IBPS PO Mains 2021 English
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The English section in IBPS PO is one of the most scoring sections and can well help you in clearing the exam. Are you weak in this section? Want tips to grab maximum marks despite being weak in it? Read on to know how you can answer questions accurately and quickly.


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The English Language section of the Mains exam invites 35 Questions of 40 Marks. To clear this section, you need to clear the basics of Grammar, work on enhancing your vocabulary, and practice various structures of sentences.

Read on to know how you can speed up your IBPS PO Mains preparation and cover every topic in less time than normal via the best IBPS PO Mains Mock Tests!

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The difficulty of last year’s paper

The difficulty level of last year’s paper was medium, and this level is expected this year too. But you need to be ready to face tough questions and practice a lot to grab a good score in the upcoming exam.

Take a look at the IBPS PO Exam Pattern to get a perfect idea about the English section of the exam:

IBPS PO Mains-Exam Pattern

IBPS PO Mains exam also entertains Multiple Choice type questions with a slightly higher difficulty level. The Number of questions and the duration of the exam is higher as compared to the Prelims Exam. In addition, there is also a negative marking of 0.25 in the IBPS PO main exam for every incorrect answer you will give. Take a look at the table given below to know the No. of Questions asked and the time duration allowed to answer each section of the IBPS PO Mains Exam.

S. No.Section NameNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
1Reasoning & Computer Aptitude456060 minutes
2English Language354040 minutes
3Data Analysis & Interpretation356045 minutes
4General Economy & Banking Awareness404035 minutes
Total1552003 Hours
5English Language (Letter Writing & Essay)22530 minutes

Note: As per the official IBPS website, IBPS reserves the right to modify the structure of the examination which will be intimated through its authorized website. Other detailed information regarding the examination will be given in an Information Handout, which will be made available for the candidates to download along with the call letters from the authorized IBPS website.

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3 Simple Tips to make a perfect preparation strategy for Scoring maximum marks in SBI PO Mains 2021

Given below are 3 simple tips to make a perfect preparation strategy for Scoring maximum marks in the IBPS PO mains 2021 Exam:

1.  Analyse previous years’ questions papers

You must properly analyze the syllabus of the given Bank Exam. Make notes, and note down the weightage of various subjects, so that you can decide the topics to give more attention to while studying. By doing so you will get an idea about the exam pattern and your mind will be ready to understand what it needs to do in less time.

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2.  Polish the rules of grammar via the best IBPS PO Mains Mock Tests

Polish up the rules of grammar like:

  • Subject-verb agreement
  • Active and passive voice
  • Reported Speech (Direct and indirect speech)
  • Spellings
  • Tenses
  • Articles
  • Singulars and plural
  • Phrases and idioms
  • Noun and pronoun
  • Preposition
  • Conjunction
  • Conditionals
  • Question tags
  • Adjectives and determiners

Practice a number of examples to learn the application of all the grammatical rules.  This can also be done by reading the newspaper and magazines daily. Practice as many questions as you can on each topic mentioned above.

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3.  Fine-tune your Comprehension skills

Fine-tuning your reading skills automatically fine-tunes your comprehension abilities. Reading Comprehension is the most important topic in the English Language section.

You need to read the newspaper articles and editorials regularly to accelerate your reading speed, reading your daily habit.  After reading, try to write the best and shortest summary and check the number of words you have used in it. Try to write it in as minimum words as possible.  This will help you in finding the answers easily from the given passage.

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Topic-wise Preparation Strategy for IBPS PO Mains 2021 Exams

Here are easy topic-wise strategies to counter some important topics of the IBPS PO English Section:

1. Reading Comprehension

You can expect 8-10 questions in the IBPS PO prelims. The question or the passage may be based on the economy. Keep reading the newspaper like the Economist or Financial Times to counter such passages. 

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1.  Spotting Errors/Sentence Correction/Sentence Improvement:

Read the complete sentence carefully and spot the errors of eliminating those questions one by one which you think are completely wrong. You may come across 5-10 questions from this part. You may also have to answer questions on Sentence Improvement instead of spotting errors. Therefore, you need to know grammar rules well to score maximum marks in this section.

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2.  Cloze Test 

Read the passage carefully, understand the ideas or arguments in it and eliminate the odd one out. You need to practice Cloze test questions regularly in order to succeed in doing it. 4-5 Questions may be asked from this part.

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3.  Double Fillers

In it, your vocabulary power will be judged, so fill in the most appropriate word. Build up your vocabulary arsenal to counter the blanks. 5 questions are expected from double fillers.

Attempt the best IBPS PO Mains Mock Tests & Clear the upcoming exam with full confidence!

5.  Sentence Correction 

In Sentence Correction, you will have to skim through all the options and identify the grammatical errors.

Attempt the best IBPS PO Mains Mock Tests & Clear the upcoming exam with full confidence!

6.  Para Jumbles/Sentence Rearrangement

In sentence Para Jumbles/Sentence Rearrangement, you will have to read all the options carefully and try to identify which option matches the idea or theme of the given passage. You may be asked 5 questions on this topic.

Attempt the best IBPS PO Mains Mock Tests & Clear the upcoming exam with full confidence!

Sign-up for the Best IBPS PO Mains Mock Tests for Best Results in the upcoming exam

After covering every topic from the IBPS PO Mains 2021 English syllabus, it is essential to test your preparation regularly. To make it easy, you must go for the best SBI PO Mains Mock Tests. Make a timetable and draw a checklist in it while you are studying, so that you shouldn’t leave any important topic. The best SBI PO 2021 Mock Tests can be described as the clones to the actual exams, which provide the students with different types of questions. By attempting the best IBPS PO Mains Mocks, you can cover each and every important topic from the syllabus and this will help you in understanding the exact exam pattern and the patterns of questions that the actual exams will test you with. Therefore, you must prepare yourself in a way that you can answer all sorts of questions of every level that the actual exam will entertain. Hence, you should go for as many IBPS PO Mains 2021 Mock Tests as you can to clear the exam on the very first attempt.

Attempt the best IBPS PO Mains Mock Tests & Clear the upcoming exam with full confidence!

Benefits of the Best IBPS PO mains Mock Tests with Student-Testimonials

IBPS PO Mains 2021 English Preparation Strategy
Attempt the best IBPS PO Mains Mock Tests like Deepthi Mayi & Clear the upcoming exam with full confidence!

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By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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