Is ISRO Scientist/Engineer Exam Easy?
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The ISRO exam is fast approaching! Are you ready to take on the exam? Don’t worry! You still have enough time to make your dream come true and be a part of India’s best space agency as a scientist/engineer. But, how tough is the ISRO exam? Is this question doing circles in your mind? If yes, we’ll tell you how hard it is to crack and what you need to do to crack it on the first attempt.

Seriously, you can do it! The ISRO Scientist/Engineer exam is not a cakewalk, but it is not impossible either. Read on…

Have you taken a Free Mock Test & Know Where You Stand? Hurry up! Cleck Here to Check Out How Tough The ISRO Exam Is?

Is ISRO Scientist/Engineer Exam Easy?

ISRO 2023 Exam difficulty depends on the syllabus, applicants, cut-off, etc. The written test covers BE/ topics of your branch and aptitude. The questions are not very hard but need extensive study. Many graduates apply for ISRO 2023 as it is a dream job. The cut-off varies with candidates’ performance and vacancies. ISRO Exam 2023 has negative marking of 1 Mark per wrong answer, so avoid guessing.

Here are some simple tips to help you ace it with proper preparation and strategy.

1. Practically Know what you are up against

The first step is to take a Free ISRO Mock Test and practically know how tough the ISRO Scientist/Engineer exam is, as the Mock Test best mimics the actual ISRO Scientist/Engineer exam. You can find them on the ISRO website. You should also check the previous year papers and answer keys to get a feel of the exam.

2. Make a revision plan and stick to it

The second step is to make the best revision according to your strengths and weaknesses. You should allocate enough time for each topic and revise them as quickly as you can. You should also take mock tests and previous year papers to check your progress and improve your weak areas.

3. Master the concepts and basics

The ISRO Scientist/Engineer exam checks your conceptual understanding and problem-solving skills. So, you should focus on clearing your concepts and basics of each topic. You should also learn the formulas, shortcuts, and tricks to solve the questions fast and accurately.

4. Make best notes and easiest flashcards

Make the best notes and flashcards for important topics, formulas, definitions, and facts. You can use them for quick revision before the exam. You can also make mnemonics or acronyms to remember the information easily.

5. Stay updated with current affairs

The ISRO Scientist/Engineer exam also has questions on current affairs related to science and technology, space research, defence, etc. So, you should stay updated with the latest news and developments in these fields. You can read newspapers, magazines, journals, or online sources to keep yourself informed.

6. Your health will always be your wealth

Last but not least, you should take care of your physical and mental health while preparing for the exam. You should eat well, drink water, exercise regularly, and sleep well. You should also avoid stress and anxiety and stay positive and confident.

Have you taken a Free Mock Test & Know Where You Stand? Hurry up! Cleck Here to Check Out How Tough The ISRO Exam Is?


These tips will surely help you crack the ISRO Scientist/Engineer exam with flying colours. But if you want to check your overall performance and readiness for the exam, you can take a free mock test offered by BYJU’S Exam Prep. This mock test will help you assess your strengths and weaknesses, improve your speed and accuracy, and boost your confidence. So don’t wait any longer! Register now and take the free mock test today!

    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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