RRB Uploading Documents
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Candidates preparing for IBPS RRB 2021 must be knowing that the recruitment notification is not out yet, however those who want to sit for these exams this year must start preparing for the same. We will be updating the candidates with all necessary information once the notification gets rolling. In this article we are guiding the aspirants as what are the guidelines for scanning and uploading of the documents. This information is based on the previous year’s notification. Though, these guidelines remains the same usually, however if there will be any changes in this year’s notification related to uploading of the documents then we will be updating the candidates with that. Some of the aspirants often get confused regarding the guidelines that are there for scanning and uploading the documents. In this article we are updating candidates regarding the guidelines related to that. Make sure that you fill your online application form for IBPS RRB correctly by following these guidelines once the notification gets out.


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IBPS RRB PO/Clerk 2020 Vacancies

The IBPS RRB 2020 notification last year was released on 30th June with the following vacancies for the posts of IBPS RRB PO and IBPS RRB OA 2020:

  • IBPS RRB PO: 3,800
  • IBPS RRB Clerk: 4,624

Those who have plans to give the IBPS RRB 2021 exam must start their preparation by giving free RRB PO 2021 mock and RRB Clerk Prelims mock test. Start preparing by knowing the complete exam pattern first. Below we are mentioning the exam related important dates for candidate’s reference before moving onto the guidelines.

IBPS RRB 2021 Exam Dates

RRBs – CRP RRB-VIII (Officers) and CRP RRB-VIII (Office Assistants) Exam Dates 2021-22

Sr. No.ActivityIBPS RRB Exam Dates
1Online Examination – PreliminaryOfficer Scale I and Office Assistants :
01.08.2021, 07.08.2021, 08.08.2021, 14.08.2021 and 21.08.2021
2Single ExaminationOfficers Scale II & III : 25.09.2021
2Online Examination – MainOfficer Scale I : 25.09.2021
Office Assistants : 03.10.2021

Candidates those who are preparing for RRB PO and RRB Clerk 2021 must practice hard and must try and clear the exam in the first attempt. In order to achieve that here are preparation tips as how to crack the exam in first attempt. Moreover, aspirants can even check what all questions appear in the previous year actual exam. For this they can attempt our RRB PO memory based test and RRB OA 2020 Prelims memory based test. These two will give you an actual insight about the real exam questions. Coming back to the guidelines, check the same below:

IBPS RRB-IX Guidelines for Scanning and Uploading Documents

Aspirants often know what to do, however they fail to get how to do. It is extremely critical to fill the online application form correctly following all the guidelines etc, else your form can get rejected. So, below are the guidelines as how to scan and upload the necessary documents.

IBPS RRB-IX – Photograph Guidelines

Before applying online make sure that candidates have a scanned image of their photograph and signature. Photograph and and signature specifications are given below:

  • The photograph has to be (4.5cm × 3.5cm) and it should be your recent passport size colored picture.
  • The picture should preferably in white background.
  • For those who wear glasses, make sure that there are no reflections and your eyes can be clearly seen.
  • Preferable Dimensions 200 x 230 pixels

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IBPS RRB-IX – Signature, Left Thumb Impression and Hand-Written declaration Guidelines


  • Signature to be done on white paper with Black ink pen.
  • Preferred Dimensions are 140 x 60 pixels
  • The size of the scanned image is not more than 20kb
  • Signature in Capital Letters shall NOT be accepted.

Thumb Impression

  • Candidate has to put his Left Thumb impression on a white paper with either black or blue ink.
  • Preferred dimension is 240 x 240 pixels in 200 DPI
  • File size should be between 20 KB – 50 KB

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Hand-Written Declaration

  • It should be written in English only and should be written clearly on a white paper with Black ink.
  • Preferred dimensions 800 x 400 pixels in 200 DPI
  • File size should be between 50 KB – 100 KB
  • Hand-written declaration in Capital Letters shall NOT be accepted.

Moreover, the signature, hand-written declaration and left-thumb impression should be only of the applicant and should not be done by any other person.

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How to Upload the Documents for IBPS RRB-IX

Here is the complete procedure below as how to upload the documents:

  • There will be separate links provided for uploading left thumb impression and hand written declaration.
  • Click on the respective link to upload the left thumb impression and to upload the hand written declaration.
  • Browse and click the location where the files are saved by you and click on the Open/Upload button.
  • The online application form of a candidate will not be registered unless your left thumb impression and hand written declaration is uploaded.
  • An error message will be displayed in the case if the file size and the format are not as prescribed.

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This is all information that we have related to IBPS RRB-IX Guidelines for Scanning & Uploading of Documents. For aspirants those who still have any doubts related to IBPS RRB 2020 notification can refer to the important FAQs.

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