Karnataka Bank Clerk Expected Cut Off 2024
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Karnataka Bank Clerk Expected Cut Off 2024: Karnataka Bank has successfully conducted the first stage of the exam which was a computer-based exam. Candidates who had appeared in the exam want to know their cut off marks. The Karnataka Bank has not released the official Karnataka Bank Clerk cut off. Karnataka Bank conducts the Karnataka Bank Clerk exam to recruit candidates for clerical posts. In this article, we will discuss the Karnataka Bank Clerk Expected Cut Off 2024 after considering all the important factors on which Karnataka Bank Clerk cut off depends, including the exam trends.

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Karnataka Bank Clerk Exam Cut-Off 2024, Category Wise

PracticeMock has predicted the overall expected cut-off for the Karnataka Bank Clerk Exam 2024 (Out of 200 Marks) based on the previous cut-offs, the overall pattern, and the previous years’ trends. Here’s an estimate, taking into account historical trends, expected exam difficulty, and overall competition. We can expect the following category-wise cut-offs:

CategoryExpected Cut-Off Range (Out of 200 Marks)
General140 – 148
OBC135 – 142
SC125 – 132
ST120 – 126
EWS135 – 142

Sectional Cut-Offs (Expected),

The exam’s difficulty influences the cut off very much. If the exam is easy or moderate, the cut-off could be higher. The candidates should aim for a score in the higher range to ensure selection for the next stages of the Karnataka Bank Clerk Exam 2024. Check out the table below for the sectional cut-off marks for each section based on the previous years’ cut-off data:

SectionMaximum MarksExpected Cut-Off Range
Reasoning Ability5021 – 26
English Language4017 – 23
General Awareness (Banking)4016 – 22
Computer Knowledge208 – 12
Quantitative Aptitude5021 – 25
Total200140 – 148 (General)

Explanation of the Expected Cut-Offs

  1. Reasoning: The reasoning section usually has moderate difficulty, with an expected cut-off range between 21-26 marks.
  2. English Language: English is usually a bit easier, with cut-offs likely ranging between 17-23 marks.
  3. General Awareness (Banking): This section often requires candidates to be updated with banking-related knowledge, with expected cut-offs around 16-22 marks.
  4. Computer Knowledge: As this is usually a relatively easier section, the cut-off could be between 8-12 marks.
  5. Quantitative Aptitude: With a moderate level of difficulty, the expected cut-off for this section is likely between 21-25 marks.

Steps to Check Karnataka Bank Clerk Cut Off 2024

The Karnataka Bank will release the cut off for the clerk exam after the official results are announced. To check the cut off, you can:

  1. Go to the Karnataka Bank official website
  2. Find the Karnataka Bank clerk Cut Off 2024 on the home page
  3. Click on the cut off link in PDF format
  4. The cut off will be displayed on the screen
  5. Save the PDF file of the cut off list for future use
    The Karnataka Bank Clerk selection process includes an online exam and an interview. The exam covers subjects like reasoning, English language, computer knowledge, general awareness, and numerical ability.

Factors Determine the Karnataka Bank Clerk Cut Off

The Karnataka Bank Clerk Cut Off marks are calculated keeping in mind multiple factors. The calculation of the Karnataka Bank Clerk Cut Off marks is done on these factors below:

  • Candidates Appeared for the Exam: If a large number of candidates appear for the exam, it tends to the high competition and cut off also get high.
  • Total Number of Vacancies: If the vacancies are low then the cut off marks become high because in this case hiring is very low so they increase the cut off marks.
  • Category-Wise Reservation: The Karnataka Bank Clerk Cut Off marks are determined categorically. So, check all the cut off marks according to their categories.
  • Exam Difficulty: If the exam difficulty level is hard then the cut off marks become low. It is inversely proportional to each other.
  • Normalization Process: Karnataka Bank conducts this clerical exam in multiple shifts, making each shift’s difficulty level a bit different.

Karnataka Bank Clerk Expected Cut Off 2024 FAQs

What is the expected cut-off for Karnataka Bank Clerk 2024?

General: 140-148, OBC: 135-142, SC: 125-132, ST: 120-126, EWS: 135-142.

What factors affect the cut-off?

Number of candidates, vacancies, exam difficulty, category reservation, and normalization.

What are the sectional cut-offs?

Reasoning: 21-26, English: 17-23, General Awareness: 16-22, Computer Knowledge: 8-12, Quantitative Aptitude: 21-25.

How to check the cut-off?

Visit the Karnataka Bank website and download the cut-off PDF after the results.

What is the selection process?

Online exam followed by an interview.

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By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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