As per the IBPS Calendar, the exam dates of IBPS RRB PO Prelims exam are August 7, 13, 14, 20 & 21, 2022. However, the IBPS RRB official notification is yet to be released and the dates of IBPS RRB PO can be changed a bit. But unless that is released, we will stick to these dates. We have come up with an RRB PO study plan which will help you practice better thereby aiding you in achieving your objectives. You can start preparing for this exam keeping in mind that the Prelims exam will take place as per the date mentioned in the IBPS Calendar. Kickstart your preparation by taking a Free Mock Test of RRB PO 2022 Prelims. Study as per this study plan & focus more on the areas which need improvement as highlighted by the mock test’s analysis.
IBPS RRB Officer Scale 1 2022 Prelims Free Mock- Take it Now!
There are around 70 days from today when the RRB PO Prelims would take place. To help you with your preparation, we have come up with a Study Plan. This study plan has all the topics of both the sections Reasoning & Numerical Ability. As per the IBPS RRB PO exam pattern mentioned below, you get only 45 minutes to deal with 80 questions. Time is scarce and you need to practice really well to clear the Prelims exam. Let’s have a look at the exam pattern:
There is no English section in Prelims although it is there in the Mains exam. Sectional as well as overall cut-offs are there in this exam. On each incorrectly answered question, 0.25 mark will be deducted. If you want to clear IBPS RRB PO 2022 Prelims exam, follow the below study plan religiously. Studying as per the study plan will ensure that you learn/ revise the concepts and practice enough questions on each & every topic. We have also included Mock Tests & Quizzes at several places in the Study Plan. Taking the Mock Tests as per the study plan will ensure that you get the habit of answering questions in a controlled environment and at the same time, you are able to track your performance.
IBPS RRB Officer Scale 1 2022 Prelims Free Mock
Day | Task 1 | Task 2 |
1 | Free RRB PO Prelims Mock Test | |
2 | Seating Arrangements | Mensuration and Average, Ratio & Proportion |
3 | IBPS RRB PO Prelims Mock Test 1 | |
4 | RRB PO Free Quizzes & Mini Mocks | |
5 | Number Series | Inequalities and Number Series |
6 | SI & CI and Problems on Ages | Direction Sense |
7 | IBPS RRB PO Prelims Mock Test 2 | |
8 | HCF, LCM and Profit & Loss | Seating Arrangements |
9 | Approximation, Simplification & Data Sufficiency | Syllogism |
10 | Mensuration and Average, Ratio & Proportion | Mensuration and Average, Ratio & Proportion |
11 | Data Interpretation (Charts and Graphs: Line Graph, Bar Graph, Pie Chart; Tabular; Caselet; Mixed DI) | Coding-decoding and Machine Input-Output |
12 | RRB PO Free Quizzes & Mini Mocks | |
13 | IBPS RRB PO Prelims Mock Test 3 | |
14 | Data Sufficiency & Number System | Inequalities and Number Series |
15 | Direction Sense | Number Series |
16 | Logical Reasoning | Coding-decoding and Machine Input-Output |
17 | Coding-decoding and Machine Input-Output | Probability, Permutation and Combination |
18 | RRB PO Free Quizzes & Mini Mocks | |
19 | IBPS RRB PO Prelims Mock Test 4 | |
20 | Syllogism | SI & CI and Problems on Ages |
21 | Seating Arrangements | Number Series |
22 | Mensuration and Average, Ratio & Proportion | Syllogism |
23 | SI & CI and Problems on Ages | Blood Relations |
24 | RRB PO Free Quizzes & Mini Mocks | |
25 | HCF, LCM and Profit & Loss | Work and Time & Speed, Distance and Time |
26 | IBPS RRB PO Prelims Mock Test 5 | |
27 | Number Series | SI & CI and Problems on Ages |
28 | Approximation, Simplification & Data Sufficiency | Seating Arrangements |
29 | Data Interpretation (Charts and Graphs: Line Graph, Bar Graph, Pie Chart; Tabular; Caselet; Mixed DI) | Data Interpretation (Charts and Graphs: Line Graph, Bar Graph, Pie Chart; Tabular; Caselet; Mixed DI) |
30 | Work and Time & Speed, Distance and Time | |
31 | RRB PO Free Quizzes & Mini Mocks | |
32 | IBPS RRB PO Prelims Mock Test 6 | |
33 | HCF, LCM and Profit & Loss | Direction Sense |
34 | Direction Sense | Inequalities and Number Series |
35 | RRB PO Free Quizzes & Mini Mocks | Probability, Permutation and Combination |
36 | Data Sufficiency & Number System | Probability, Permutation and Combination |
37 | RRB PO Free Quizzes & Mini Mocks | |
38 | IBPS RRB PO Prelims Mock Test 7 | |
39 | Data Sufficiency & Number System | Inequalities |
40 | Seating Arrangements | Seating Arrangements |
41 | RRB PO Free Quizzes & Mini Mocks | |
42 | IBPS RRB PO Prelims Mock Test 8 | |
43 | Logical Reasoning | Logical Reasoning |
44 | RRB PO Free Quizzes & Mini Mocks | |
45 | Coding-decoding and Machine Input-Output | Direction Sense |
46 | IBPS RRB PO Prelims Mock Test 9 | |
47 | Mensuration and Average, Ratio & Proportion | Approximation, Simplification & Data Sufficiency |
48 | IBPS RRB PO Prelims Mock Test 10 | |
49 | Blood Relations | Inequalities |
50 | RRB PO Free Quizzes & Mini Mocks | |
51 | IBPS RRB PO Prelims Mock Test 11 | |
52 | HCF, LCM and Profit & Loss | Seating Arrangements |
53 | IBPS RRB PO Prelims Mock Test 12 | |
54 | Data Sufficiency & Number System | Syllogism |
55 | RRB PO Free Quizzes & Mini Mocks | |
56 | IBPS RRB PO Prelims Mock Test 13 | |
57 | Approximation, Simplification & Data Sufficiency | Work and Time & Speed, Distance and Time |
58 | IBPS RRB PO Prelims Mock Test 14 | |
59 | Data Interpretation (Charts and Graphs: Line Graph, Bar Graph, Pie Chart; Tabular; Caselet; Mixed DI) | Data Interpretation (Charts and Graphs: Line Graph, Bar Graph, Pie Chart; Tabular; Caselet; Mixed DI) |
60 | RRB PO Free Quizzes & Mini Mocks | |
61 | IBPS RRB PO Prelims Mock Test 15 | |
62 | Logical Reasoning | Coding-decoding and Machine Input-Output |
63 | IBPS RRB PO Prelims Mock Test 16 | |
64 | Inequalities and Number Series | Probability, Permutation and Combination |
65 | RRB PO Free Quizzes & Mini Mocks | |
66 | IBPS RRB PO Prelims Mock Test 17 | |
67 | IBPS RRB PO Prelims Mock Test 18 | |
68 | IBPS RRB PO Prelims Mock Test 19 | |
69 | IBPS RRB PO Prelims Mock Test 20 |
IBPS RRB PO 2022 Prelims Free Mock
If you positively follow this study plan for IBPS RRB PO, we are sure that you would clear the Prelims exam with good marks. Remember: Practice is the key to perfection. Keep practicing via Mock Tests and success will be yours. We will keep updating this article on a regular basis. Until then, Happy Learning!
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