Is IBPS RRB PO prelims tough? -Crack it with this 30-Day Study Plan
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Is IBPS RRB PO prelims tough?

IBPS RRB PO prelims exam is easy to moderate in terms of difficulty level. The Reasoning section is mostly easy while the Numerical Ability section is easy to moderate. IBPS RRB 2021 prelims exam for Officers Scale I/PO was moderate to difficult. But it all depends on your preparation. The better the preparation and practice, the easier you will feel.

In this article, we’ll provide you with a 30-day Study Plan IBPS RRB PO study plan to clear the upcoming prelims exam. This study plan will help you schedule your time in the best possible way. The study plan also comes with the latest and the IBPS RRB PO prelims Mock Tests that help you understand the exam in practical terms and help you make the best exam strategy that suits your exam-giving style.

What are you waiting for then? Be quick and start your speedy preparation!

Take 1 FREE Mock Test with Complete Analysis & Know how you can Crack the Upcoming exam like a Pro!

How to Crack/Clear the IBPS RRB PO prelims 2022 exam in first attempt?

Do you want to crack the upcoming IBPS RRB PO 2022 and grab the 8106 vacancies IBPS is offering? The RRB PO Prelims exam will take place on the 07th, 13th, 14th, 20th, and 21st of August 2022. And, like you, thousands of aspirants will try their best to clear IBPS RRB 2022 exam in first attempt too.

IBPS Officer Scale I or RRB PO Prelims exam has 2 sections. They are Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude, however, these two sections are extremely important.

Let’s take a look at the RRB PO Prelims exam pattern to get a better idea about the exam.

If you are aiming to prepare for the IBPS RRB PO prelims exam in one month and clear it in first attempt, then you will have to keep in mind the:

  • The Latest and complete syllabus
  • The Subject-wise study material
  • The quickest study plan to cover every topic of the syllabus

And to help you cover every topic of the exam in just 30 days, we have come up with a 30-day study plan that can equip you with the knowledge to secure a better ranking in the examination.

Before jumping over to the study plan you should take a look at the exam pattern of the IBPS RRB PO Exam 2022.

30 Days Study Plan to Crack IBPS RRB PO Exam

Here’s a 30-day study plan that you can follow to cover all the topics from IBPS RRB PO 2022 syllabus and check your preparation with the latest, exam-like M0ck Tests:

DayTask 1Task 2Task 3
1Take 1 FREE RRB PO Prelims Mock Test with Analysis ProbabilityApproximation, Simplification
2SyllogismPermutation and CombinationData Sufficiency
3Take IBPS RRB PO Prelims Mock Test 1+AnalysisLogical ReasoningRevise via IBPS RRB PO Prelims Mock Test
4RevisionSeating ArrangementsInequalities and Number Series
5Inequalities and Number SeriesHCF, LCM and Profit & Loss
6Seating ArrangementsRevisionLogical Reasoning
7Take IBPS RRB PO Mock Test 2 +AnalysisRevisionWork and Time & Speed, Distance and Time
8Number SeriesData Interpretation (Charts and Graphs: Line Graph, Bar Graph, Pie Chart; Tabular; Caselet; Mixed DI)Direction Sense
9Mensuration and Average, Ratio & ProportionNumber SeriesData Sufficiency
10Seating ArrangementsRevisionApproximation, Simplification
11Take IBPS RRB PO Mock Test 3 + AnalysisRevisionRevise via IBPS RRB PO Prelims Mock Test
12Data Sufficiency & Number System SI & CI and Problems on AgesHCF, LCM and Profit & Loss
13Mensuration and Average, Ratio & ProportionRevise via IBPS RRB PO Prelims Mock TestProbability, Permutation and Combination
14Data Sufficiency & Number SystemData Interpretation (Charts and Graphs: Line Graph, Bar Graph, Pie Chart; Tabular; Caselet; Mixed DI)Inequalities
15Data Interpretation (Charts and Graphs: Line Graph, Bar Graph, Pie Chart; Tabular; Caselet; Mixed DI)SyllogismInequalities and Number Series
16Take IBPS RRB PO Mock Test 4 + AnalysisNumber SeriesRevise via IBPS RRB PO Prelims Mock Test
17Mensuration and Average, Ratio & ProportionHCF, LCM and Profit & LossSeating Arrangements
18Blood RelationsSI & CI and Problems on AgesRevise via IBPS RRB PO Prelims Mock Test
19Revision RevisionCoding-decoding and Machine Input-Output
20Take IBPS RRB PO Mock Test 5 + AnalysisData Interpretation (Charts and Graphs: Line Graph, Bar Graph, Pie Chart; Tabular; Caselet; Mixed DI)
21InequalitiesRevise via IBPS RRB PO Prelims Mock Test
22Blood RelationsDirection Sense
23SI & CI and Problems on AgesApproximation, Simplification & Data SufficiencyTake IBPS RRB PO Mock Test 6 +Analysis
24Data Interpretation (Charts and Graphs: Line Graph, Bar Graph, Pie Chart; Tabular; Caselet; Mixed DI)Coding-decoding and Machine Input-Output Work and Time & Speed, Distance
25SI & CI and Problems on AgesCoding-decoding and Machine Input-OutputBlood Relations
26Work and Time & Speed, Distance and TimeData Sufficiency & Number System Take IBPS RRB PO Mock Test 7 +Analysis
27Direction SenseProbability, Permutation and CombinationRevise via IBPS RRB PO Prelims Mock Test
28HCF, LCM and Profit & LossSyllogismTake IBPS RRB PO Mock Test 8 +Analysis
29Take IBPS RRB PO Mock Test 9+ AnalysisData Interpretation (Charts and Graphs: Line Graph, Bar Graph, Pie Chart; Tabular; Caselet; Mixed DI)Take IBPS RRB PO Mock Test 10+ Analysis
30Mensuration and Average, Ratio & ProportionData Sufficiency & Number System

Note: This study plan is not a perfect study plan. It is a format that you can take help from while making your own, as every candidate has his or her own preparation style and way of learning. It covers all the topics that the IBPS RRB PO Prelims 2022 Exam invites in the form of questions.

IBPS RRB PO 2022 Mock Tests-The Key to IBPS RRB PO Prelims 2022 Success

We recommend you to regularly take Mock Tests after covering every topic in the table mentioned above. IBPS RRB PO Prelims 2022 Mock Tests, as you might be knowing, closely imitate the actual IBPS RRB PO Prelims 2022 Exam, providing you with all sorts of questions, covering every topic from the updated syllabus. It will help you in understanding the exact patterns of questions that the actual IBPS RRB PO Prelims 2022 tests students with. It will inject in you the idea about the correct amount of time needed to deal with the different sections of an IBPS RRB PO Prelims 2022. Hence, it will help you in completing all the topics/subjects from the syllabus and will prepare you in a way that you will be able to answer all sorts of questions of every level in the upcoming IBPS RRB PO Prelims 2022.

    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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