IDBI executive 2023-30 Days Study Plan for Sureshot Success
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Want to clear the IDBI executive 2023 in first attempt and that too, with just a 30-day preparation? Thousands of candidates who apply for the exam think of cracking it in 30 days. But is it an achievable task? Yes, it is! Only if you’ll abide by a well-crafted study plan. IDBI Executive Recruitment 2023 has recently released a notification declaring 1036 vacant posts. As the exam will be conducted by IDBI on 02nd July 2023, you need to gear up with a perfect study plan.

And that’s how we’ve come up with a perfect 30 days study plan for you complimented with the latest Free IDBI executive 2023 Mock Test to propel your effort of covering the entire syllabus at breakneck speed.

IDBI Executive 2023 Selection Process

The selection process shall comprise an Online Test (OT), Document Verification (DV), and Pre Recruitment Medical Test (PRMT). The structure of the OT is as follows:

Sr. No.Name of the TestNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
1.Logical Reasoning, Data Analysis & Interpretation6060  Composite time of 2 hours
2.English Language4040
3.Quantitative Aptitude4040
4.General/Economy/Banking Awareness/ Computer/IT6060

The above tests except for the tests of the English Language will be available bilingually, i.e. English and Hindi.


  • Candidates have to qualify in each of the four tests, by securing cut-off marks as decided by the Bank
  • For every wrong answer, 1/4th or 0.25 of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as a penalty. If a question is left blank, i.e. no answer is marked by the candidate; there will be no penalty for that question.
  • Candidates qualifying in OT will form the pool of shortlisted candidates and will be eligible for the further selection process.
  • The final selection or offer of employment would be made based on category-wise final marks obtained in the Selection Process.

IDBI executive 2023-30 Days Study Plan for Sureshot Success

DayLogical Reasoning, Data Analysis & InterpretationQuantitative AptitudeEnglishGeneral Awareness
1Attempt IDBI Executive Free Mock + Mock AnalysisAttempt IDBI
Executive Free
Mock + Mock
Attempt IDBI Executive Free Mock + Mock AnalysisAttempt IDBI Executive Free Mock + Mock Analysis
2Input-OutputMissing Seriessentence improvement
3Mini Mocks + QuizzesMini Mocks + QuizzesMini Mocks + QuizzesMini Mocks + Quizzes
4Blood RelationArithmeticword swapAgreements & MoUs of March
5Seating Arrangement, SyllogismQuadratic Inequalitiescloze testAppointments & Resignation of March
6Puzzles + Coding-Decoding, Direction, Order- RankingApproximationsentence based errorSchemes & Committees of March
7Attempt IDBI Executive 01 Mock + Mock Analysis
8SeriesWrong Seriesword rearrangementSummits & Conferences
9Mini Mock + QuizMini Mock + QuizMini Mock + QuizMini Mock + Quiz
10Coding-DecodingTable DI and Bar Graph DIidioms and phrasesImportant days of April + Sports News of April
11DirectionLine Graph DI and Pie Chart DIcolumn-based sentences & Error correctionImportant days of March
12Seating ArrangementArithmetic & Simplification/Approximationword swapObituaries
13InequalitiesData Sufficiency and Quantity Based + ArithmeticconnectorsScience & Technology + Miscellaneous news of March
14Attempt IDBI Executive 02 Mock + Mock AnalysisMini Mock + QuizMini Mock + Quiz
15Miscellaneous + Puzzles, Inequalities, MiscellaneousMix DI and Caseletphrase rearrangementDefense news & Books & Authors
16Mini Mock + QuizMini Mock + QuizMini Mock + QuizMini Mock + Quiz
17Input-Output, Syllogism, InequalitiesArithmeticword rearrangementBanking & Financial News of March
18SyllogismData Interpretationword swapBanking & Financial News of March
19Order- RankingNumber Seriesdouble fillersBusiness News
20Series, Seating ArrangementArithmeticsentence improvementInternational Affairs of April
21Attempt IDBI Executive 03 Mock + Mock AnalysisMini Mock + QuizMini Mock + Quiz
22Syllogism, Coding-DecodingQuadratic Inequalitiescloze testEconomic Affairs of April
23Mini Mock + QuizMini Mock + QuizMini Mock + QuizNational News
24Inequalities, Order RankingArithmeticsingle fillersNational News
25Direction, Data- SufficiencyData Interpretationreading comprehensionRanks & Reports of April
26Syllogism, Coding-DecodingNumber Series + Quadratic Inequalitiesphrase rearrangementState News of April
27Blood Relation, Input-OutputData Sufficiency and Quantity Basedsentence rearrangementState News of May, Sports News of April
28Attempt IDBI Executive 04 Mock + Mock AnalysisMini Mock + QuizAgreements & MoUs of April
29Input-Output, Syllogism, InequalitiesQuadratic Inequalitiesword rearrangement + phrase rearrangementAppointments & Resignation of May
30Seating Arrangement, MIscellaneous, Order-RankingData Sufficiency and Quantity Basedvocabulary + word swapAppointments & Resignation of April

    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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