Last Week's Revision Strategy for IDBI AM
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There are only 12 days to go for IDBI Assistant Manager 2023 exam. It’s now that time when all your preparation done until now will start mattering. All the concepts you have studied, all the shortcuts, tips, tricks you have mastered will be tested. Banking aspirants who are preparing for IDBI AM should keep in mind that this last week is going to be extremely important in their journey to become an Assistant Manager. Your, revision & practice in this last week can make or mar the chances of your success. It’s for this reason that we have come up with a dedicated article on the last week’s strategy for this exam.

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Please keep in mind that a revision strategy is different from a preparation strategy. A preparation strategy’s tenure is quite long and it includes preparation of each & every topic of all the sections which includes clarifying the concept, practice, review etc. In contrast, a revision strategy makes you prepare in such a way that you give your best in the actual exam. Obviously, a revision strategy can work only if you have prepared well enough in the past. Now let’s get started with the revision strategy for the last week of IBPS Clerk Prelims.

Last Week’s Revision Strategy for IDBI Asst Manager

Limited Time

  • There isn’t any doubt that there is only limited time left for the exam.
  • You have to revise very carefully ensuring that you don’t waste even a single second of this precious time.

Focus on your weak areas

  • This is such an important task in this revision strategy that by following it, you can give a good boost to your overall score.
  • Highlight all the important topics in which you don’t perform well in mock tests.
  • Revise the concepts and try to understand it.
  • Back it up by practising a lot of questions on that topic.
  • Following these steps for all of your weak areas will definitely improve your score.

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Master the Important Topics

  • There are some topics which are bound to get repeated in almost all the banking exams, for example, reading comprehension, puzzles & seating arrangement, data interpretation etc.
  • We will be providing a list of all the important topics below.
  • You can’t afford to skip revising and mastering the concepts of these topics.
  • Practice as many questions as possible as questions from these important topics will most likely appear in the actual exam.

Avoid Relearning

  • If you have already mastered certain topics (say number series), you need not invest time in revising its concept again.
  • Rather use this time to clarify the important topics which still need improvement and practice questions on those topics.

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Channel Your Time & Efforts

  • Last week’s time is precious. You need to utilise it diligently.
  • You need to channel your time and efforts in such a way that you are able to practice a lot of questions on the important topics.
  • Only practising won’t serve the purpose. You need to review the questions you answered incorrectly.
  • Try finding the root cause of such questions and ensure that you don’t repeat the same mistake.

Continue Taking Mock Tests

  • The best time to take mock tests is now.
  • Keep taking mock tests and keep reviewing your attempts.
  • Keep a tab on your All India Rank as well.

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Division of Topics in Your Revision Strategy

When revising, take a moment to put the important topics in either of these categories:

Not time-taking & High Accuracy

  • Questions on topics which don’t take time and you get high accuracy as well will fall in this bucket.
  • These topics are your best shot. Attempt as many questions from this category as possible and secure their marks in the exam.
  • Avoid making any silly mistakes in answering these questions.

Not time-taking but Low Accuracy

  • These questions also take less time but the accuracy level is low.
  • You need to take some time to find out the cause because of which the questions are answered incorrectly.
  • Maybe there is some silly mistake because of which you have answered it incorrectly. Try avoiding these kinds of mistakes in the exam.

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Time-taking & High Accuracy

  • Questions which take time but you are quite good at those questions, fall under this category.
  • The priority level of questions of these questions is only after you have answered the above 2 categories.
  • Practice questions on these topics after you are done practising topics of the above 2 categories.

Time-taking but Low Accuracy

  • The topics which take time and the accuracy level is quite low falls under this category.
  • These topics should have the least priority amidst all the four categories either when practising or when taking the actual exam.

Important Topics which must be Revised

The below topics are extremely important and must be revised & practised no matter what. These topics have appeared in previous banking exams. Let’s have a look:

English LanguageNumerical AbilityReasoning Ability
Reading ComprehensionData Interpretation / CaseletSeating Arrangement & Puzzles
Error Correction/DetectionSimplification & ApproximationCoding-decoding
FillersMissing/Wrong Number SeriesInequalities
Spelling ErrorsQuadratic EquationAlphanumeric / Alphabetical Series
Sentence RearrangementWord Problems (Simple Interest / Compound Interest, Averages, Ratio & Proportion, Profit & Loss, Speed, Time & Distance etc.)Blood Relation / Direction Sense
Phrase ReplacementSyllogism
ParajumblesNumbers Arrangement
Cloze Test
Word Swap

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The Day Before IDBI Asst Manager Prelims Exam

  • Take a deep breath whenever you feel anxious.
  • Take a printout of your admit card and keep all the necessary documents ready.
  • Also keep all those items ready (sanitizer, face mask etc.) which are especially required because of COVID-19.
  • If possible, take a stroll at the exam centre to be familiar with the route so that you don’t have to face any difficulty on the exam date.
  • Have trust in yourself and all the preparation you have done until now.
  • No need to solve any mock test; you may revise the shortcuts & formulas.
  • Don’t learn any new concept.
  • 1 day before the exam, go to bed early and try having good sleep.

This is all from us in this article. Wishing you good luck for the exam!

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