If you are preparing for the IRDAI Assistant Manager exam, you might be wondering what is the syllabus and how to cover it effectively. Are you also concerned about the difficulty level of this exam? If yes, you can take a free mock test of IRDAI Assistant Manager & check the level of questions. Mock tests will simulate the environment of the actual exam and taking more mock tests will help you increase your confidence. Also, you can review the detailed solutions to the questions you answered incorrectly which will eventually improve your performance. In this blog post, we will provide you with a detailed overview of the IRDAI Assistant Manager syllabus and some tips to ace the exam.
The IRDAI Assistant Manager exam is conducted by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) to recruit candidates for the post of Assistant Manager in various departments of IRDAI. The exam consists of three phases: Phase I (Preliminary), Phase II (Descriptive) and Phase III (Interview).
Phase I (Preliminary) is an online objective test of 160 marks and 90 minutes duration. It has four sections: English Language (40 marks), Reasoning Ability (50 marks), General Awareness (40 marks) and Quantitative Aptitude (30 marks). There is a negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer.
Phase II (Descriptive) is an online descriptive test of 100 marks and 60 minutes duration. It has two papers: Paper I (English) and Paper II (Economic and Social Issues impacting Insurance). Paper I consists of essay writing (20 marks) and letter writing (10 marks). Paper II consists of essay writing (20 marks) and precise writing (10 marks).
Phase III (Interview) is a face-to-face interview of 50 marks. The candidates who qualify Phase II are called for the interview. The final selection is based on the aggregate marks obtained in Phase II and Phase III.
The IRDAI Assistant Manager syllabus covers a wide range of topics from different subjects. Here are some of the important topics that you should focus on for each section:
The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- Download Free PDF
To prepare well for the IRDAI Assistant Manager exam, you should follow these tips:
We hope this article has given you a clear idea of the IRDAI Assistant Manager syllabus and how to prepare for it. All the best for your exam! Follow us on Insta for all the latest updates.
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