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Usually maintaining and keeping up the concentration levels high is often a great challenge for the aspirants preparing for the SSC CGL examination. Are you preparing for the upcoming SSC CGL exam and lack concentration? If yes then you have landed at the right place. Today, in this article we will be discussing as how to keep the concentration levels high while studying with these SSC CGL study tips. SSC CGL 2021 exam is scheduled for May 29, 2021 thereby candidates have more than a month to prepare for their dream job. So, those who wish to clear the exam this year must study hard while maintaining his or her concentration levels.

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It actually not matter how many hours in a day you study, but what matters is the output which is purely based on your concentration. So, let’s begin our SSC CGL study tips in order to guide the aspirants those who are preparing for it. Before moving onto this let’s first take a sneak peak into the SSC CGL exam pattern:

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SSC CGL 2020 Tier I Exam Pattern

SubjectNumber of QuestionsMaximum Marks
A. General Intelligence andReasoning2550
B. General Awareness2550
C. Quantitative Aptitude2550
D. English Comprehension2550

SSC CGL Study Tips

Tip 1: Study Methods

It is well known that no two aspirants will have a same study methdology and strategies. All create their own exam preparation strategies according to their own levels. However, this tip is for all those who follow different study patterns and schedules. It is very important to follow some effective study methods which includes:

  • Creating and maintaining study notes
  • Creating infographics
  • Making diagrams etc…

All this will help you to memorize important topics quickly and effectively. These study methods will surely help you to enhance your concentration levels.

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Tip 2: Mental Exercises

It is very important to stay both mentally and physically alert while you are preparing for such competitive examinations such as SSC CGL. Physical alertness can be controlled, however mentally you must stay active at all times while studying. Try and avoid distractions and maintain distance from social media as and when you are studying. This will help you stay mentally alert and sound.

Moreover, try and get enough sleep. Try out some mental exercises if possible.

Tip 3: Short Breaks in Between

Break for all is very important no matter whatever we do. Especially while you are preparing for a competitive exam it is vital to take short breaks as your mind too needs some relaxation along with your body. The efficiency levels can be maintained by giving your mind and body a constant recharge that may happen by taking regular short breaks. These breaks would recharge your mind.

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Tip 4: Set Effective Study Goals

A targeted study will help you achieve success. One should be knowing well a complete strategy what he or she is going to follow while studying. Moreover, an aspirant should create a proper study plan that should include what all topics he will be covering on what all dates. Don’t forget to add mock tests in your study plan, else you will fail to achieve your target as practice is the key to get success as far as SSC CGL examination is concerned.

Take mock tests at regular intervals and analyze your performance once you are done with it. Analyzing a mock test will give you an idea as where you are lacking and on what topics exactly you need to focus on.

Tip 5: Stay Away from Distractions

Last but not the least staying away from all sorts of distractions is very important. When we are talking about distractions we majorly mean mobile, social media, tablets etc. Keep away all these devices while you are preparing for the exam so that you don’t get distracted and loose focus.

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Though, it is up to you how you deal with distractions but these are few tips following which you can enhance your concentration levels to some extent. This brings us to the end of this blog. Stay tuned for more such SSC CGL exam related inputs. Meanwhile keep preparing and practicing for the upcoming SSC CGL 2021 exam.

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