IDBI Bank Executive 2021 Mock Test
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The biggest challenge with IDBI Examination is time management. That’s why mock tests for IDBI become way too important because there is no exam as such.  The level of IDBI Executive is such that it’s tougher than a clerk exam but easier than a PO exam. It’s somewhere in the middle.   


IDBI Executive 2021 Exam Pattern  

No.   Name of Tests   No. of Qs   Maximum   
1   Test of Reasoning   50   50      
2   Test of Working English Language   50   50   Composite   
time of 90   
3   Test of Quantitative Aptitude   50   50      
   Total   150   150    

IDBI Executive 2021 Exam Syllabus   

Reasoning Ability Syllabus  


Reasoning Ability Syllabus Topics   
Analogy  Series completion  
Theme detection  Coding decoding  
Inequality  Syllogism   
Puzzles  Logical reasoning  
Data Sufficiency  Input-Output  
Seating Arrangement  Blood relations  
Alphanumeric series  Vertical reasoning  
Order and ranking  Statement – conclusions  

English Language Syllabus  

English Language Syllabus Topics   
Reading comprehension  Para jumbles  
Error detection  Cloze test  
Active/passive voice  Sentence improvement  
Sentence formation  Work – adverb  
Tenses  Synonyms and antonyms  
Idioms and phrases  Fill in the blanks  

Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus  

Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus Topics   
Simplification approximation  Profit and loss  
Number series  Data interpretation  
Average  Data sufficiency  
Quadratic equations  Simple and compound interest  
Problems on age  Time and work  
Probability  Time and distance  
Station proportion  Relationship between numbers  
Decimals and fractions  Computation of whole numbers  
Discount and percentage  Mensuration  
Fundamental and medical operations   

Benefits of IDBI Executive Mock Test Series 

Ideal Practice for a 50 marks English Language Section 

 Most of the banking exams do have English but not of 50 marks. The recent exams conducted in July and August 2021 were all prelims. RRB PO prelims and Clerk prelims does not include English language as a subject.  

Separate your Preparation as vacancy list has limited seats 

With 920 vacancies available, out of which general vacancies are also limited. 

Categories Vacancy 
UR 373 
SC 138 
ST 69 
OBC 248 
EWS 92 
PWD- VI 09 
PWD- OH 09 
PWD- HI 09 
PWD- ID 09 

Research and Evidence-based data suggests Mock Tests Make a Huge Difference 

A study done by Washington University on “Test-enhanced learning” showcased that taking memory tests improves long-term retention.    

The abstract of the study mentioned this – “Taking a memory test not only assesses what one knows, but also enhances later retention, a phenomenon known as the testing effect. We studied this effect with educationally relevant materials and investigated whether testing facilitates learning only because tests offer an opportunity to restudy material. In two experiments, students studied prose passages and took one or three immediate free-recall tests, without feedback, or restudied the material the same number of times as the students who received tests. Students then took a final retention test 5 min, 2 days, or 1 week later. 

When the final test was given after 5 min, repeated studying improved recall relative to repeated testing. However, on the delayed tests, prior testing produced substantially greater retention than studying, even though repeated studying increased students’ confidence in their ability to remember the material. Testing is a powerful means of improving learning, not just assessing it.”   

Mock tests give you a real-life and a real-time experience 

Pressure is a funny thing. It can make you take minutes to solve questions you usually solve within seconds at the comfort of your home. But, with mock tests, you can surpass that pressure.   


Cut-Offs were higher in previous year exam 

The maximum cut-off went up till 129 that year. Now, if you have 150 questions and the cut 0ff was around 129 then you will have to maximise your good attempts even more than 130.  

2019 Good Attempts 

TOTAL   131-136 

IDBI Bank Previous Year Cut-Off 2019  

Category wise cut-offs applied on objective test 

CATEGORY  T1- LR (60)  T2- EL (40)  T3- QA (40)  T4 – BA (60)  
SC, ST, OBC, PWD  14  12.25  7.75  8.00  
EWS, UR  20.50  16.75  11.75  13.00  

Category wise cut-offs applied on Total  

–  SC  ST  OBC  EWS  UR  HH  OH  VH  
For Merit Listed  108.75  95.50  120.75  125.00  129.50  55.00  113.75  128.75  
For Waitlisted  101.00  85.25  114.25  118.25  118.25  52.00  100.75  109.25 

Why is IDBI Executive such a desirable job?

The one-month window for IDBI should be ideally be seen as an opportunity for aspirants who have not been able to capitalize on the last month’s examinations. . Especially, for students who look for clerical banking jobs. With such a job in hand, you can easily prepare for higher banking exams with a decent financial backup. 

An assistant manager job position could be yours in 3 years if you crack this exam.  And remember neither did you appear for an interview or mains. If you are somebody who is in the age group of 21-23 then IDBI Bank could be the best platform. 


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    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

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