Start Prep with Important Questions for RRB PO Prelims 2024 Reasoning Section
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Important Questions for RRB PO 2024: The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) conducts the Regional Rural Banks (RRB) Probationary Officer (PO) examination annually to recruit eligible candidates for various positions in rural banks across India. The IBPS RRB PO 2024 examination is a highly competitive test that requires thorough preparation, especially in the reasoning section.

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IBPS RRB PO 2024 Prelims Exam Pattern

The Exam pattern for IBPS RRB PO 2024 for Prelims is outlined as follows:

S. No.SectionQuestionMarksDuration
1.Reasoning404045 Minutes
2.Quantitative Aptitude4040

IBPS RRB PO 2023 Previous Year Question Paper

IBPS RRB PO 2024 Reasoning Section Syllabus

The IBPS RRB PO Syllabus for Reasoning Ability is outlined as follows:

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Important Questions for RRB PO 2024 Reasoning Section

Question 1: What approximate value will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following question? (Note: You are not expected to calculate the exact value.)

{(1.99)2}2 + 7.972 = ? × 2.01 × 3.97

A) 20

B) 5

C) 1

D) 15

E) 10

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Question 2: What approximate value will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following question? (Note: You are not expected to calculate the exact value.)

5.02 × 17.11 + 24.97% of 499.99 = ? – 99.99

A) 350

B) 510

C) 250

D) 310

E) 420

Question 3: What approximate value will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following question? (Note: You are not expected to calculate the exact value.)

18.99 + 210.96 + (23.95 × 4.87) = ?

A) 375

B) 350

C) 300

D) 275

E) 325

Question 4: In the question, two equations I and II are given. You have to solve both the equations to establish the correct relation between x and y and choose the correct option.

I. x2 – 21x + 90 = 0

II. y2 – 23y + 112 = 0

A) x > y

B) x = y or the relationship cannot be established

C) x < y

D) x ≥ y

E) x ≤ y

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Question 5: In the question, two equations I and II are given. You have to solve both the equations to establish the correct relation between x and y and choose the correct option.

I. x2 – 23x + 120 = 0

II. y2 – 13y + 40 = 0

A) x ≤ y

B) x > y

C) x ≥ y

D) x < y

E) x = y or the relationship cannot be established

Question 6: A and B are two friends. 8 years hence, age of A will become twice the present age of B, and the age of B will become 12.5% less than the present age of A. What is the difference between the present ages of A and B?

A) 6 years

B) 2 years

C) 12 years

D) 8 years

E) None of these

Question 7: In 2016, 60% of the people who went Manali were males. If the number of females who went to Manali was 992, then find the total number of people who visited Manali in 2016.

A) 2560

B) 2480

C) 2320

D) 2140

E) 2400

Question 8: 20 litres mixture of Liquid A and Liquid B contains 25% Liquid A. Some more quantity of Liquid A and Liquid B is mixed in the mixture in the ratio 1:3, respectively. What will be the percentage of Liquid A in the final mixture?

A) 10%

B) 15%

C) 20%

D) 25%

E) 30%

Question 9: A shopkeeper earns a profit of 20% when sells an article for Rs. 960. What would be his profit percentage if he will sell the article for Rs. 1080?

A) 35%

B) 40%

C) 45%

D) 30%

E) None of these

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Question 10: Speed of a car is 175% more than that of a bus. Find the distance travelled by the bus in 5 hours 36 minutes if time taken by the car to cover 1012 km is 9 hours 12 minutes.

A) 224 km

B) 264 km

C) 184 km

D) 240 km

E) None of these

Question 11: What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following series?

12, 39, 55, 180, 216, ?

A) 561

B) 565

C) 551

D) 559

E) 571

Question 12: The following numbers form a series. Find the odd one out.

30, 33, 39, 51, 75, 120

A) 33

B) 39

C) 51

D) 75

E) 120

Question 13: What will come in the place of question mark (?) in the given expression?

√(15 × 16 – 15) + √? = 20% of 120

A) 81

B) 9

C) 12

D) 96

E) 144

Question 14: What will come in the place of question mark (?) in the given expression?

(3/4) × (45/9) × (48/15) + (? ÷ 12) = 24

A) 12

B) 48

C) 144

D) 36

E) 18

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Question 15: What will come in the place of question mark (?) in the given expression?

18 of 20 of 2 – 12 of 3 of 5 = ? × 36

A) 30

B) 24

C) 18

D) 20

E) 15

प्रश्न 1: निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में प्रश्नवाचक चिन्ह (?) के स्थान पर लगभग कितना मान आएगा? (ध्यान दें: आपसे सटीक मान की गणना करने की अपेक्षा नहीं की जाती है।)

{(1.99)2}2 + 7.972 = ? × 2.01 × 3.97

A) 20

B) 5

C) 1

D) 15

E) 10

प्रश्न 2: निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में प्रश्नवाचक चिन्ह (?) के स्थान पर लगभग कितना मान आएगा? (ध्यान दें: आपसे सटीक मान की गणना करने की अपेक्षा नहीं की जाती है।)

5.02 × 17.11 + 24.97% of 499.99 = ? – 99.99

A) 350

B) 510

C) 250

D) 310

E) 420

प्रश्न 3: निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में प्रश्नवाचक चिन्ह (?) के स्थान पर लगभग कितना मान आएगा? (ध्यान दें: आपसे सटीक मान की गणना करने की अपेक्षा नहीं की जाती है।)

18.99 + 210.96 + (23.95 × 4.87) = ?

A) 375

B) 350

C) 300

D) 275

E) 325

प्रश्न 4: निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में, दो समीकरण I और II दिए गए हैं|आपको दोनों समीकरणों को हल कर x और y के बीच सही सम्बन्ध स्थापित कर सही विकल्प का चुनाव करना है|

I. x2 – 21x + 90 = 0

II. y2 – 23y + 112 = 0

A) x > y

B) x = y or the relationship cannot be established

C) x < y

D) x ≥ y

E) x ≤ y

प्रश्न 5: निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में, दो समीकरण I और II दिए गए हैं|आपको दोनों समीकरणों को हल कर x और y के बीच सही सम्बन्ध स्थापित कर सही विकल्प का चुनाव करना है|

I. x2 – 23x + 120 = 0

II. y2 – 13y + 40 = 0

A) x ≤ y

B) x > y

C) x ≥ y

D) x < y

E) x = y or the relationship cannot be established

प्रश्न 6: A और B दो मित्र हैं|8 वर्ष बाद, A की आयु, B की वर्तमान आयु का दोगुना हो जाएगा और B की आयु A की वर्तमान आयु से 12.5% कम हो जाएगा|A और B की वर्तमान आयु के बीच का अंतर कितना है?

A) 6 years

B) 2 years

C) 12 years

D) 8 years

E) इनमे से कोई नहीं

प्रश्न 7: 2016 में, Manali जाने वाले व्यक्तिओं में से 60% पुरुष थे|यदि 2016 में Manali जाने वाली महिलाओं की संख्या 992 थी, तो Manali जाने वाले व्यक्तिओं की कुल संख्या ज्ञात करें|

A) 2560

B) 2480

C) 2320

D) 2140

E) 2400

प्रश्न 8: तरल A और तरल B के 20 litres मिश्रण में 25% तरल A है|मिश्रण में कुछ मात्रा में तरल A और तरल B को क्रमशः 1:3 के अनुपात में मिलाया जाता है|अंतिम मिश्रण में तरल A का प्रतिशत कितना होगा?

A) 10%

B) 15%

C) 20%

D) 25%

E) 30%

प्रश्न 9: एक दुकानदार एक वस्तु पर 20% लाभ अर्जित करता है जब वह वस्तु को Rs 960 में बेचता है|उसका लाभ प्रतिशत ज्ञात करें यदि वह वस्तु को Rs 1080 पर बेचता है?

A) 35%

B) 40%

C) 45%

D) 30%

E) इनमे से कोई भी नहीं

प्रश्न 10: एक कार की गति एक बस की गति से 175% अधिक है। 5 hours 36 minutes में बस द्वारा तय की गयी दूरी ज्ञात करें यदि कार द्वारा 1012 km की दूरी तय करने में 9 hours 12 minutes का समय लगता है।

A) 224 km

B) 264 km

C) 184 km

D) 240 km

E) इनमें से कोई नहीं

प्रश्न 11: निम्नलिखित श्रृंखला में प्रश्नवाचक चिन्ह (?) के स्थान पर क्या आएगा?

12, 39, 55, 180, 216, ?

A) 561

B) 565

C) 551

D) 559

E) 571

प्रश्न 12: निम्नलिखित संख्याओं की श्रृंखला में से विषम खोजें।

30, 33, 39, 51, 75, 120

A) 33

B) 39

C) 51

D) 75

E) 120

प्रश्न 13: दिए गए समीकरण में प्रश्नवाचक चिन्ह (?) के स्थान पर क्या आएगा?

√(15 × 16 – 15) + √? = 20% of 120

A) 81

B) 9

C) 12

D) 96

E) 144

प्रश्न 14: दिए गए समीकरण में प्रश्नवाचक चिन्ह (?) के स्थान पर क्या आएगा?

(3/4) × (45/9) × (48/15) + (? ÷ 12) = 24

A) 12

B) 48

C) 144

D) 36

E) 18

प्रश्न 15: दिए गए समीकरण में प्रश्नवाचक चिन्ह (?) के स्थान पर क्या आएगा?

18 of 20 of 2 – 12 of 3 of 5 = ? × 36

A) 30

B) 24

C) 18

D) 20

E) 15


1) – E)2) – D)3) – B)4) – B)5) – C)6) – C)
7) – B)8) – D)9) – A)10) – A)11) – D)12) – E)
13) – A)14) – C)15) – E)

Solution 1: E)

{(1.99)2}2 + 7.972 = ? × 2.01 × 3.97

{(2)2}2 + 82 ~ ? × 2 × 4

(2)4 + 82 ~ ? × 8

16 + 64 ~ ? × 8

? ~ 80 ÷ 8

? ~ 10

Hence, option e.

Solution 2: D)

5.02 × 17.11 + 24.97% of 499.99 = ? – 99.99

5 × 17 + 25% of 500 ~ ? – 100

85 + 0.25 × 500 ~ ? – 100

85 + 125 + 100 ~ ?

? ~ 310

Hence, option d.

Solution 3: B)

18.99 + 210.96 + (23.95 × 4.87) = ?

19 + 211 + (24 × 5) ~ ?

230 + 120 ~ ?

? ~ 350

Hence, option b.

Solution 4: B)

From I:

x2– 21x + 90 = 0

x2 – 6x – 15x + 90 = 0

x(x – 6) – 15(x – 6) = 0

(x – 6)(x – 15) = 0

x = 6, 15

From II:

y2 – 23y + 112 = 0

y2 – 16y – 7y + 112 = 0

y(y – 16) – 7(y – 16) = 0

(y – 16)(y – 7) = 0

y = 7, 16

So, the relationship cannot be established

Hence, option b.

Solution 5: C)

From I:

x2 – 23x + 120 = 0

x2 – 8x – 15x + 120 = 0

x(x – 8) – 15(x – 8) = 0

(x – 8)(x – 15) = 0

x = 8, 15

From II:

y2 – 13y + 40 = 0

y2 – 8y – 5y + 40 = 0

y(y – 8) – 5(y – 8) = 0

(y – 8)(y – 5) = 0

y = 8, 5

Hence, option c.

Solution 6: C)

Let the present age of A and B be x years and y years respectively

According to the question,

x + 8 = 2y

Or, 2y – x = 8 …. (1)


y + 8 = 0.875x

Or, 0.875x – y = 8 …. (2)

On solving equation 1 & 2

x = 32 years and y = 20 years

Required difference = 32 – 20 = 12 years.

Hence, option c.

Solution 7: B)

Total number of people who visited Manali = 992/0.4 = 2480

Hence, option b.

Solution 8: D)

In the initial mixture, 25% of Liquid A is present

Therefore, ratio of liquid A and B in the initial mixture is 1:3, respectively.

The addition of the liquid A and B are also in the ratio 1:3, respectively.

Therefore, final percentage of Liquid A in the mixture will remain 25%.

Hence, option d.

Solution 9: A)

Let the cost price of the article be Rs. x

Given, 1.2x = 960

Or, x = 960/1.2 = Rs. 800

Profit percent when selling price is Rs. 1080

Profit percent = {(1080 – 800)/800} × 100 = 35%

Hence, option a.

Solution 10: A)

Time taken by the car to travel 1012 km = 9 hours + (12/60) hours = 9.2 hours

Speed of car = 1012/9.2 = 110 km/h

Speed of bus = 110/2.75 = 40 km/h

Time taken by the bus = 5 hours + (36/60) hours = 5.6 hours

Desired distance = 40 × 5.6 = 224 km

Hence, option a.

Solution 11: D)

12 + 33 = 39

39 + 42 = 55

55 + 53 = 180

180 + 62 = 216

216 + 73 = 559

Hence, option d.

Solution 12: E)

Therefore, 123 should come in place of 120.

Hence, option e.

Solution 13: A)

√(15 × 16 – 15) + √? = 20% of 120

√(240 – 15) + √? = 24

√225 + √? = 24

√? = 24 – 15 = 9

? = 92 = 81

Hence, option a.

Solution 14: C)

(3/4) × (45/9) × (48/15) + (? ÷ 12) = 24

12 + (? ÷ 12) = 24

(? ÷ 12) = 12

? = 144

Hence, option c.

Solution 15: E)

18 of 20 of 2 – 12 of 3 of 5 = ? × 36

720 – 180 = ? × 36

? × 36 = 540

? = 540 ÷ 36

? = 15

Hence, option e.

Important Topics to Prepare for IBPS RRB 2024 Reasoning Ability Section

The Reasoning Ability section is a crucial part of the IBPS RRB 2024 exam, testing candidates’ logical and analytical thinking skills. To excel in this section, candidates need a structured approach to cover all the topics effectively. Here are some topic-wise preparation tips to ace the Reasoning Ability section:

1. Puzzles and Seating Arrangement

  • Practice Regularly: Solve a variety of puzzles and seating arrangement questions regularly to improve your problem-solving skills.
  • Understand Patterns: Analyze different types of puzzles and seating arrangements to understand the underlying patterns and logic.
  • Time Management: Focus on improving your speed while maintaining accuracy, as these questions can be time-consuming.

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2. Syllogism

  • Learn Rules: Familiarize yourself with the basic rules of syllogism and practice applying them to various scenarios.
  • Venn Diagrams: Use Venn diagrams to visualize the relationships between different statements and draw accurate conclusions.
  • Practice Contradictions: Pay attention to identifying contradictory statements and eliminate options accordingly.

3. Coding-Decoding

  • Decode Patterns: Understand the coding patterns used in different types of questions, such as letter shifting, letter coding, or number coding.
  • Reverse Decoding: Practice decoding letters or numbers based on given patterns and apply reverse logic to encode given words.
  • Shortcut Techniques: Learn shortcut techniques to solve coding-decoding questions quickly, such as identifying common letter pairs or sequences.

4. Blood Relations

  • Family Tree Method: Draw family trees to represent complex relationships and solve questions based on them systematically.
  • Use Gender Indicators: Pay attention to gender indicators like ‘brother,’ ‘sister,’ ‘father,’ and ‘mother’ to determine the relationships between individuals.
  • Apply Logic: Apply logical reasoning to deduce relationships based on given information and eliminate incorrect options.

5. Direction Sense

  • Mnemonic Techniques: Use mnemonic techniques to remember directions and their corresponding positions (e.g., Never Eat Soggy Waffles for North, East, South, West).
  • Draw Diagrams: Draw diagrams or use compass directions to visualize the movement and orientation in direction sense questions.
  • Logical Deductions: Apply logical deductions to infer directions based on given movements or positions of individuals or objects.

6. Inequality

  • Rule-based Approach: Understand the rules of inequalities (greater than, less than, equal to) and apply them to compare expressions or statements.
  • Transitive Properties: Remember the transitive properties of inequalities and use them to establish relationships between elements.
  • Practice with Symbols: Practice solving questions involving symbols like ‘>, <, =’ to master the concept of inequality.

7. Miscellaneous Topics (Alphanumeric Series, Logical Reasoning, etc.)

  • Pattern Recognition: Develop a knack for recognizing patterns in alphanumeric series questions and solve them systematically.
  • Analyze Statements: In logical reasoning questions, analyze given statements carefully to identify assumptions, strengths, and weaknesses.
  • Critical Thinking: Develop critical thinking skills to solve miscellaneous reasoning topics effectively by understanding the underlying logic and concepts.

Practicemock Preparation Resources for IBPS RRB PO 2024 Exam

To excel in the IBPS RRB PO 2024 exam, candidates can utilize various preparation resources offered by Practicemock, a renowned platform for banking exam preparation. Some of the resources include:

  • Mock Tests: Practicemock provides a wide range of mock tests designed to simulate the actual exam environment and help candidates assess their preparation level.
  • Topic Test: The platform offers a comprehensive FREE Topic Test covering all topics of the reasoning section, including detailed explanations and solved examples.
  • Practice Questions: Practicemock provides an extensive collection of practice questions categorized according to the syllabus, allowing candidates to strengthen their concepts and improve their problem-solving skills.
  • Weekly FREE Live Test: Practicemock Provided the weekly FREE Live Test. These banking-free live tests simulate the actual exam environment, providing candidates with an opportunity to experience the pressure, time constraints, and overall atmosphere they’ll encounter during the real exam. This simulation helps alleviate exam anxiety and boosts candidates’ confidence levels.
IBPS RRB PO Preparation Resources
FREE Mock Test First IBPS RRB PO FREE Mock Test 
FREE Topic Test IBPS RRB PO all FREE Topic Test
Pre-Sectional TestsIBPS RRB PO FREE Pre-Sectional Test 
Previous Year Paper IBPS RRB PO Prelims FREE Previous Year Paper
FREE QuizzesIBPS RRB PO Quant, Reasoning, FREE Topic-wise Quizs
FREE Live Test IBPS RRB PO Weekly FREE Live Test 


Effective preparation is the key to success in the IBPS RRB PO 2024 exam, particularly in the reasoning section. By starting with important questions, understanding the exam pattern and syllabus, and utilizing resources like Practicemock, candidates can enhance their reasoning abilities and boost their overall performance in the exam. With dedication and consistent practice, aspirants can achieve their goal of becoming a successful RRB Probationary Officer.

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By Sweta Singh

I pen/write blogs to help aspirants prepare for SSC, Banking, and Engineering exams. These blogs turn out to be a one-stop destination for comprehensive information on some of the biggest competitive exams. My ultimate goal is to provide accurate and easy-to-understand information, covering topics like exam patterns, syllabus, study techniques, and more. Join me on this journey of knowledge!

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