Is EPFO APFC Exam Tough?
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The position of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner (APFC) at the Employee Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) is one of the most sought-after positions in the public services industry. At the EPFO APFC exam , thousands of candidates test their abilities and good fortune each year. EPFO APFC can be viewed as a hard exam if the exam and selection procedure are taken into account. But is the EPFO APFC actually hard to crack?

Many aspiring new candidates seek a balanced to this query. Come on, let’s find out!

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Is EPFO APFC Exam Tough?

The candidates who are targeting the UPSC EPFO APFC exam must know that it is difficult in a certain sense but it is possible to crack it in first attempt. How? The UPSC EPFO APFC exam attracts thousands of applicants each year. These figures demonstrate that there is intellectual competition among the candidates. Contrary to popular assumption, the exam is not particularly challenging. In actuality, the UPSC EPFO APFC Test ranges in difficulty from easy to moderate. With the proper supervision, top-notch study materials, and practice exams or Mock Tests, the Exam can be passed with the necessary preparation and practise.

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UPSC EPFO Previous Year Cut-Off 

Given below are the UPSC EPFO Cut-Off marks for the year 2017. Take a look at it carefully to know the difficulty level of the exam:

CategoryRecruitment Test (Out of 300)Interview (Out of 100)Final Cut off

General Preparation Tips for SSC CGL 2022 Exam

Here are the most important tips for the SSC CGL exam preparation:

1. Go Through Previous Year’s Papers

 It is essential to go through the previous year’s questions to:

  1. Get the best idea about the Exam pattern.
  2. Know the level of competition.
  3. Know how SSC frames questions.
  4. Understand the important and recurring themes and questions.

2. Practice via Mock Tests

Practice Mock Tests as much as you can and prepare relevant topics. You need to allocate maximum time to the areas in which you’re weak and minimal time to the strong ones. The more you’ll practice, the less will be the possibility of committing any errors will increase your speed in solving the questions asked.

3. Make Short- and Long-Term Goals

It is important to set your goals for each day of your preparation time. It will aid you in keeping your schedule on track. Invest sufficient time in the preparation of each section. Make a timetable and set goals for each day. By it, you can check whether you have or haven’t missed out on anything important.

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Is SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam Tough?

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Best Books for EPFO APFC Exam 2023 Preparation

Given below are the best books and resources for your preparation:

SubjectsBook List
Indian Freedom Struggle-India’s Struggle for Independence by Bipan Chandra
-A Brief History of Modern India (Spectrum)
-NCERT Class XII: Modern Indian History
Indian Polity-M. Laxmikant
Indian Economy-NCERT Class XI: Indian Economic Development
-Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh (Selective Chapters)
Current Events and Developmental Issues-The Hindu
-Indian Express
-Govt publications such as -Kurukshetra and Yojana magazine
PIB etc.
General English-Word Power Made Easy BY Norman Lewis
-Basic English Grammar
-Advanced English Grammar
-Cambridge Phrasal Verbs Dictionary” for grammar
-Previous Year Papers
Computer Application-NCERT books on Accountancy of Class XI and XII
General Accounting Principles-NCERT books on Accountancy of Class XI and XII
Quantitative Aptitude and General Mental Ability-Tata McGraw Hill’s CSAT manual Verbal
-Non-Verbal reasoning by R.S, Agarwal
Verbal and Non-Verbal reasoning by R.S, Agarwal-Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
-Ministry of Labour and Employment Website
-Ministry of Women and Child development
-Ministry of Finance
-EPFO website

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UPSC EPFO APFC Exam Analysis 2022 FAQs

Q. What is the full form of EPFO APFC?

Ans. EPFO stands for Employee Provident Fund Organization whereas APFC stands for Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner.

Q. What will be the total marks in UPSC EPFO APFC Recruitment Test 2022?

Ans. UPSC EPFO APFC Recruitment Test will have a total of 300 marks.

Q. What will be the duration of the UPSC EPFO APFC Exam?

Ans. Candidates will be given a total time duration of 120 minutes.

Q. How many sections will there be in the UPSC EPFO APFC exam?

Ans. The UPSC EPFO APFC exam will be of various sections namely, General English, Social Scrutiny in India, Industrial Relations & Labour Laws, Current Events and Developmental Issues, Indian Polity & Economy, General Mental Ability & Quantitative Aptitude, Indian Freedom Struggle, General Science & Knowledge of Computer Applications and General Accounting Principles.

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By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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