We know that IBPS PO prelims 2023 examination is now over, thus we believe that candidates must have already started preparing for the IBPS PO mains 2023 examination. As far as the IBPS PO mains exam dates is concerned, the dates are not put yet, however it is expected to be held on Nov 5, 2023. In this article we will discuss the IBPS PO Mains exam attempt strategy for reasoning & data analysis and interpretation. Along with this we will be discussing the IBPS PO mains exam pattern first in order to have a better clarity of the attempt strategy.
IBPS PO Mains 2023 Exam Pattern
No. | Name of test | No. of Questions | Max. Marks | Medium of Examination | Time Allotted |
1 | Reasoning & Computer Aptitude | 45 | 60 | English & Hindi | 60 minutes |
2 | English Language | 35 | 40 | English only | 40 minutes |
3 | Data Analysis and Interpretation | 35 | 60 | English & Hindi | 45 minutes |
4 | General, Economy/Banking Awareness | 40 | 40 | English & Hindi | 35 minutes |
Total | 155 | 200 | 180 minutes | ||
English Language (Letter Writing & Essay) | 2 | 25 | English | 30 minutes |
Note: Negative marking of 0.25 mark per incorrectly answered question is there.
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IBPS PO Mains Attempt Strategy for Reasoning & Data Analysis & Interpretation
Let us first look at the attempt strategy for the Data Analysis & Interpretation Section. Usually for candidates the Data Analysis and Interpretation section is a difficult one thus, here we are with the best attempt strategy for this section that will help the aspirants in improving upon their skills. Looking at the above exam pattern it clearly shows that Data Analysis and Interpretation is of 60 marks including 35 questions and as far as the DI is concerned the level of DI is higher in the mains examination as the application of Arithmetic topics and logical cases are used.
The attempt strategy basically depends upon how strong and weak your concepts are in this particular section. Read and implement the below points that will help you fine tune your strategy.
- Start with the topic in which you feel extremely confident. Which topic you should pick first will always be confusing, thus in order to remove this confusion take as many mock tests as possible and analyze your weak and strong areas and work upon it accordingly.
- Try and attempt mock tests in different patterns. Keep changing the topics that you attempt first and this way you will get a better hang of the attempt strategy. Try to analyze your accuracy and speed that comes out best with what pattern. Keep it the same for the actual exam.
- Mock tests as we all know is nothing but a simulation of the actual exam, thus try and attempt the mock tests in a controlled environment and try and finish the test within the same timings.
- Attempt sectional tests for IBPS PO mains for DI and regularly practice.
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IBPS PO Mains Attempt Strategy – Reasoning
Reasoning section is one of the most important sections by which you can improve your score greatly. Though, this section is considered as lengthy, tricky and tough, but with rigorous practice you can overcome these issues. This exam is also a test of both accuracy and speed and it is just not a section which is qualifying in nature, but total score of the main examination is calculated for the final merit list as well.
Daily Reasoning Quizzes & Mini Mocks
Reasoning section is covered under Reasoning & Computer Aptitude section having 45 questions. The important reasoning topics include:
- Blood Relations
- Syllogism
- Seating arrangement & puzzles
- Direction Distance
- Coding-Decoding
- Verbal & Critical Reasoning
- Data Sufficiency
- Machine Input Output
- Ordering & Ranking
- Scheduling
Apart from these one must also practice for Inequality, Alphabet based questions and Alphanumeric etc. As far as the attempt strategy for reasoning section is concerned mentioned below are few tips & tricks:
- Make a study plan specifically for the reasoning section as per the important topics mentioned above. Start with individual topics first and then move onto complete practice of the reasoning section as a whole.
- Make sure that your fundamentals are strong when it comes to reasoning section.
- Reasoning intelligence and logical approach is required to solve a problem and it is important to hone these skills by practicing as many mock tests as possible. Aspirants should work on their logical skills more and that can be easily done by taking up quizzes in the app.
- Identify your weak areas and spend most of your time to convert them into your strong areas.
- Identify topics/problems that take less time and that take more time. Attempt less time taking ones first as it will increase your overall cumulative score.
- Read every instruction and word carefully and consider all possibilities while attempting questions.
- Puzzles and seating arrangement questions are more mistake-prone questions, thus to be solved with utmost care.
- Practice previous year papers and analyze their question type. This will also help you create a study plan in a better and effective way.
- Avoid spending more time on a single question. If you are not able to solve any then move onto the next one without wasting any time.
- Try not to guess answers unnecessarily. Guessing should be avoided else you will fetch negative marking.
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This is the attempt strategy for the upcoming IBPS PO mains examination. Practice these two sections well and always stay a cut above.
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