IBPS PO Revision Plan 2022- Last 5-Day Preparation Plan
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IBPS PO Revision Plan 2022: The IBPS PO exam is just 5 days away. IBPS is ready to test your knowledge and skills on October 15, 16, and 22 this year. These final 5 days are crucial for your preparation and revision. And for that, you must have a perfect 5-day plan of revision before the exam. Keeping this in mind, we’ve modeled a quick 5-day study schedule accompanied with the best revision Mock Tests for prelims. These mock tests will aid you in having proper exam practice in order to deal with the actual IBPS PO Prelims 2022 exam.

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🏃‍♀️💨Hurry up & take the last of the revision Mock Tests to ensure your success! 👈

IBPS PO Revision Plan 2022- Last 5-Day Preparation Plan

IBPS PO 2022 – Preliminary Exam Pattern

Let’s take a quick look at the exam pattern for IBPS PO 2022 Prelims to make study plan given below clearer and smoother:

Sr. No.Name of TestNo. of QuestionsMaximum marksTime allotted for each test
1English Language303020 minutes
2Numerical Ability353520 minutes
3Reasoning Ability353520 minutes
Total10010060 minutes

IBPS PO Revision Plan 2022- Last 5-Day Preparation Plan

You should keep in mind the time to revise, or the time you have before making the most effective exam revision plan. Plus, how busy these last 5 days are going to be, if you’re a busy bee or a job goer. You should also ask yourself this question: What do I need to revise? Make a revision checklist without falling into the trap of just rereading the concepts or topics you already know again and again. This 5-day revision plan will be effective only for those candidates who have already prepared the IBPS PO Prelims syllabus and want to revise all or test their speed and accuracy in attempting different types of questions via Mock Tests attached to the study table. We’ll focus on the topics that are most likely to be asked leaving space for the topics candidates need to strengthen their skills in.

Check out the 5-day IBPS PO Prelims 2022 revision plan given below:

DaySlot 1Slot 2
Number Series

*Take Mock Test 1 with Complete Analysis
Puzzles and Seating Arrangemen
2Interest, Profit and Loss, PercentageArrangement and Patterns, Seating Arrangement
3Simplification/Approximation & Quadratic Equations

*Take Mock Test 2 with Complete Analysis
Blood Relations, Direction, and Ranking-based questions
4Quant Formulae

*Take Mock Test 3 with Complete Analysis
Data Interpretation + Grammar Exercises

*Take Mock Test 4 with Complete Analysis

*Take Mock Test 5 with Complete Analysis

Note: This schedule can be changed as per your requirements. If you want to add more topics, you can add slots to suit your scheme of things.

Section Wise Important Topics

Here are the section-wise important topics that you must master to clear the exam in style by way of revision Mock Tests:

1. Quantitative Aptitude Important Topics

  1. Number Series: 4-5 questions
  2. Simplification/ Approximation: 4-5 questions
  3. Data Interpretation: 10 questions
  4. Quadratic Equations: 5 questions
  5. Miscellaneous: 8-10 questions

2. Reasoning Important Topics

  1. Puzzles and Seating Arrangement: 10-15 questions
  2. Input-Output: 5-6 questions
  3. Syllogism: 4-5 questions
  4. Blood Relations, Direction, and Ranking-based questions: 5-10 questions
  5. Data Sufficiency: 5 questions for each topic

3. English Important Topics

  1. Reading Comprehension: 8-10 questions
  2. Spotting Errors/Sentence Correction/Sentence Improvement: 6-10 questions
  3. Cloze Test: 4-5 questions
  4. Para Jumbles/Sentence Rearrangement: 4-5 questions
IBPS PO Revision Plan 2022- Last 5-Day Preparation Plan

IBPS PO Revision Plan 2022 – Section-Wise and General Tips

Here are some important tips to keep in mind while revising for IBPS PO 2022 Preliminary Exam.

Section-Wise Tips

Here are a few important things that you must keep in mind in order to maximize your score in each section of the exam:

1. English Language

Revise all the key concepts and basics of grammar rules and the English notes that you may have penned for last minute revision. Keep enhancing your vocabulary, as it will increase your reading speed and improve your comprehension power. Take as many mock tests as possible as you can to boost your confidence in this section.

2. Numerical Ability

This section will test your maths skills. Practice questions on topics like percentages, simple and compound interest, and profit & loss and, again, take Mock Tests. Revise the formulae and concepts.

3. Reasoning Ability

Logic reasoning questions can at time be time-consuming and lengthy. But practice helps you successfully deal with them waiting a specific timeframe. To make the most of this section, practice quickly solving questions on blood relations, seating arrangements, patterns, etc. Therefore, make sure you pick and attempt questions wisely.

☝️Attempt 1 FREE Last-Minute IBPS PO Prelims 2022 Mock Test & avoid the mistakes you may make in the actual exam! 👈

IBPS PO Prelims 2022-Best Revision Tips

  • Create the best revision timetable (equipped with latest with mock tests) that suits your study style best. A clear approach helps avoid confusion and boost confidence.
  • Take a good rest, sleep well, and be positive of your success. It’s your mind that enhances your memory and your body that struggles to achieve desired results and produces marvelous of bad results with it. Think of only good and stive for success.
  • Don’t overload yourself during revision. Only revise the topics that you have already covered, and don’t waste your precious time by jumping on new topics or topics you’re weak in.
  • Keep all necessary or required thinks or materials prepared the day before the exam to save your time and avoid last-minute panic. Last-minute panic action mars effectiveness.
IBPS PO Revision Plan 2022- Last 5-Day Preparation Plan

Conclusion: All you need is a good revision

A bad revision may mar the effectiveness of a good preparation. Therefore, it is important to revise well with a well-crafted revision plan. Similarly, the IBPS PO Prelims 2022 exam can be cleared in first attempt with a well-planned revision strategy supplemented with energetic Mock Tests attempts. Persistent practice will ensure the best performance.

    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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