IBPS PO Mains 2021-22-Section-wise Syllabus & Important Topics
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The IBPS PO mains exam can greet you in the coming January! And many of you might be looking for the best way possible to prepare the entire syllabus in one month’s time and cover every important topic that gets repeated in the exam every year? For that, you need to be aware of the latest syllabus and all the important topics that combine to form the IBPS PO Mains 2021 syllabus.


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The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) will be conducting the IBPS PO Mains 2021 in January 2022 (Tentative) to fill up 4,135 vacancies for the posts of Probationary Officers (PO) and Management Trainees (MTs) across 11 participating Public Sector Banks.

In this article, we have shared the IBPS PO Mains Section-wise Syllabus, important topics, and Latest Exam Pattern for candidates to begin their preparation.

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IBPS PO Mains 2021: Important Dates

Mains Admit Card Release and Download DateDecember 2021/ January 2022 (Tentative)
Mains Exam DateJanuary 2022 (Tentative)

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Mains Result DeclarationJanuary 2022/ February 2022 (Tentative)
Interview Call Letters Download DateFebruary 2022 (Tentative)
Interview DateFebruary 2022/ March 2022 (Tentative)
Provisional AllotmentApril 2022

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IBPS PO Mains 2021 Exam Pattern

The IBPS PO Mains 2021 Exam will consist of a total of 155 questions (MCQs) from 4 sections – Reasoning & Computer Aptitude, General/Economy/Banking Awareness, English Language, and Data Analysis & Interpretation. There will be a Descriptive Paper also which will consist of a total of 2 questions on Letter Writing and Essay Writing.

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IBPS PO Mains-Exam Pattern

IBPS PO Mains exam also entertains Multiple Choice type questions with a slightly higher difficulty level. The Number of questions and the duration of the exam is higher as compared to the Prelims Exam. In addition, there is also a negative marking of 0.25 in the IBPS PO main exam for every incorrect answer you will give. Take a look at the table given below to know the No. of Questions asked and the time duration allowed to answer each section of the IBPS PO Mains Exam.

S. No.Section NameNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
1Reasoning & Computer Aptitude456060 minutes
2English Language354040 minutes
3Data Analysis & Interpretation356045 minutes
4General Economy & Banking Awareness404035 minutes
Total1552003 Hours
5English Language (Letter Writing & Essay)22530 minutes

Note: As per the official IBPS website, IBPS reserves the right to modify the structure of the examination which will be intimated through its authorized website. Other detailed information regarding the examination will be given in an Information Handout, which will be made available for the candidates to download along with the call letters from the authorized IBPS website.

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IBPS PO Mains Syllabus 2021

Reasoning & Computer AptitudeData Analysis & InterpretationEnglish LanguageGeneral Awareness
Alphanumeric SeriesBasic Computer KnowledgeData Interpretation (Tabular, Line Graph, Pie, Bar Graph, Mixed Graph, Caselet, Missing case)Reading ComprehensionBanking Awareness
AnalogyMS OfficeQuadratic EquationsFill in the blanksCurrent Affairs
Blood RelationKeyboard ShortcutsPermutation, Combination & ProbabilityError SpottingGK Updates
Coding-DecodingComputer AbbreviationNumber systemCloze Test
Seating arrangementComputer Hardware/SoftwareSimplification & ApproximationPara Jumbles
SyllogismOperating SystemHCF & LCMSentence Improvement
Time & Sequence TestInternet & NetworkingAge ProblemsWord Association
Analytical ReasoningComputer Fundamentals /TerminologiesPercentagesVocabulary
Data SufficiencyRatio & proportionGrammar
PuzzleAverageError Detection
InequalitiesMixture & AlligationsSentence Rearrangement
Input-OutputTime & work  
Ranking & OrderPipe & Cistern  
Direction and SenseSpeed, Distance & time  
Simple & compound interest  
Profit, Loss & Discount  

IBPS PO Mains 2021 Exam – Section-wise Important Topics

Given below is the topic-wise important topics for IBPS PO Mains 2021 Exam:

Important topics for English Language

TopicProbable Question Types
Reading ComprehensionEconomy, Social Science, Environment, Story, Essay, etc.
Phrase ReplacementGrammar Based, Vocabulary Based
Error SpottingGrammar Based, Wrong Spelling, Incorrect Punctuation, etc.
Sentence Re-arrangementVerbal Ability questions
Cloze TestIdentify the missing word
Fill in the BlanksSingle Filler, Double fillers, Grammar-based, Vocabulary based
VocabularySynonyms, Antonyms, Phrase replacement, one-word substitution.
Take the best IBPS PO Mains Exam & cover all the English Language topics in quick time! 

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IBPS PO Syllabus 2021 – Reasoning & Computer Aptitude

TopicProbable Question Types
Coded Inequalities/ Mathematical InequalitiesProblems based on Letters, Numbers, Height, etc.
SyllogismsDirect Questions, Positive Info Questions, Negative Info Qs
Coding & DecodingLetter Shifting type, Analogy type, Made-up Language, Word-Letters type.
Circular Seating ArrangementClock-wise or anti-clock-wise arrangement in/around a circle, square, rectangle, etc.
Problems with higher difficulty have blood relations, profession, etc combined
Linear Seating ArrangementSingle Row, Double Row, North Facing, Opposite facing, etc.
Blood RelationsFamily Tree Problems, Coded Blood Relations.
Direction SenseProblems based on age, height, weight, rank, order in a row, etc.
Order & RankingFloor Based Puzzles, Grid-Based, age-based, profession-based, etc.
Arrangement & PatternAlphabets based: Set of 5 or set of 3, Number based: Set of 5 or Set of 3, Alphanumeric type, etc.
Double Lineup2 variables, 3 variables, 4 variables type conditions
SchedulingDay-wise, Week-wise, Month-wise, etc.
AnalogyMeaning-based, Letter based, Number based.
ClassificationLetter based, Meaningful Words based, GK based, Number based.
Data SufficiencyBased on other topics of the reasoning syllabus
Series   Alphabet Series, Number Series, and Alphanumeric Series.
Basic Computer KnowledgeIntroduction & History of Computers
MS OfficeFundamentals of MS World, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS outlook.
Keyboard ShortcutsIdentifying keys.
Computer AbbreviationCommon computer Abbreviations.
Computer Hardware/SoftwareFundamentals of Software & Hardware and their functions.
Operating SystemIntroduction to Operating System and its types.
Internet & NetworkingBasics of Internet & Networking.
Computer Fundamentals /TerminologiesCommon computer terminologies.
Take the best IBPS PO Mains Exam & cover all the Computer topics in quick time! 

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Important topics for Quantitative Aptitude

TopicProbable Question Types
AverageQuestions based on Weight, Height, Age, Marks, Expenditure, Temperature, etc.
Data InterpretationGraphs- Bar & Line, Pie-Charts, Tabular data, Caselets.
Data SufficiencyQuestions on this topic are based on the other topics of the syllabus.
InterestSimple Interest
Take the best IBPS PO Mains Exam & cover all the Quantitative Aptitude topics in quick time! 

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What’s the last and final stage after IBPS PO 2021 Mains?

After qualifying in the Mains exam, you will be called for the IBPS PO Interview stage/Round to be conducted by the 11 Participating Banks. You will be required to obtain a minimum score in each test of the Online Main examination and also a minimum total score to be considered for the Interview.

The cut-offs will be decided on the basis of the number of vacancies available, and you will be shortlisted for an interview based on it. The Interview is of 100 marks. The minimum qualifying marks for the interview round are as follows:

  • General/EWS Category: Minimum 40 per cent
  • SC/ST/OBC/PWBD Category: Minimum 35 per cent

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IBPS PO Merit List or Provisional Allotment 2021

For the final merit list or the IBPS PO Provisional Allotment, the marks obtained in IBPS PO Mains and Interview will be considered. A candidate must qualify both in the Online Mains exam and the Interview as well as secure sufficiently high in the merit to be shortlisted for subsequent Provisional Allotment. The weightage of the marks of the Mains Exam and Interview will be 80:20 respectively.

Take the best IBPS PO Mains Mock Tests, cover the entire syllabus quickly & clear the upcoming exam with full confidence!

Take Best IBPS PO Mains 2021-22 Mock Tests & clear the exam

After covering every topic from the IBPS PO Mains syllabus, it is essential to test yourself regularly via the latest and the best IBPS PO Mock Tests. To make it easy, you must go for Mock Tests. Make a timetable and draw a checklist in it while you are studying, so that you shouldn’t leave any important topic. PracticeMock’s IBPS PO Mains 2021-22 Mock Tests imitates the actual IBPS PO Mains exams to the core, which can provide you with different types of questions. By attempting the tests regularly, you can cover each and every important topic from the syllabus and this will help you in understanding the exact exam pattern and the patterns of questions that appear to test your skills in the actual exam. Therefore, you must prepare yourself in a way that you can answer all sorts of questions of every level that the actual exam will entertain. Hence, you should go for as many Mock Tests as you can to clear the exam on the very first attempt.


Q1. How many sections are there in the IBPS PO Mains 2021?

There are 5 Sections in The IBPS PO Mains 2021: Reasoning & Computer Aptitude, General/Economy/Banking Awareness, English Language, Data Analysis & Interpretation, Descriptive Paper.

Q2. Is there a sectional cut-off for IBPS PO mains 2021?

Yes. The candidates will have to Qualify Each Section in The IBPS PO Mains 2021 By Securing Minimum Cut-Off Marks That Will Be Decided By IBPS.

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By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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