IBPS SO 2022-Eligibility, Exam Pattern, Syllabus
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IBPS SO 2022 (CRP SPL-XII) will be conducted in December 24 and 31, 2022. The IBPS SO Mains 2022 exam will be held on January 29, 2023. The selection process including 3 phases namely Prelims, Mains, and Interview. The candidates who will clear the online exam will get eligible for the final interview round. If you want to clear IBPS SO 2022 exam, you’ll have to be on the top of your preparation. And the first and foremost thing needed to begin this preparation is the complete knowledge of the IBPS SO 2022 Syllabus and the most scoring topics to focus on. Plus, practice via Mock Tests regularly. The admit card will be released 15 days before the exam.

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Today, we’ll discuss all the important details regarding IBPS SO 2022-Eligibility, Exam Pattern, Syllabus.

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IBPS SO Syllabus-Highlights

Exam Conducting AuthorityInstitute of Banking & Personnel Selection, IBPS
Exam NameIBPS SO 2022
Examination ModeOnline
IBPS SO Exam DatesPrelims- 24th or 31st December 2022
Mains- 29th January 2023
DurationPrelims- 120 minutes 
Mains- 45 minutes/60 minutes
Selection ProcessPrelims-Mains-Interview
Negative Marking¼th marks
Official Websiteibps.in

IBPS SO Eligibility Criteria 2022

 Anyone who is interested in applying for IBPS SO 2022 must ensure that they fulfill the minimum eligibility requirements before filling up the IBPS SO application form online. The eligibility criteria are different for different positions for which the candidates are selected through IBPS SO 2022 Exam. There are mainly three parameters of IBPS SO eligibility that include nationality, age limit and educational qualification on which a candidate is judged to be eligible for the IBPS CRP SPL – XII Exam. Candidates can check all the Eligibility Criteria for different posts in IBPS SO 2022 below.

IBPS SO Nationality/ Citizenship

A candidate willing to apply for IBPS SO 2022 must be from one of the below-listed categories:

  1. A Citizen of India or
  2. A subject of Nepal or
  3. A subject of Bhutan or
  4. A Tibetan Refugee living in India before 1st January 1962
  5. A person of Indian origin migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam.

IBPS SO Age Limit (as on 01/11/2022)

The candidates who are interested in applying for the IBPS SO 2022 recruitment must be minimum of 20 years and must not exceed 30 years of age. Check the post-wise IBPS SO Age Limit from the table given below.

Post CodeName of the PostAge limit
01I.T. Officer (Scale I)Min – 20 years
Max – 30 years
02Agricultural Field Officer (Scale-I)Min – 20 years
Max – 30 years
03Rajbhasha Adhikari (Scale I)Min – 20 years
Max – 30 years
04Law Officer (Scale I)Min – 20 years
Max – 30 years
05HR/Personnel Officer (Scale I)Min – 20 years
Max – 30 years
06Marketing Officer (Scale I)Min – 20 years
Max – 30 years

Though candidates belonging to reserved categories are rewarded age relaxation by the Government of India. The category wise age relaxation given to candidates for the post of IBPS SO is discussed below:

CategoryAge Relaxation
Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe (SC/ST)5 years
Other Backward Class (OBC)3 years
Person with Disability (PWD)10 years
Ex-Servicemen/Commissioned Officers including ECOS (Emergency Commissioned Officers)/ SSCOs (Short Service Commissioned Officers) who have rendered at least 5 years military service and have been released on completion of Assignment (including those whose assignment is due to be completed within 1 year from last date of receipt of application) otherwise than by the way of dismissal/discharge on the account of misconduct/inefficiency/physical disability attributable to military service5 years
Person affected by 1984 riots5 years

IBPS SO Educational Qualification (as on 21/11/2022)

 The IBPS SO educational qualification is different for all the different posts mentioned above. These minimum educational qualifications must be from a university or institution, or board recognized by the Government of India/ approved by Government regulatory bodies.

Here are the details that you must know:

Post CodePost NameEducational Qualification
01I.T. Officer (Scale I)1)Four years of engineering/Technology degree in Computer Science/IT/Computer Application/Electronics and Communication Engineering/Electronics and Telecommunication/ Electronics and Instrumentation
2) Post Graduate Degree in Computer Science/IT/Computer Application/Electronics and Communication Engineering/Electronics and Telecommunication/ Electronics and Instrumentation
Graduates having passed DOEACC ‘B’ level exam
02Agricultural Field Officer (Scale-I)4 years graduation degree in agriculture/ Horticulture/ Animal Husbandry/ Veterinary Science/ dairy Science/ Agricultural engineering/ Fishery Science/ Pisciculture/ Agri Marketing and cooperation/ Co-Operation and Banking/ Agro-Forestry
03Rajbhasha Adhikari (Scale I)Post Graduate in Hindi with English as a subject at the graduation or degree level
Post Graduate Degree in Sanskrit with English and Hindi as a subject at graduation level
04Law Office (Scale I)A bachelor’s degree in Law and enrolled as an advocate with Bar Council
05HR/Personnel Officer (Scale I)Graduate and Full Time Post Graduate Degree or Full time Diploma in Personnel Management/ Industrial Relation/ HR/ HRD/ Social Work/ Labour Law
06Marketing Officer (Scale I)Graduate and Full Time MMS (Marketing)/ MBA (Marketing)/Full time PGDBA/ PGDBM with specialization in Marketing

IBPS SO Preliminary Exam Pattern

Given below is the exam pattern for the post of Law Officer & Rajbhasha Adhikari:

S NoSectionNo. of QuestionsTotal MarksDuration
1.Reasoning505040 minutes
2.English Language502540 minutes
3.General Awareness with Special Reference to Banking Industry505040 minutes

Given below is the exam pattern for other Specialist Officers (Agriculture Field Officer, Marketing Officer (Scale I), HR/Personnel Officer, IT Officer Scale I

S NoSectionNo. of QuestionsTotal MarksDuration
1.Reasoning505040 minutes
2.English Language502540 minutes
3.Quantitative Aptitude505040 minutes

IBPS SO Mains Exam Pattern

Given below is the exam pattern for the Post of Law Officer, IT Officer, Agriculture Field Officer, HR/Personnel Officer and Marketing Officer

Name of TestNumber of QuestionsMaximum MarksMedium of ExamDuration
Professional Knowledge6060English & Hindi45 minutes

For the Post of Rajbhasha Adhikari

Name of TestNumber of QuestionsMaximum MarksMedium of ExamDuration
Professional Knowledge(Objective)4560English & Hindi30 minutes
Professional Knowledge(Descriptive)2English & Hindi30 minutes

IBPS SO Preliminary Exam Syllabus

IBPS SO Preliminary Exam is the primary selection round of IBPS SO 2022 Exam. Candidates who clear the preliminary exam are eligible to appear for the mains exam. The Preliminary Exam of IBPS SO 2022 comprises of three major sections: Reasoning, English Language and Quantitative Aptitude / General Awareness with Special Reference to Banking Industry (For the post of Law Officer and Rajbhasha Adhikari).

Reasoning AbilityEnglish LanguageQuantitative AptitudeGeneral Awareness
-Seating Arrangements
-Data Sufficiency
-Blood Relations
-Order and Ranking
-Alphanumeric Series
-Distance and Direction
-Verbal Reasoning
-Cloze Test
-Reading -Comprehension
-Spotting Errors
-Sentence Improvement
-Sentence Correction
-Para Jumbles
-Fill in the Blanks
-Para/Sentence Completion
-Number Series
-Data Interpretation
-Simplification/ -Approximation
-Quadratic Equation
-Data Sufficiency
-Profit and Loss
-Ratio and Proportion
-Work, Time and Energy
-Time and Distance
-Simple and Compound -Interest
-Permutation and Combination
-Current Affairs
-Banking Awareness
-GK Updates
-Important Places
-Books and Authors
-Prime Minister
-Important Days

Note: Apart from these common subjects asked for all the posts, candidates are required to have Professional Knowledge as well, which comes in the main part of the exam.

IBPS SO Syllabus For Mains Exam

The IBPS SO Syllabus for the different posts is given below.

IT Officer (Scale-I)-Database Management System
-Data Communication and Networking
-Operating System
-Software Engineering
-Data Structure
-Computer Organization and Microprocessor
-Object-Oriented Programming
Agricultural Field Officer (Scale-I)-Basics of Crop production
-Seed Science
-Agronomy and Irrigation
-Agricultural Economics
-Agricultural Practices
-Soil resources
-Animal Husbandry
-Government Schemes
Marketing Officer (Scale-I)-Basics of Marketing Management
-Brand Management
-Business Ethics
-Market Segmentation
-Market research and forecasting demand
-Product Life Cycle
-Corporate Social Responsibility
-Service Marketing
-Marketing Strategies
Law Officer (Scale-I)-Banking Regulations
-Compliance and Legal Aspects
-Relevant Law and Orders related to negotiable instruments, securities, -foreign exchange
-Prevention of Money-laundering, Limitation Act
-Consumer Protection Act
-Banking Ombudsman Scheme
-Laws and Actions with a direct link to Banking Sector
-Bankers Book Evidence Act
-DRT Act
HR/Personnel Officer (Scale-I)-Human Resource Development
-Business policy and strategic analysis
-Transnational Analysis
-Training and Development
-Recruitment and Selection
-Rewards and Recognition
-Industrial Relations
-Business Policy and Strategic Analysis
-Grievance and Conflict Management
-Performance Management and Appraisal
Rajbhasha Adhikari-Banking Regulations Passages
-Cloze Test
-Fill in the Blanks
-Practical Translation
-Hindi/English Grammar

Best Packages for IBPS SO 2022 Exam

Both online and offline market is filled with books, courses and other materials for IBPS SO 2022 exam. Here are 2 Packages that we have crafted for candidates who are looking for low-priced yet easy and very effective Packs for quick preparation of all the topics given above:

IBPS SO Agriculture Officer Prelims + Mains ONLY @ ₹ 299

30th April 2023

  • Prelims: 10 Mock tests
  • Mains: 5 Mock tests


IBPS SO Marketing Officer Prelims + Mains ONLY @ ₹ 299

30th April, 2023

  • Prelims: 10 Mock tests
  • Mains: 5 Mock tests


IBPS SO Syllabus – FAQs

Q. What are the posts for which I can apply for IBPS SO 2022?
Ans. Any eligible candidate can apply for the post of Agriculture Officer, Law Officer, Marketing Officer, Rajbhasha Adhikari, HR/Personnel Officer, and IT Officer depending upon your area of expertise.

Q. Is the IBPS SO Exam conducted online or offline?
A. The IBPS SO Exam will only be conducted online. Only the Interview will be taken offline or personally.

Q. What subjects/topics are asked in the IBPS SO 2022 Exam?
A. IBPS SO Prelims will have Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, and English Language and General Awareness section. While the IBPS SP Mains Exam will have questions from the specialized course that a candidate is proficient in.

Q. What is the process or stages of selection as an IBPS SO 2022?
A. The candidates will have to appear for the IBPS SO 2022 Prelims, Mains, and Interview. They will have to qualify for each stage of the IBPS SO Exam.

Q. Is there any negative marking in IBPS SO Exam 2022?

Ans. Yes, there is a negative marking of 0.25 marks in IBPS SO Exam 2022.

Best of luck with your preparation!

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By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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