IBPS SO Prelims 2024 exam is just around the corner and it’s time for the candidates to get their revision mode on. With only 12 days left in hand here we have come up with IBPS SO Prelims 12 days effective revision plan. Revision as we all know is as important as the preparation and its time to start with the same. It is advisable to not start any fresh topic at this point in time and rather revise what all you have done till now. This revision plan is for the candidate’s reference, however they can tweak the same as per their strategy and preparation level. Those who wish to judge their final level of exam preparation can attempt IBPS SO pre free mock test and can check the analysis after the exam ends. This will give you an idea as to what all and how well you have prepared till now.
IBPS SO Prelims 2023 Free Mock Test
IBPS SO Prelims Exam Pattern
Sr. No. | Name of Tests | No. of Questions | Maximum Marks | Medium of Exam | Duration |
1 | English Language | 50 | 25 | English | 40 minutes |
2 | Reasoning | 50 | 50 | English and Hindi | 40 minutes |
3 | Quantitative Aptitude | 50 | 50 | English and Hindi | 40 minutes |
Total | 150 | 125 |
This plan can be used well to revise the IBPS SO prelims exam specifically. We have even incorporated mock tests at regular intervals so that candidates must keep practicing side by side and gradually move onto different topics allocating sufficient time of the day.
Date | Goal 1 | Goal 2 |
18th Dec | IBPS SO Prelims Free Mock Test + Detailed Analysis | Number Series, DI – Table level 1, and 2 |
19th Dec | Syllogism, Reasoning Puzzles | Cloze Test, Reading Comprehension |
20th Dec | IBPS SO Prelims 01 Mock Test + Detailed Analysis | Simplification/ Approximation, Inequality |
21st Dec | Vocabulary, Data Sufficiency | IBPS SO Prelims 02 Mock Test + Detailed Analysis |
22nd Dec | Quantity Comparison, Averages, Mixtures and Alligation Concepts | Coding-Decoding, Profit & Loss Concepts |
23rd Dec | Para-jumbles, Fillers | IBPS SO Prelims 03 Mock Test + Detailed Analysis |
24th Dec | DI – Caselets, Quantity Comparison | Simple & Compound Interest, Blood Relations |
25th Dec | IBPS SO Prelims 04 Mock Test + Detailed Analysis | Sentence Joining, Vocabulary |
26th Dec | Input-Output, Data Sufficiency | Quadratic Equations, Problems on Ages |
27th Dec | Probability, Alphanumeric Series | IBPS SO Prelims 05 Mock Test + Detailed Analysis |
28th Dec | IBPS SO Prelims 06 Mock Test + Detailed Analysis | DI Graph & Chart, Critical Reasoning |
29th Dec | IBPS SO Prelims 07 Mock Test + Detailed Analysis | Relax |
Tip 1: Focus on the scoring topics and give priority to those. Most of the important topics are mentioned in the revision plan above.
Tip 2: Attempt as many mock tests as possible and carefully observe your mistakes. Mark all the difficult questions in which you didn’t score well so that you can revise those later.
Tip 3: Try & attempt previous year papers as going through previous year will help you know and understand the exam pattern and weightage well. It will also guide the aspirants as to what kind of questions have been asked before.
This brings us to the end of this IBPS SO Prelims 12 Days Effective Revision Plan. Stay tuned for timely updates related to the IBPS SO 2023 exam.
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