Key Banking Concepts Every IBPS PO 2023 Aspirant Should Know
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If you’re aspiring to become an IBPS PO (Institute of Banking Personnel Selection Probationary Officer) in 2023, congratulations on taking a step towards a promising career in the banking sector! The IBPS PO exam is a competitive examination that tests candidates’ knowledge of various banking concepts and their aptitude for handling roles in the banking industry. To excel in this exam and succeed as a future banking professional, it’s crucial to have a solid understanding of key banking concepts. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the Key Banking Concepts Every IBPS PO 2023 Aspirant Should Know:

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IBPS PO Prelims Exam Pattern 2023

SectionTotal no. of QuestionsTotal marksTime Duration
English language303020 Minutes
Logical reasoning353520 Minutes
Quantitative aptitude353520 Minutes
Total10010060 Minutes

1. Banking System and Structure

Understanding the basic structure of the banking system is essential. You should be familiar with the differences between commercial banks, cooperative banks, and central banks. Know the functions of each type of bank and how they collaborate to ensure the stability of the financial system.

2. Monetary Policy

Monetary policy plays a significant role in controlling inflation, promoting economic growth, and maintaining stability. Familiarize yourself with concepts like repo rate, reverse repo rate, CRR (Cash Reserve Ratio), SLR (Statutory Liquidity Ratio), and how changes in these rates influence the economy.

3. Financial Markets

A solid grasp of financial markets is necessary for a banking professional. Learn about the primary and secondary markets, stock exchanges, bond markets, and the role of regulators like SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India).

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4. Banking Products and Services

Understand the various banking products and services offered to customers, such as savings accounts, current accounts, fixed deposits, loans (personal, home, and vehicle loans), and credit cards. Know how interest rates are calculated and the factors that affect them.

5. Retail and Wholesale Banking

Differentiate between retail banking and wholesale banking. Retail banking involves serving individual customers, while wholesale banking deals with corporate clients and large transactions. Know the services provided by each and the risk factors associated with wholesale banking.

6. Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) and Bad Loans

Learn about non-performing assets and bad loans, their impact on a bank’s balance sheet, and the steps taken by banks to manage and recover these assets. Understand the concept of provisioning and how it affects a bank’s profitability.

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7. Risk Management

Banking involves inherent risks. Familiarize yourself with concepts like credit risk, market risk, operational risk, and liquidity risk. Understand how banks assess, manage, and mitigate these risks to ensure stability.

8. Digital Banking and Technology

In the modern banking landscape, technology plays a pivotal role. Learn about online banking, mobile banking, digital wallets, and the importance of cybersecurity in safeguarding customer data and transactions.

9. Financial Inclusion and Priority Sector Lending

Understand the concepts of financial inclusion and priority sector lending. Know how banks contribute to providing financial services to marginalized and economically weaker sections of society.

10. Government Schemes and Policies

Be aware of key government schemes related to banking and finance, such as Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana, Atal Pension Yojana, and Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana. Understand their objectives and how they impact the economy and banking sector.

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Final Thoughts

Preparing for the IBPS PO exam requires not only rigorous practice but also a deep understanding of fundamental banking concepts. As you embark on your journey to becoming an IBPS PO, make sure to master these key concepts. Keep yourself updated with the latest developments in the banking sector, as the industry is constantly evolving. With dedication, perseverance, and a solid grasp of these concepts, you’ll be well-equipped to excel in the IBPS PO 2023 exam and lay the foundation for a successful career in banking. Good luck!

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