RBI Grade B

Last 25 Days Strategy to Crack RBI Grade B Phase 1 Exam 2024

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RBI is going to conduct the RBI Grade B Phase 1 2024 Exam on 8th September 2024 in online mode. Now only 26 days are left for the RBI Garde B Phase 1 exam. Therefore, it’s the perfect time to accelerate your preparation and revision regime. And here’s where a need for an effective or result-oriented last 25 days strategy comes into the picture. In this blog, we’ll straightway engage you with a perfect last few days strategy consisting of the best techniques and tips to deal with the upcoming RBI Exam phase 1 exam confidently. 

RBI Grade B Phase 1 Preparation Strategy

It is super important for the candidates to first fully understand the RBI Grade B Phase 1 exam pattern and syllabus before making the RBI Grade B Phase 1 Study Plan and Preparation Strategy. A good understanding of them can help make the best preparation plan. Candidates get enlightened about the selection process, subject-wise weightage, and the levels of questions against in different Phases of the exam. They should first know about the areas in which they are weak by taking a Mock Test and then making the best study plan accordingly. They should improve their performance by taking as many mock tests as possible. They should not forget that important topics should be paid more attention to other topics as they can help maximize the overall score. They should invest sufficient time in practicing all types of questions.

Last 25 Days Study Plan for RBI Grade B Phase 1 Exam 2024

Given below is a study plan that will help candidates revise the RBI Grade B Phase 1 syllabus in 25 days. The Phase 1 exam will test the candidates with different types of questions on English, Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, and General Awareness. To improve all the topics, candidates will have to invest sufficient time in all the subjects. They also need to take regular mock tests to check their performance and improve on the topics they are weak in. Follow the table below and speed up your preparation and revision:

Last 25 Days Study Plan for RBI Grade B Phase 1 Exam 2024
DayEnglishQuantitative AptitudeReasoningGeneral Awareness
1Reading ComprehensionNumber System (HCF & LCM)AnalogyNational
2Cloze TestSimplification & ApproximationClassificationGovernment Schemes
3Para JumbleNumber SeriesAlphabet TestState
4Phrase Usage/ReplacementQuadratic EquationsCoding-DecodingAgriculture & Farmer Welfare
5Error DetectionPercentageInput-OutputDefence
6Word SwapRatio & ProportionInequalitiesMOU
7Match the SentencesAverageBlood RelationsInternational
8Sentence RearrangementProblems on AgesDirection & DistanceReport & Indices
9Fill in the BlanksPartnershipOrder & RankingBanking & Economy
10Revision Day 1: English TopicsRevision Day 1: Quantitative TopicsRevision Day 1: Reasoning TopicsRevision Day 1: General Awareness Topics
11Reading Comprehension PracticeMixture & AlligationSeating ArrangementGDP
12Cloze Test PracticeProfit, Loss & DiscountPuzzlesBudget & Eco Survey
13Para Jumble PracticeSimple & Compound InterestSyllogismAppointments
14Phrase Usage/Replacement PracticeTime & Work (Pipes & Cisterns)Data SufficiencyImportant Days
15Error Detection PracticeTime, Speed & Distance (Boats & Streams)Statement & AssumptionAwards
16Word Swap PracticeData InterpretationStatement & ArgumentSports
17Match the Sentences PracticeMensurationStatement & ConclusionBooks/Obituary/Disaster
18Sentence Rearrangement PracticeRevision Day 2: Quantitative TopicsStatement & InferenceStatic GK/ Miscellaneous
19Fill in the Blanks PracticeRevision Day 3: Quantitative TopicsStatement & Course of ActionRevision Day 2: General Awareness Topics
20Revision Day 2: English TopicsRevision Day 4: Quantitative TopicsCause & EffectRevision Day 3: General Awareness Topics
21Reading Comprehension & Cloze TestNumber Series & Quadratic EquationsSeating Arrangement & PuzzlesNational & International Topics
22Para Jumble & Phrase ReplacementSimplification & Data InterpretationSyllogism & InequalitiesBanking & Economy & Important Days
23Error Detection & Word SwapProfit, Loss & DiscountData Sufficiency & Input-OutputReport & Indices & Government Schemes
24Full Revision: EnglishFull Revision: Quantitative AptitudeFull Revision: ReasoningFull Revision: General Awareness
25Mock Test & AnalysisMock Test & AnalysisMock Test & AnalysisMock Test & Analysis

Note: Focus on revising all covered topics. It will solidify your understanding. Solve practice questions to to master the concepts and improve your speed. Attempt RBI Grade B Phase 1 mock tests to get acquainted wit the actual exam environment and experience regular improvement. Give equal importance to each section during study or revision sessions.

Tips & Tricks to Crack RBI Grade B Phase 1 Exam 2024

It’s important to fully utilize the last and final 25 days fully as the RBI Grade B Phase 1 exam is just around the corner. The last 25-day study plan above is crafted to help you cover all essential topics. This plan along with the tips discussed below will help boost the confidence of the candidates and keep their stress levels low. You can maximize your preparation and boost your score in the exam by following these targeted tips. Given below are 20 proven tips that will help you boost your preparation and revision during the last 25 days before the RBI Grade B Phase 1 Exam 2024:

General Tips:

  1. Strictly Follow the 25-Day Plan: Make sure you stick to the 25-day study plan. Avoid skipping topics during preparation and revision. You are free to rearrange the topics at your convenience.
  2. Give Priority to Your Weak Areas: Find your weaknesses. Focus on sections where you are weakest to ensure overall balance.
  3. Review or Revise Daily: Review whatever you learn every day. Give 10 to 15 minutes at the end of each day for revision.
  4. Use Proven Techniques for Effective Memorization: Use active recall techniques to memorize efficiently. Tools like flashcards can help you reinforce your memory retention and boost your memorization skills.
  5. Short Breaks are Essential: Take short breaks after every study session. It will help you maintain focus and avoid tiredness.

Section-Wise Tips:

  1. English: Practice previous year’s questions. Focus on Reading Comprehension and Error Detection.
  2. Quantitative Aptitude: Master the basic concepts. Focus on simplification and approximation.
  3. Reasoning Ability: Practice puzzles and seating arrangements daily. It will improve your speed and accuracy.
  4. General Awareness: GA is all about regularly updating yourself with the latest news. Get well-informed about banking and economy-related events.

Preparation & Revision Tips:

  1. Use Revision Days Effectively: Use revision days effectively. Revise and strengthen your understanding of all the most important topics.
  2. Attempt Mock Tests: Take RBI Grade B Phase 1 2024 mock tests under exam conditions. This practice will help you build stamina and improve your time management skills.
  3. Analyze Eack Mock Test: After taking each RBI Grade B Phase 1 2024 mock test, thoroughly try to best analyze your mistakes and then revise those areas.
  4. Test Your Time Management Skills via Timers: Whenever you practice, use a timer. It will train your brain to deal with the real exam conditions. The more you’ll do it the more improved will be your time management skills.
  5. Practice Sets: Attempt topic-wise practice sets to strengthen specific areas.

Stress Management Tips:

  1. Stay Positive: You need to have a positive mindset. Stress can affect your ability to remember the information learned, especially when it is complicated.
  2. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle: Stay healthy. Take a good diet and get enough sleep. It will keep your mind sharp.
  3. Exercise Every Day: Do light physical exercises like yoga, jogging, swimming, etc. Make such exercises part of your daily routine. They can reduce your stress levels, eliminate it and boost your concentration.
  4. Avoid Covering New Topics: Focus on revising the topics you already know. Avoid picking up new ones in the last few days. They will confuse you and waste your precious time.
  5. Go for Group Study: If possible, discuss topics with peers and friends. It will help you to gain different perspectives and clarify doubts.
  6. Take Quality Rest Before the Exam: Take good rest a day before the exam. Never dive deep into the syllabus. Revise the important topics or points lightly.


Don’t forget that the last 25 days before the RBI Grade B Phase 1 Exam are super important. These days will help you refine your knowledge and exam strategy. By the end of the 24th Day, you’ll be well-prepared to face the exam with confidence by following the 25 day study plan and implementing the tips discussed above. Stay focused, maintain a positive attitude, and give your best effort to achieve success.

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Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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