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Are thinking of cracking the upcoming IBPS PO Prelims 2022 exam? In first attempt? IBPS PO 2022 prelims exam will be conducted on the 15th, 16th, and 22nd of October 2022. But have you started your preparation? This leaves you with 60-plus days for the preparation & revision. As you’ll have to compete with lakhs of aspirants to grab a government job in one of the Public Sector Banks. Therefore, it is the best time to begin your preparation via the best study plan supplemented with the best IBPS Prelims 2022 Mock Tests.  


In this article, we have come up with some valuable tips and a 60-Day IBPS PO Prelims Study Plan, which will help you clear the exam.

How to Clear IBPS PO Prelims 2022 Exam in 60 Days?-Best Tips

IBPS PO Prelims 2022: Exam Pattern

The IBPS PO exam pattern is clearly outlined in the IBPS PO notification. To properly prepare for the IBPS PO exam, students should go through IBPS PO Prelims Syllabus 2022. The detailed IBPS PO Prelims exam pattern is as follows:

Section NameTotal QuestionsTotal MarksDurationLanguage medium
English Language30 questions30 20 minutesEnglish
Quantitative Aptitude35 questions35 20 minutesEnglish and Hindi
Reasoning Ability35 questions35 20 minutesEnglish and Hindi
Total100 Questions100 60 minutes
How to Clear IBPS PO Prelims 2022 Exam in 60 Days?-Best Tips

IBPS PO Prelims 2022-60 Days Study Plan

Here’s a 60-day study plan which will help you cover the entire IBPS PO Prelims 2022 syllabus in 2 months’ time:

DayGoal 1Goal 2
1Take 1 FREE IBPS Prelims PO Mock Test + AnalysisMensuration and Average
2Seating ArrangementsRatio & Proportion
3Reading ComprehensionDirection Sense
4Take IBPS Prelims PO Mock Test 1 + AnalysisRevise Topics from Day 1-3
5Number SeriesInequalities
6Direction SenseSI & CI and Problems on Ages
7Data SufficiencyRevise Topics from Day 5-6
8Approximation, SimplificationSyllogism
9Spot the ErrorWork and Time & Speed, Distance and Time
10Take IBPS Prelims PO Mock Test 2 + AnalysisRevise Topics from Day 8-9
11HCF, LCMSentence Rearrangement
12Profit & LossHCF, LCM and Profit & Loss
13Sentence RearrangementRevise Topics from Day 8-12
14Coding-decoding and Machine Input-OutputIdioms and Phrases
15Fill in the BlanksNumber Series
16Take IBPS Prelims PO Mock Test 3 + AnalysisRevise Topics from Day 14-15
17SI & CIBlood Relations
18InequalitiesIdioms and Phrases
19Problems on AgesRevise Topics from Day 17-18
20Synonyms/AntonymsSeating Arrangements
21SyllogismSpot the Error
22Take IBPS Prelims PO Mock Test 4 + AnalysisPuzzles
23Work and Time & SpeedFill in the Blanks
24Distance and TimeRevise Topics from Day 20-23
25Data Sufficiency & Number SystemProbability, Permutation and Combination
26ProbabilityRevise Topics from Day 25
27Practicing SetsInequalities
28Take IBPS Prelims PO Mock Test 5 + AnalysisRevise Topics from Day 27
29Permutation and CombinationLogical Reasoning
30PuzzlesRevise Topics from Day 29
31Fill in the BlanksData Sufficiency & Number System
32Ratio & ProportionRevise Topics from Day 31
33Logical ReasoningSynonyms/Antonyms
34Take IBPS Prelims PO Mock Test 6 + AnalysisRevise Topics from Day 33
35MensurationReading Comprehension
36AverageRevise Topics from Day 35
37Idioms and PhrasesCoding-decoding
39InequalitiesReading Comprehension
40Seating ArrangementsIdioms and Phrases
41Number SeriesInequalities
42Take IBPS Prelims PO Mock Test 7 + AnalysisRevise Topics from Day 37-41
43SimplificationMachine Input-Output
44Data SufficiencySimplification & Data Sufficiency
45Blood RelationsApproximation
46Seating ArrangementsRevise Topics from Day 43-45
47Take IBPS Prelims PO Mock Test 8 + Analysis
48Seating ArrangementsReading Comprehension
49PuzzlesRatio & Proportion
50Data Interpretation- Working on Line Graph, Bar Graph, Pie Chart; Tabular; Caselet; Mixed DI, Radar Table, Funnel based DIData Interpretation- Working on Line Graph, Bar Graph, Pie Chart; Tabular; Caselet; Mixed DI, Radar Table, Funnel based DI
51Seating ArrangementsMensuration and Average
52Reading ComprehensionDirection Sense
53Take IBPS Prelims PO Mock Test 9 + AnalysisProblems on Ages
54Number SeriesInequalities
55Direction SenseSI & CI
56ApproximationRevise Topics from Day 48-55
57Simplification & Data SufficiencySyllogism
58Spot the ErrorWork and Time
59Take IBPS Prelims PO Mock Test 10 + AnalysisSpeed, Distance and Time
60HCF, LCM and Profit & LossSentence Rearrangement
How to Clear IBPS PO Prelims 2022 Exam in 60 Days?-Best Tips

How to Clear IBPS PO Prelims 2022 Exam in 60 Days?-Best Tips

If you want to clear the upcoming exam in just 2 months, then you must keep all the points given below in mind:

1.     Go through the syllabus

Well begun is half done. It is mandatory to plan your studies, and for that know and understand all about the IPPS PO 2022 exam syllabus, topics, and subtopics and then you should find out the sections and subjects you are strong or weak in. You need to smartly distribute various topics from the syllabus in your daily study plan. You should first go through the IBPS PO exam syllabus and segregate the topics to make a good preparation strategy.

2.     Follow the best study plan to make the best preparation strategy

You must at least invest 5-6 hours daily in your IBPS PO Prelims exam preparation. Sync it with your study plan encompassing daily IBPS PO Prelims 2022 Mock Tests. Your preparation and exam strategy comes from the study plan you follow. Hence, you should follow it thoroughly and pay heed to Mock Tests analysis to craft the best one.

3.     Solve as many questions as you can

Solve as many questions as you can to train your mind in tackling questions of all types quickly and accurately. The best way to accomplish this task is by taking Mock Tests regularly to improve your problem-solving speed and accuracy.  Plus, you should also go through the previous year’s questions to serve yourself with easy and tough questions you may be asked in the actual exam.

4.     Don’t forget the Cutoff

Browse through the cutoffs to get an idea about how much you must score to ensure you clear the IBPS PO Prelims exam. Also, the Cutoffs will also help you check and optimize their performance in the Mock Tests.

5.     Master multiple techniques and tricks for solving questions

The secret to scoring good marks in IBPS PO is understanding the various techniques for solving questions. The techniques will also help students quickly solve the questions, saving precious time.

6.     Keep good track of the Current affairs daily

Your preparation should not just be focused on the subjects of the Prelims exam. After Prelims, comes Mains. So, preparing for current affairs is important for the General Awareness section. By doing so, you will be able to easily solve 40 questions. Therefore, you should try your best to cover at least the last 6 months current affairs for the IBPS PO 2022 exam.

7.     Practice Till Mains exam    

Practice at least 1 full-length mock test daily mentioned in the study plan given above. Practice at least 2 essays and 2 letters every week and cover current affairs daily for the General Awareness section.

How to Clear IBPS PO Prelims 2022 Exam in 60 Days?-Best Tips

Test your skills via IBPS PO Prelims 2022 Mock Tests

If you’re aiming to Clear IBPS PO Prelims 2022 Exam in 60 Days, you’ll have to stick to the study plan for 60 days to cover every topic from the IBPS PO Prelims 2022 syllabus, giving more focus to the most important and scoring topics. In addition, you’ll have to test yourself regularly. To make it easy, you must go for Mock Tests. Mock Tests can well be described as lookalikes of the actual exams. There, you’ll be tested with different types of questions as you’ll be tested in the actual exam. In short, the design of the test is the same. By attempting Mock Tests, you get to know the exact exam pattern and the patterns of questions asked in the IBPS PO Prelims exams. Therefore, you must train your brain to answer all sorts of questions of every level that the actual exam will entertain. Hence, you should prepare a perfect timetable that suits your demands and go for as many Mock Tests as you can to clear the IBPS PO Prelims 2022 exam in 60 days’ time.

    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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