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SBI PO Vs IBPS PO: Every intelligent candidate has a curiosity to know all the differences between any two common posts to come to a conclusion of choosing one. Such is the case with IBPS PO & SBI PO. As IBPS PO 2021 exam will soon knock on the candidates’ doors, most of them are curious to know the difference between both jobs. And it is important to know which job provides better opportunities to them, SBI PO or IBPS PO?


In this article, we’ll compare both posts and help them to decide which job best suits their needs and temperament. Plus, which one will help their career progression, and what benefits and perks do each job offer?

IBPS PO-Selection Process & Exam Pattern

Which one to choose, IBPS PO or SBI PO?

SBI PO’s post, as we know, is the most sought-after and lucrative Banking job in India. The number of vacancies in SBI is less than that of IBPS, but despite this fact, the applicants came in huge numbers to apply for it every year. Although the job profiles of an IBPS PO and SBI PO are the same, with stark differences in career prospects, pay, and work environment. The competition is tough for both the exams and hence, you would need a lot of hard work and smart work to clear any of these exams.

Recruitment Process-IPBS PO vs SBI PO

The recruitment process for both the exams consists of three stages:

  1. Prelims
  2. Mains
  3. Interview or GD round
IBPS PO-Selection Process & Exam Pattern

Given below is the table that compares both the exams:

Basis of DifferenceIBPS POSBI PO
Stages-1st Stage: Preliminary Exam)
-2nd Stage: Main Exam)
-3rd Stage: Interview (The composite scores of Mains and Interview Process in a ratio of 80:20 is used to create a merit list for the final selection. It carries a 20% weightage in the final result).
-1st Stage: Preliminary Exam
-2nd Stage: Main Exam
-3rd Stage: Group Discussion/Exercise and Interview round (The aggregate scores in the Mains exam and Interview/GD round is used for final selection It carries a weightage of 25% of the total marks).
Exam DurationPreliminary Exam- 60 Minutes Main exam- 3 hours 30 minutesPreliminary Exam-60 Minutes Main exam- 2 hours & 40 minutes
Mode of ExamOnlineOnline
Exam SchedulePreliminary Exam- October Main exam- NovemberPreliminary Exam- April and May Main exam- June
Number of SectionsIBPS PO Preliminary Exam: Reasoning Ability Quantitative Aptitude English Language    
IBPS PO Main Exam: Reasoning & Computer Aptitude General/ Economy/ Banking Awareness English Language Data Analysis & Interpretation English Language (Letter Writing & Essay)
SBI PO Preliminary Exam: English Language Quantitative Aptitude Reasoning Ability  
SBI PO Main Exam: Reasoning & Computer Aptitude Data Analysis & Interpretation General Awareness about Economy/ Banking English Language
Total MarksPreliminary Exam-100 Mains Exam-225Preliminary Exam-100 Mains Exam-200
Cut-offsSectional as well as overall cut-off at Pre and Main level.No sectional cut-off for Pre and Main Exam. The final result is concluded following the total cut-off only.
Difficulty LevelModerate in terms of difficulty level. The IBPS Main exam invites tough questions to be solved in a limited time.Difficult. The questions on quantitative ability are tough and the time is limited.
Associated BanksIndian Bank IDBI Bank
-State Bank of Patiala
-State Bank of Hyderabad
-Indian Overseas Bank
-State Bank of Mysore
-State Bank of Mysore
-Oriental Bank of Commerce
-Bank of Baroda
-Punjab National Bank Syndicate Bank
-State Bank of Travancore
-Central Bank of India
-Canara Bank
-State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur
-Vijaya Bank Corporation Bank
-UCO Bank
-Andhra Bank
-United Bank of India jab and Sind Bank
-Bank of India
-Dena Bank
-Bank of Maharashtra
-Allahabad Bank
-Union Bank of India
-State Bank of India
SBI PO Salary vs IBPS PO SalaryINR 37,360 – INR 38,700 per monthINR 45,000 per month (Depending on HRA)
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IBPS PO-Selection Process & Exam Pattern

Analysis for Mains Exam Pattern- IBPS PO vs SBI PO

Given below are the section-wise analysis of IBPS PO & SBI PO Exams:

Section Question Mark Time  Section Question Mark Time 
Reasoning & Computer Aptitude 45 60 60 min IBPS PO Vs SBI PO Prelims Reasoning & Computer Aptitude  45 60 60 min 
General/ Economy/ Banking Awareness 40 40 35 min IBPS PO Vs SBI PO Prelims General/ Economy/ Banking Awareness  40 40 35 min 
English Language 35 40 40 min IBPS PO Vs SBI PO Prelims English Language  35 40 40 min 
Data Analysis & Interpretation 35 60 45 min IBPS PO Vs SBI PO Prelims Data Analysis & Interpretation  35 60 45 min 
TOTAL 155 200 3 hrs IBPS PO Vs SBI PO Prelims TOTAL 155 200 3 hrs 
English Language (Letter Writing & Essay) 25 30 min IBPS PO Vs SBI PO Prelims  English Language (Letter Writing & Essay)  50 30 min 

Note: You can notice from the table above that there is no difference in the Mains exam pattern for the first four sections. The number of questions, marks allotted, time allotted, etc all are identical. But there is a significant difference between the two in their English language and essay writing sections. Both exams entertain two questions with a time limit of 30 minutes, but IBPS PO has allotted a maximum of 25 Marks to it, whereas SBI PO, as it reflects, has allotted 50 marks for it. SBI PO gives more importance to the English section compared with the IBPS PO exam. You should sharpen your writing skills to excel in the SBI PO Exam.  

IBPS PO-Selection Process & Exam Pattern

Career Growth and Promotion-SBI PO Vs IBPS PO

The career growth and promotion after answering the SBI PO Vs IBPS PO are similar.

The list below is the hierarchy from lowest to highest ranks:

  1. Junior Management Grade – Scale I – PO
  2. Middle Management Grade – Scale II – Manager
  3. Middle Management Grade – Scale III – Senior Manager
  4. Senior Management Grade – Scale IV – Chief Manager
  5. Senior Management Grade – Scale V – Assistant General Manager
  6. Top Management Grade – Scale VI – Deputy General Manager
  7. Top Management Grade – Scale VII – General Manager
  8. Executive Director (ED)
  9. Chairman and Managing Director (CMD)
IBPS PO-Selection Process & Exam Pattern


From the discussion above, we can conclude that SBI PO and IBPS PO both offer respect together with multiple benefits. They provide job security and social status. So, choosing the right path depends on your career priorities. Your personal preferences also matter. Consider all the factors discussed above carefully to make the best choice.

To enjoy better results, like others, in the upcoming IBPS PO Exam, attempt our result-oriented Mock Tests!

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By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleep lover, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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