Are you ready for the IBPS RRB Po exam 2022? The exam is conducted on 20th and 21st August 2022, Only a few days are left. we have already discussed the all articles related to IBPS RRB PO. Now, we are providing you the Last-Minute Tips For IBPS RRB PO Prelims 2022 as well as Topper Timing Strategy.
IBPS RRB PO prelims Exam Pattern
S.No. | Section | Question | Marks | Duration |
1 | Reasoning | 40 | 40 | Composite Time of 45 minutes |
2 | Numerical Ability | 40 | 40 | |
Total | 80 |
Reasoning Section
The reasoning section is lengthy and time-consuming. Do daily practice a lot of questions of reasoning, Focus on these topics blood relations, syllogisms, circular seating arrangement, linear seating arrangement, coded inequalities, etc. Don’t waste your time on one question and No to any guess. There will be 40 questions with 40 marks.
Numerical Ability
The Numerical Aptitude totally depends on your speed and accuracy, must Focus on these topics percentage, average, simple interest, and profit and loss. learn formulae and shortcuts tricks. There will be 40 questions with 40 marks.

Before the exam
- The night before the exam or the day of the test, try not to study or practice too much. Keep your mind active and fresh to aid in maintaining focus for 60 minutes.
- Only 4 Days are left attempt MOCK TEST.
- Day –Take Free Mock test + Analyze Yourself
- Day –Take mock test And Analyze Yourself
- Day –Take mock test And Analyze Yourself
- Day –Take mock test And Analyze Yourself
- Before your exam, make sure you get a decent night’s sleep—at least 8 hours. Lack of sleep can cause the mind to function much more slowly, particularly when speed is crucial during the exam.
- Arrive at the center well in advance to prevent the onset of stress and anxious energy. Your performance on a test that is time-sensitive can be further compromised by stress.
- Bring the Exam Call Letter, a Photo ID Proof, a Pen, and a duplicate of both the Exam Call Letter and the Photo ID Proof.
- You might have a tiny time edge over the other applicants who aren’t as familiar with the interface if you become one. To familiarize yourself, click here to take the free Mock test RRB PO exam in the actual interface.
During the exam
- If you have been passing mock examinations by attempting the portions in a particular order, keep doing that. Don’t alter it. Gain confidence by starting with simple tasks. Your self-assurance will help you succeed.
- Save the most time for consuming and challenging questions at the end of each section. By starting with the simpler problems in each area, you can gain confidence. Your self-assurance will help you succeed.
- Work on the simpler questions within each of the other categories before moving on to the trickier ones.
- Avoid getting trapped on any issue: Set a time limit for yourself of 20-30 seconds. If any question takes longer than that, go on and come back if you have time. Remember that each question in a section has the same weight, so don’t waste your time on just one.
- Avoid guessing: Since there is negative marking, use caution if you decide to mark an answer on a question even when you are unsure of the correct response. We do not advise making blind guesses, but you are free to make smart guesses (or predictions after excluding 2-3 incorrect possibilities).

Toppers’ Time Strategy for IBPS RRB PO
Use the time method listed below as a guide. If you already have a plan in place that has been successful for you, stick with it. If not, use this strategy and watch how well you perform in the IBPS RRB Mock Tests. Analyze your performance and adjust the amount of time you spend on each portion depending on your understanding of your strong and weak areas.
IBPS RRB Officer Scale I Prelims – Toppers Time Strategy | ||||
Section | Questions | Marks | Toppers’ Time Strategy | Total Time |
Reasoning | 40 | 40 | 21 minutes | 45 minutes |
Quantitative Aptitude | 40 | 40 | 24 minutes |

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