Reasoning is one section which is quite scoring, but at the same time it is time consuming as well. For those who have already completed the online registration its time for them to start their exam preparation. The best way to start IBPS Clerk prelims exam preparation is to attempt a free mock test which gives you a better idea as how to prepare and perform for the actual examination. Practice is the key to perform well in any such exam, hoever to practice well candidates can download IBPS Clerk Prelims Previous Year Paper PDF with solutions that we will further enhance your speed and accuracy and at the same time will update you about all previous year questions along with the solutions. Here in this article we have come up with a reasoning quiz for IBPS Clerk prelims 2023 exam.
Directions: Answer the questions based on the information given below.
L 3 & 9 S D B W % 7 H A P @ * N V + ? X T $ 1
Question 1: If all the symbols are dropped then which element is second to the right of fifth element from right end?
A) T
B) D
C) S
D) X
E) V
Question 2: How many symbols are between 2nd number from left and 1st number from right?
A) Six
B) Three
C) Seven
D) Two
E) Four
IBPS Clerk Prelims Free Mock Test 2023
Question 3: How many consonants are to the right of W?
A) Three
B) Six
C) Five
D) One
E) None of the above
Question 4: How many symbols are immediately followed by a number?
A) Four
B) Two
C) Five
D) Six
E) Three
Question 5: How many alphabets are between L and N?
A) Six
B) Two
C) Four
D) Seven
E) Five
Directions: Answer the questions based on the information given below.
Six persons I, J, K, L, M and N have different heights. M is taller than L, who is shorter than K and I. J is taller than I. Neither K nor M is the tallest. N is the shortest. Neither I nor K is the 3rd shortest.
Question 6: _____ is the tallest.
A) K
B) I
C) J
D) M
E) L
IBPS Clerk Prelims Free Mock Test 2023
Question 7: How many persons are taller than L?
A) Four
B) Two
C) Five
D) Three
E) None of the above
Question 8: How many pairs of letters are there in the word “GILTHEAD” which has as many letters between them in the word as in the alphabetical series?
A) Four
B) One
C) Two
D) Three
E) None of the above
Question 9: When all the letters of the word “GOLDFISH” are written in alphabetical order from left to right, which letter is 3rd to the left of 2th letter from the right end?
A) I
B) H
C) L
D) G
E) None of the above
Question 10: In the question, assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the conclusion (s) among given three conclusions is /are definitely true and then give your answer accordingly.
5<P ≤ Q; M ≥ T = D; B < A = M>P
I. D ≤ A
II. 5 ≤ M
A) Only conclusion II is true.
B) Only conclusions II and III are true.
C) All the conclusions are true.
D) Only conclusion I is true
E) None is true.
Practice Latest Reasoning Quizzes – Attempt Now
1) – D) | 2) – A) | 3) – B) | 4) – E) | 5) – D) | 6) – C) |
7) – A) | 8) – C) | 9) – B) | 10) – D) |
IBPS Clerk Prelims Free Mock Test 2023
Solution 1: D)
Given series: L 3 & 9 S D B W % 7 H A P @ * N V + ? X T $ 1
After dropping all the symbols:
L 3 9 S D B W 7 H A P N V X T 1
So, X is second to the right of fifth element from right end.
Hence, option d.
Solution 2: A)
Given series: L 3 & 9 S D B W % 7 H A P @ * N V + ? X T $ 1
There are six symbols (%, @, *, +, ? and $) between 2nd number from left and 1st number from right.
Hence, option a.
Solution 3: B)
Given series: L 3 & 9 S D B W % 7 H A P @ * N V + ? X T $ 1
There are six consonants to the right of W.
Hence, option b.
Solution 4: E)
Given series: L 3 & 9 S D B W % 7 H A P @ * N V + ? X T $ 1
There are three symbols (&, % and $), which are immediately followed by a number.
Hence, option e.
IBPS Clerk Prelims Free Mock Test 2023
Solution 5: D)
Given series: L 3 & 9 S D B W % 7 H A P @ * N V + ? X T $ 1
There are seven alphabets between L and N.
Hence, option d.
Solution 6: C)
Clues: M is taller than L, who is shorter than K and I. J is taller than I. Neither K nor M is the tallest. N is the shortest. Neither I nor K is the 3rdshortest.
Inference: So, J must be the tallest. Also, L must be the 2nd shortest.
J > I/K > K/I > M > L > N
J is the tallest.
Hence, option c.
Solution 7: A)
Four persons are taller than L.
Hence, option a.
Solution 8: C)
EI and AG are the two pairs which have as many letters between them in the given word “GILTHEAD” as in the alphabetical series.
Hence, option c.
Solution 9: B)
After rearrangement, DFGHILOS
“H” is 3rd to the left of 2th letter from the right end.
Hence, option b.
IBPS Clerk Prelims Free Mock Test 2023
Solution 10: D)
Given statements: 5<P ≤ Q; M ≥ T = D; B < A = M>P
On combining, we get
D = T ≤ M>P>5; Q ≥ P<M = A > B
I. D ≤ A: True (As D = T ≤ M = A, so D ≤ A)
II. 5 ≤ M: False (As M>P>5, so 5<M)
III. B <P: False (As P<M = A > B, relation between B and P cannot be determined)
Only conclusion I is true.
Hence, option d.
This brings us to the end of the article. Keep practicing reasoning quizzes along with mock tests and enhance your IBPS Clerk exam preparation. Practice Latest Reasoning Quizzes
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