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IBPS RRB Clerk Cut-off Trend (Last 3 years)

IBPS RRB Clerk: Today, we will be looking at the last three-year trends for IBPS RRB Clerk or Office Assistant exams. 

IBPS RRB Clerk 2020-21 Prelims Cut-Off

State Cut Off (General)
Uttar Pradesh 73
Madhya Pradesh 66.75
Gujarat 78.25
Telangana 71.25
Bihar 75.5
Andhra Pradesh 76.25
Odisha 79.75
Himachal Pradesh 71.25
Rajasthan 78.75
West Bengal 77.75
Chhattisgarh 70.5
Jammu & Kashmir 73.5
Maharashtra 67

RRB Clerk Mains Minimum Cut Off 2020-21

State/UT SC ST OBC EWS General
Andhra Pradesh 52.41 46.47 60.22 60.91 64.16
Arunachal Pradesh NA 37.38 NA NA 48.10
Assam 49.38 43.88 47.63 53.03 59.60
Bihar 46.19 45.66 57.03 58.94 61.60
Chhattisgarh 52.88 NA NA 55.22 57.85
Gujarat 40.75 36.13 46.32 40.75 56.32
Haryana 48.50 NA 57.63 60.88 63.78
Himachal Pradesh 48.50 47.32 53.66 58.41 63.72
Jammu & Kashmir 49.32 41.57 50.72 54.91 62.97
Jharkhand NA NA NA NA NA
Karnataka NA NA NA NA NA
Madhya Pradesh 48.25 39.66 54.82 55.63 60.94
Maharashtra 56.07 40.53 56.10 53.85 60.50
Manipur NA 47.88 55.75 NA 56.44
Meghalaya NA 38.22 49.85 NA 56.44
Mizoram NA 40.44 NA NA 42.22
Nagaland NA 47.47 NA NA 56.97
Odisha 45.47 41.88 61.78 58.07 63.10
Puducherry 57.38 NA 59.97 NA 61.91
Punjab 49.47 NA 58.66 56.94 63.10
Rajasthan 43.82 31.38 55.82 50.60 60.25
Tamil Nadu 52.35 48.16 64.78 52.75 66.38
Telangana 51.47 51.85 60.60 60.03 62.13
Tripura 47.32 39.66 NA 51.10 56.57
Uttar Pradesh 42.44 37.63 52 55.78 59.82
Uttarakhand 51.97 NA 63.38 NA 70.19
West Bengal 48.69 36.03 48.10 53.97 59.97

RRB Clerk Mains Maximum Cut Off 2020-21

State/UT SC ST OBC EWS General
Andhra Pradesh 63.22 53.53 64.38 64.16 78.44
Arunachal Pradesh NA 44.03 NA NA 59.91
Assam 63.13 50.69 57.91 59.50 69.72
Bihar 58.22 54.94 64.13 63.63 79.69
Chhattisgarh 53.97 NA NA 57.57 74.16
Gujarat 62.72 52.10 64.19 57.13 82.44
Haryana 69.19 NA 72.35 63.32 74
Himachal Pradesh 62 52.13 62.28 77.72 81.19
Jammu & Kashmir 63.38 50.25 63.72 62.75 73.91
Jharkhand NA NA NA NA NA
Karnataka NA NA NA NA NA
Madhya Pradesh 61.16 55 66.28 61.16 75.69
Maharashtra 72 54.03 72 60.28 73.50
Manipur NA 48.47 62.28 NA 65.63
Meghalaya NA 48.66 53.66 NA 63.63
Mizoram NA 44.63 NA NA 53.22
Nagaland NA 55.35 NA NA 56.97
Odisha 54.75 55.16 62.82 59.41 72.47
Puducherry 57.38 NA 60.13 NA 66.22
Punjab 63.78 NA 65.97 62.47 74.32
Rajasthan 65.60 68.66 62.44 60.78 79.60
Tamil Nadu 64.91 55.19 75.47 61.72 74.97
Telangana 70.85 64.25 75.78 64.78 70.94
Tripura 52.75 53.41 NA 53.41 66.16
Uttar Pradesh 60.66 53.28 64.25 61.75 76.07
Uttarakhand 52.19 NA 63.38 NA 73.53
West Bengal 65.63 48.16 65.97 64.63 77.32

IBPS RRB Clerk Cut Off 2019 For Prelims

State IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims Cut Off 2019
Andhra Pradesh 71.50
Assam 64.75
Bihar 74.25
Chhattisgarh 75.50
Gujarat 63.25
Haryana 76
Himachal Pradesh 71
Jammu & Kashmir
Jharkhand 8.50
Karnataka 65.25
Kerala 75
Madhya Pradesh 68.25
Maharashtra 69.25
Punjab 77.50
Odisha 73.25
Rajasthan 75.25
Tamil Nadu 68
Telangana 68.50
Tripura 71.25
Uttar Pradesh 74.00
Uttarakhand 76.75
West Bengal 74.75

IBPS RRB Clerk Mains Cut Off 2019

State/UT Office Assistant Mains Cut Off 2019
Andhra Pradesh 115-120
Arunachal Pradesh 135-141
Assam 115-123
Bihar 120-125
Chhattisgarh 132-138
Gujarat 102-109
Haryana 114-119
Himachal Pradesh 126-130
Jammu & Kashmir 105-110
Karnataka 124-129
Kerala 127-132
Madhya Pradesh 118-123
Maharashtra 117-121
Manipur 100-105
Meghalaya 97-103
Mizoram 95-100
Odisha 110-115
Pondicherry 125-130
Punjab 123-133
Rajasthan 114-118
Tamil Nadu 120-125
Telangana 123-128
Tripura 95-99
Uttar Pradesh 120-125
Uttarakhand 115-120
West Bengal 130-135

IBPS RRB Clerk 2018 Prelims Cut Off

State IBPS RRB Prelims Exam Cut Off 2018
Uttar Pradesh 70.75
Haryana 76.25
Madhya Pradesh 70.50
Himachal Pradesh 77.50
Punjab 74.75
Rajasthan 73.00
Bihar 70.25
Odisha 71.25
Gujarat 69.75
Andhra Pradesh 72.50
West Bengal 75.25
Chhattisgarh 67.75
Tripura 48.75
Maharashtra 69.75
Kerala 73.50
Telangana 67.75
Karnataka 66.25
Jammu & Kashmir 70.00
Assam 67.50
Jharkhand 69.75
Tamil Nadu 61.75

IBPS RRB Clerk Final Cut Off 2017-18

State/UT SC ST OBC General
Andhra Pradesh 50.07 40.32 56.28 59.88
Arunachal Pradesh NA 40.28 NA 54.66
Assam 51.94 54.91 53.38 57.94
Bihar 52.41 46.97 61.28 65.97
Chhattisgarh 48.13 39.88 58.03 60.85
Gujarat 52.75 40.25 58.60 60.85
Haryana 49.35 NA 58.66 67.19
Himachal Pradesh 50.66 50.72 57.32 63.16
Jammu & Kashmir 46.07 32.53 54.10 66.35
Jharkhand 49.97 39.72 58.03 61.69
Karnataka 46.10 41.53 53.35 55.66
Kerala 50.60 41.63 59.25 63.44
Madhya Pradesh 50.78 42.00 58.57 64.32
Maharashtra 54.69 39.60 55.28 59.32
Manipur NA 55.10 66.53 61.41
Meghalaya NA 38.16 44.16 42.60
Mizoram NA 36.85 44.00 49.03
Nagaland NA 47.63 NA NA
Odisha 45.07 36.63 57.94 60.03
Puducherry 52.00 NA 59.75 59.82
Punjab 48.72 46.91 55.88 64.63
Rajasthan 49.97 45.32 60.85 64.82
Tamil Nadu 53.53 42.28 60.69 61.78
Telangana 49.66 45.00 60.69 61.78
Tripura 42.07 29.57 NA 55.03
Uttar Pradesh 46.97 39.25 54.91 61.25
Uttarakhand 45.16 47.13 54.07 62.57
West Bengal 57.57 43.60 55.53 64.53

Cut-off Analysis

Since 2018, there has been a rise in cut-off by about 4-5%. The 2019 and 2020 cut-offs didn’t saw any major changes in most the states.

Many co-factors are to be considered while cut-off judgments, but a true aspirant should always focus on his judgment of the paper. That’s the best way to decide how many questions are to be attempted. Mock tests are a best gateway to have a better judgment about the paper.

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Vishwas Agarwal

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