IDBI Executive Previous Year Exam Analysis
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IDBI Bank Executive Exam Analysis 2019, May 16: Now, that IDBI has announced the notification many aspirants are looking for a detailed previous year exam analysis. Last year’s exam didn’t take place, so we will have to look for the 2019 exam papers to analyze them. We will be covering the 16th May shift today. 

Holi Sale

IDBI Bank Executive 2019 Overall Cut-Off 

Category wise cut-offs applied on objective test  

CATEGORY  T1- LR (60)  T2- EL (40)  T3- QA (40)  T4 – BA (60)  
SC, ST, OBC, PWD  14  12.25  7.75  8.00  
EWS, UR  20.50  16.75  11.75  13.00  

Category wise cut-offs applied on Total  

–  SC  ST  OBC  EWS  UR  HH  OH  VH  
For Merit Listed  108.75  95.50  120.75  125.00  129.50  55.00  113.75  128.75  
For Waitlisted  101.00  85.25  114.25  118.25  118.25  52.00  100.75  109.25 

IDBI Bank Executive English Language Exam Analysis 2019 

The reading comprehension was based on satellites. 3 questions of vocabulary were asked. 1 fill in the blank. Synonym for ‘Beamed’ and an antonym for ‘Surface.’  

The topic for the cloze test was ‘WorkLife in an office.”  

Word exchange – In a sentence, 4 words were bold. You have to identify which two words can be exchanged. 

Word usage – A word was followed by 4 sentences. you have to check the correct usage of the word in a sentence. Words: Oblique, Balance. 

Para Jumble – Topic: Gadgets used in smart classes 

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Sr. No. Topics No. of Questions Difficulty 
Reading Comprehension 10 Moderate 
Single Fillers Easy 
Cloze Test 10 Moderate 
Error Spotting Moderate 
Phrase replacement Easy 
6  Word exchange  Easy 
  Match the column 2  Easy 
8      Word usage  Easy 
9  Para Jumble  5  – 

Overall Level: Easy-Moderate 

IDBI Bank Executive Quantitative Aptitude Section Analysis 2019 

The quants section was of the moderate level. The number series was of missing type. The quadratic equation was easy going. The BODMAS was used for solving approximated-based questions.  

Data Interpretation – Pie Chart (Total no. of animals = 1800, % of animals sold in a pet shot was given in a pie chart)  

Table based (No. of females & percentage of males was given)  

Line graph (data of items sold by 5 companies were given) 

Arithmetic – Topics like Time & Work, Time speed & distance, percentage, profit, and loss, etc. 

S. No. Topics Number of questions Difficulty 
Number Series 10 Moderate 
Data Interpretation 15 Moderate 
Quadratic equation Easy 
Approximation Based on BODMAS – Easy 
Arithmetic 10 Moderate 

Overall Level: Moderate 

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IDBI Bank Executive Reasoning Ability Analysis 2019 

The reasoning ability section was judged to be tricky and moderate and that’s why the lowest number of good attempts were made for this section. Some topics were quite easy but some would have surely challenged everyone. Easy ones included syllogism and inequality. The section was very well dominated by the puzzles which were of moderate level.  

Puzzles bifurcation  

  • Floor-based (Persons living on 8 floors have to attend a meeting on different timings)  
  • Box-based (9 Boxes)  
  • Circular (7 people inward facing)  
  • Linear (unknown number of people)  
  • 7 people going to 3 different countries and liking 3 different colours 

Miscellaneous topics included blood relation, direction sense mainly.

S. No. Topics Number of questions Difficulty 
Puzzles 25 Moderate 
Syllogism Easy 
Inequality Easy 
Coding Decoding Moderate 
Miscellaneous 10 Moderate 

Overall Level – Moderate 

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Good Attempts for IDBI Bank Executive Exam 2019 

The good attempts were analyzed upon the difficulty level described by the aspirants who took the exam in 2019. English as usual leads with the most number of attempts. Reasoning and quantitative aptitude were on the same page when it came to attempts. 

TOTAL  131-136


The one-month window for IDBI should be ideally be seen as an opportunity for aspirants who have not been to capitalize on last month’s examinations. As an aspirant, you are already in the phase of preparation. Everyone should carry the momentum forward.

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