwarka.

The final arrangement is as follows:

Topic: Seating Arrangement

Subtopic: Circular

Level: 1

1.) _____ persons live between the person, who lives in CP and the person, who lives in Jor Bagh, when counted from the left of the person, who lives in CP.

a.) One

b.) Two

c.) Three

d.) Four

e.) Cannot be determined

Answer: c)

Solution: Pia lives in CP.

Nia lives in Jor Bagh.

Three persons sit between Pia and Nia, when counted from the left of Pia.

Hence, option c.

Topic: Seating Arrangement

Subtopic: Circular

Level: 1

2.) The person, who lives in Dwarka, sits _____ to the right of the person, who lives in Hauz Khas.

a.) 2nd

b.) 4th

c.) Cannot be determined

d.) Immediate

e.) 3rd

Answer: d)

Solution: Jia lives in Dwarka.

Tia lives in Hauz Khas.

Jia sits immediate right of Tia.

Hence, option d.

Topic: Seating Arrangement

Subtopic: Circular

Level: 1

3.) If Pia and Kia interchange their positions, then who sits 3rd to the left of Kia?

a.) The person, who lives in Hauz Khas

b.) The person, who lives in Dwarka

c.) Jia

d.) Tia

e.) Both ‘b’ and ‘c’

Answer: e)

Solution: If Pia and Kia interchange their positions, then Jia, who lives in Dwarka sits 3rd to the left of Kia.

Hence, option e.

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Topic: Seating Arrangement

Subtopic: Circular

Level: 1

4.) Which of the following statement is not definitely correct?

a.) Dia lives in Kailash

b.) The person, who lives in GTB and the person, who lives in Dwarka, sit adjacent to Nia

c.) Pia sits 2nd to the left of the person, who lives in Vaishali

d.) Lia face away from the center of the table

e.) Two persons sit between Sia and Tia, from either side

Answer: e)


‘Two persons sit between Sia and Tia, from either side’ is an incorrect statement.

Hence, option e.

Topic: Seating Arrangement

Subtopic: Circular

Level: 1

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5.) Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on a group. Which among the following does not belong to that group?

a.) The person, who lives in Jor Bagh

b.) The person, who lives in Hauz Khas

c.) The person, who lives in Noida

d.) The person, who lives in Vaishali

e.) The person, who lives in Kailash

Answer: d)

Solution: All persons face away from the center of the table, except for the person, who lives in Vaishali.

Hence, option d.

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Directions (6 – 7): Answer the questions based on the information given below.

If A # B [10] means A is 10m West of B

A @ B [6] means A is 6m North of B

A % B [8] means A is 8m East of B

A $ B [4] means A is 4m South of B

P % M [8], M # K [15], K @ L [12], L # T [3], T $ O [12], O % G [8], G @ Y [12]

Common Solution:

On decoding the codes, we get:

P is 8m east of M. M is 15 west of K. K is 12m north of L. L is 3m west of T. T is 12m south of O. O is 8m east of G. G is 12m north of Y.

We draw the following figure:

Topic: Direction Sense Test

Subtopic: Coded

Level: 1

6.) Which of the following expressions is definitely correct?

a.) G % O [10]

b.) G # P [2]

c.) P # G [2]

d.) K % O [3]

e.) O % P [12]

Answer: c)

Solution: P # G [2] means ‘P is 2m west of G’ is a correct expression.

Hence, option c.

Topic: Direction Sense Test

Subtopic: Coded

Level: 1

7.) What is the shortest distance between Y and T?

a.) 15m

b.) 8m

c.) 10m

d.) 7m

e.) None of the above

Answer: b)

Solution: The shortest distance between Y and T is [3 + 5] = 8m.

Hence, option b.

Topic: Miscellaneous reasoning

Subtopic: Alphabets

Level: 1

8.) If 2nd letter from the left end of each word from each group is to be considered, then which among the following group of words can make at least one 4-letter meaningful English word such that one letter to be used only once?




a.) Only II

b.) Only III

c.) Only I and II

d.) Only I and III

e.) Only II and III

Answer: c)



The 2nd letter of given words are ‘E’, ‘T’, ‘R’, and ‘A’. Meaningful English words formed are [TEAR, RATE and TARE].


The 2nd letter of given words are ‘O’, ‘L’, ‘E’, and ‘R’. Meaningful English words formed are [ROLE and LORE].


The 2nd letter of given words are ‘A’, ‘E’, ‘O’, and ‘U’. No meaningful English word can be formed.

Only group I and II make meaningful English word.

Hence, option c.

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Directions (9-10): Answer the questions based on the information given below.

If A $ B means A is Mother of B.

A @ B means A is Sister of B.

A % B means A is Father of B.

A & B means A is Married of B.

A # B means A is Son of B.

Topic: Blood relation

Subtopic: Coded

Level: 1

9.) In expression ‘R @ P % K $ L & T # M & U % V’, how is K related to V’s brother?

a.) Mother

b.) Father-in-law

c.) Sister

d.) Father

e.) Mother-in-law

Answer: e)

Solution: On decoding the codes, we get:

R is sister of P. P is father of K. K is mother of L. L is married to T. T is son of M. M is married to U. U is father of V.

We draw the following family tree:

T is brother of V.

K is mother-in-law of T.

Hence, option e.

Topic: Blood relation

Subtopic: Coded

Level: 1

10.) If expression ‘M # J # L & K $ U @ R % H @ F’ is correct, then which of the following expressions is definitely correct?

a.) F @ H

b.) U % F

c.) M # K

d.) R # L

e.) K % R

Answer: d)

Solution: On decoding the codes, we get:

M is son of J. J is son of L. L is married to K. K is mother of U. U is sister of R. R is father of H. H is sister of F.

We draw the following family tree:

In option (a): (F @ H) means F is sister of H: False (As F is either brother or sister of H).

In option (b): (U % F) means U is father of F: False (As U is aunt of F).

In option (c): (M # K) means M is son of K: False (As M is grandson of K).

In option (d): (R # L) means R is son of L: True (R is son of L).

In option (e): (K % R) means K is father of R: False (As K is mother of R).

Hence, option d.

This brings us to the end of the article. Make sure you practice these LIC ADO mains reasoning questions and ace your reasoning section well.

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