RRB Clerk Previous Year Paper PDF with Solutions
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IBPS RRB Clerk 2023 examination is just around the corner and we believe that aspirants must be preparing hard for it. The RRB Clerk prelims examination is scheduled to happen on 6th August 2023, thereby leaving a few days in hands of the aspirants to prepare well for the exam. Many aspirants at this point in time look for previous year papers along with solutions. In this article we are providing RRB Clerk previous year paper PDF with solutions and it is a comprehensive PDF which is free to download. Downloading and attempting the previous year question papers will be a good practice as candidates get to know what all kinds of questions have been asked in the previous year. This way aspirants can understand the weightage of each and every topic so that they can prepare accordingly.

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Attempt RRB Clerk Prelims Free Mock Test + Analysis

RRB Clerk Prelims Exam Pattern

S.noSectionNo. of QuestionsMax Marks
1Reasoning 4040
2Numerical Ability4040
Total80/duration:45 mins80

Benefits of Attempting Previous Year Papers

Identifying the Exam Pattern – Previous year paper helps in identifying the exam pattern well and hence the difficulty level of the exam can be judged which further helps the aspirants to prepare for the upcoming exam.

Helps Improve accuracy & speed – Accuracy & Speed both goes hand in hand and practicing previous year paper will help to enhance the same. Practicing previous year paper will help the aspirants to figure out new ways and shortcuts

Time Management – In order to improve upon your speed of attempting questions, time management is quite an important factor. This can be improved upon by practicing more and more mock tests and previous year questions.  

In order to have a better understanding of the RRB Clerk prelims examination, we are providing a 10 days study plan. Along with downloading this previous year paper with solutions, aspirants can plan and strategize their preparation by following this study plan too. This study plan is just to give an idea to the aspirants as all these are important topics and can be asked in the examination. 

Attempt RRB Clerk Prelims Free Mock Test + Analysis

RRB Clerk 10 Days Study Plan

DaysGoal 1Goal 2
Day 1Alpha-numeric Series/ Alphabetical SeriesInput-Output
Day 2Partnerships/ Direction SenseVolume and Surface Area
Day 3Attempt Free Mock Test + AnalysisAnalytical Reasoning
Day 4Approximation, Mixture and AllegationsAttempt Mock Test 2 + Analysis
Day 5Double Line-up, Blood RelationsSyllogism/ Verbal Reasoning
Day 6Attempt Mock Test 3 + AnalysisProbability, Pipes and Cisterns
Day 7Analogy, Square root, Cube rootPuzzles – Box-based, Floor, Calendar, Day/Months based, etc.
Day 8Number Series & Number SystemAttempt Mock Test 4 + Analysis
Day 9Attempt Mock Test 5 + AnalysisPercentage, HCF/LCM
Day 10ApproximationPercentage, Indices & Surds
Day 11Seating Arrangement– Linear, Circular, Facing Inside/Outside, MixedTime, Distance, and Speed

RRB Clerk Previous Year Paper PDF with Solutions – Download Now

The previous year paper for RRB Clerk Prelims has been provided along with its solutions. Candidates can download this free memory based paper and start practicing paper for better performance in the upcoming RRB Clerk exam.

Exam NamePrevious Year Questions with Solutions PDF
IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims 2022Click to Download

This brings us to the end of the article. Download this previous year paper and start practicing for the upcoming IBPS Clerk 2023 exam.

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