IBPS PO Cut-Off 2021: Institute of Banking and Personnel Selection or IBPS releases the IBPS PO Cut-Offs for the Prelims and Mains Exams on its official website (ibps.in) after it conducts the exams. The final cut-off is decided by IBPS from the collective scores of Mains Examination and Interview. Lakhs of candidates apply for IBPS PO the exam every year, and this is the major reason why there is a constant increase in the IBPS PO cut-off over the past few years. As the IBPS PO exams are just around the corner, the cut-off marks will help you in strategizing your study plan and revision.
This article will shed light on the previous year’s cut-off marks for the IBPS PO Exam, which will give you an idea about the difficulty level of the exam.
Read & know all the details about IBPS PO 2021 Notification- Exam Pattern, Dates, Vacancies
Calculation of cut-off
Factors that will affect 2021-22 IBPS PO Cut-off
The 5 factors that are will be considered while calculating the 2021-22 IBPS PO Cut-off. They are as follows:
- Previous Year Cut off
- The overall difficulty level of the paper
- Number of vacancies
- Number of applicants
- Total number of vacancies available under various categories
The best judgment about good attempts also lies in the hands of the candidate. The aspirant’s judgment on the day of the paper is what matters the most. The candidate can determine which questions are to be attempted or left.

Previous Year Cut-Off-IBPS PO
Given below are the year-wise and stage-wise IBPS PO previous year cut-off marks. These cut-offs will help you prepare a personal strategy to deal with the actual IBPS PO Exam 2021.
IBPS PO Final Cut-Off 2020-21
IBPS PO Final Cut-Off 2020-21 was released along with its final result on 1st April 2021. The final cut-off for the IBPS PO exam (Interview + Mains) is given below.
Maximum and Minimum Scores (Combined Scores in Mains Examination and Interview out of 100)
Category | SC | ST | OBC | EWS | UR | OC | VI | HI | ID |
Maximum Scores | 52.20 | 52.11 | 55.82 | 52.40 | 62.98 | 53.78 | 64.16 | 42.16 | 54.31 |
Minimum Scores | 39.73 | 35.56 | 43.96 | 42.98 | 47.89 | 38.84 | 45.89 | 27.20 | 28.44 |
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IBPS PO Mains Cut-Off 2020-21
The cut-off for the IBPS PO mains exam was released on 24th February 2021 with the scorecard. The result for the same was released by IBPS on 18th February 2021.
Here is the cut-off table for IBPS PO 2020-21 mains exam:
Category | Cut Off Marks (Out of 225) |
General | 83.50 |
OBC | 78.63 |
SC | 66.38 |
ST | 52.25 |
EWS | 75.75 |
HI | 38.25 |
OC | 61.25 |
VI | 84.88 |
ID | 53.00 |

IBPS PO Mains Cut-Off 2020-21: Section-wise
S. No. | Subject | Maximum Marks | Cut Off (SC/ST/ OBC/PwD) | Cut Off (General/ EWS) |
1. | Reasoning & Computer Aptitude | 60 | 03.75 | 06.00 |
2. | English Language | 40 | 08.50 | 11.75 |
3. | Data Analysis & Interpretation | 60 | 05.75 | 08.75 |
4. | General Economy & Banking Awareness | 40 | 06.25 | 09.75 |
5. | English Language (Descriptive) | 25 | 08.75 | 10.00 |

IBPS PO Prelims Cut-Off 2020-21
IBPS PO Prelims Cut-Off 2020-21: Category-wise
Given below is the category-wise IBPS PO Cut Off for the Probationary Officer prelims exam which was held in October 2020 & January 2021:
Category | Cut Off Marks |
General | 58.75 |
OBC | 58.50 |
SC | 51 |
ST | 43.5 |
EWS | 57.75 |
HI | 19.75 |
OC | 46 |
VI | 54.25 |
ID | 21.75 |

IBPS PO Final Cut-Off 2020
Category | SC | ST | OBC | EWS | UR | OC | VI | HI | ID |
Maximum Scores | 47.07 | 50.80 | 50.22 | 48.98 | 60.58 | 46.38 | 53.16 | 42.33 | 42.04 |
Minimum Scores | 36.02 | 33.24 | 40.27 | 40.82 | 44.44 | 36.00 | 42.18 | 26.36 | 28.80 |
Also read: IBPS PO-Complete Salary Details
IBPS PO Final Cut Off 2019
The IBPS PO final cut-off for 2019-20 was released on the official website of IBPS.
Given below is the final cut off for the Mains and Interview stage combined together:
IBPS PO Final Cut off 2019-20 – Provisional Allotment | ||
Category | Maximum Marks (Out of 100) | Minimum Marks (Out of 100) |
SC | 47.07 | 36.02 |
ST | 50.80 | 33.24 |
OBC | 50.22 | 40.27 |
EWS | 48.98 | 40.82 |
UR | 60.58 | 44.44 |
OC | 46.38 | 36.00 |
VI | 53.16 | 42.18 |
HI | 42.33 | 26.36 |
ID | 42.04 | 28.80 |
Also, the cut-off for the Reserve List has been released. It is as mentioned below:
Reserve List (Subject to vacancy for 2020-21 recruitment) | |||||||||
Category | SC | ST | OBC | EWS | UR | OC | VI | HI | ID |
Minimum Score | 34.75 | 32.76 | 39.96 | 40.45 | 44.02 | 35.56 | 41.45 | NA | NA |

IBPS PO Mains Cut-Off 2019-20: Category-wise
Category | IBPS PO Mains Cut Off Marks (Out of 225) |
GENERAL | 71.25 |
EWS | 65.88 |
OBC | 70.25 |
SC | 55.63 |
ST | 38.13 |
HI | 41 |
OC | 46.13 |
VI | 70.50 |
ID | 45.88 |
IBPS PO Mains Cut-Off 2019-20: Section-wise
The table gives the IBPS PO cut off for the mains examination conducted on November 30, 2019:
S. No. | Subject | Maximum Marks | Cut Off (SC/ST/ OBC/PwD) | Cut Off (General/ EWS) |
1. | Reasoning & Computer Aptitude | 60 | 05.50 | 07.75 |
2. | English Language | 40 | 10.75 | 14.25 |
3. | Data Analysis & Interpretation | 60 | 02.50 | 05.25 |
4. | General Economy & Banking Awareness | 40 | 05.00 | 08.00 |
5. | English Language (Descriptive) | 25 | 08.75 | 10.00 |

IBPS PO Prelims Cut-Off 2019
IBPS PO 2019 Prelims Cut-Off: Category-wise
Category | Cut Off Marks |
General | 59.75 |
OBC | 59.75 |
SC | 53.50 |
ST | 46.25 |
EWS | 59.75 |
HI | 21.25 |
OC | 44.50 |
VI | 52.25 |
ID | 20.75 |
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IBPS PO Section-wise Cut Off 2019 (Mains)
The table given below mentions the IBPS PO cut for mains examination for the different sections of the exam:
Subjects | Category | |
General/ EWS | SC/ST/PWBD/OBC | |
English Language | 14.25 | 10.75 |
Data Analysis & Interpretation | 5.25 | 2.50 |
Reasoning Ability | 7.75 | 5.50 |
General Awareness | 8 | 5 |
Descriptive Paper (English) | 10 | 8.75 |
IBPS PO 2019 Prelims Cut-Off Score: General Category
Subjects | English Language | Quantitative Aptitude | Reasoning Ability | Total |
Maximum Score | 30 | 35 | 35 | 100 |
Cut Off Score EWS/UR | 10.50 | 8.75 | 10.25 | 59.75 |
Cut Off Score SC/ST/OBC/PWBD | 6.50 | 5.25 | 6.50 |

IBPS PO Final Cut-Off 2018-19
Here is the IBPS PO Category-wise Final Cut-Off for the year 2018-19:
Category | SC | ST | OBC | UR | HI | OC | VI | ID |
Maximum Scores | 55.34 | 47.33 | 53.02 | 63.91 | 34.69 | 50.69 | 56.11 | 43.69 |
Minimum Scores | 35.78 | 31.60 | 40.29 | 43.87 | 25.16 | 31.36 | 42.09 | 20.36 |
IBPS PO Reserve List Cut-Off 2018-19
Category | SC | ST | OBC | UR | HI | OC | VI | ID |
Minimum Scores | 35.38 | 31.05 | 39.91 | 43.42 | NA | 30.42 | 40.71 | NA |
Also, read know about the latest IBPS PO 2021-Exam Pattern & Complete Syllabus
IBPS PO Mains Cut-Off 2018-19
IBPS PO 2018-19 Mains Cut-Off: Subject-wise
Serial No. | Subject | Maximum Marks | Cut Off (SC/ST/OBC/PwD) | Cut Off (General) |
1. | Reasoning & Computer Aptitude | 60 | 7.50 | 10.25 |
2. | English Language | 40 | 7.50 | 11.25 |
3. | Data Analysis & Interpretation | 60 | 2.25 | 4.50 |
4. | General Economy & Banking Awareness | 40 | 5.00 | 8.00 |
5. | English Language (Descriptive) | 25 | 8.75 | 10.00 |
IBPS PO 2018 Mains Cut-Off: Category-wise
Category | Cut Off Marks |
GENERAL | 74.50 |
OBC | 68.38 |
SC | 56.38 |
ST | 35.75 |
HI | 42.63 |
OC | 53.25 |
VI | 66.88 |
ID | 37.00 |

IBPS PO 2018 Prelims Cut-Off
IBPS PO 2018 Prelims Cut-Off: Category-wise
Category | Cut Off Marks |
General | 56.75 |
OBC | 55.50 |
SC | 49.25 |
ST | 41.75 |
IBPS PO 2018 Prelims Cut-Off Score for General Category:
Subjects | English Language | Quantitative Aptitude | Reasoning Ability | Total |
Maximum Score | 30 | 35 | 35 | 100 |
Cutoff Score | 08.75 | 07.75 | 9.00 | 56.75 |
IBPS PO Final Cut-Off 2017
Category | Maximum Score | Minimum Score |
SC | 53.20 | 38.56 |
ST | 54.74 | 33.73 |
OBC | 57.18 | 43.02 |
UR | 65.58 | 47.04 |
HI | 45.42 | 25.07 |
OC | 51.11 | 38.53 |
VI | 74.14 | 45.88 |
ID | 44.38 | 28.87 |

IBPS PO 2017 Mains Cut Off:
Following are the category-wise cut off of IBPS PO Mains 2017:
Category | Cut-Off |
GEN | 82.00 |
OBC | 75.63 |
SC | 62.50 |
ST | 42.25 |
VH | 77.87 |
ID | 55.00 |
HI | 47.75 |
OC | 59.63 |
Following are the section-wise/test-wise cut off of IBPS PO Mains 2017:
Serial Number | Sections | Maximum Marks | Cut-Off Marks (SC/ST/OBC/PWD) | General |
1. | Reasoning & Computer Aptitude | 60 | 7.50 | 10.25 |
2. | General Economy/Banking Awareness | 40 | 8.25 | 11.25 |
3. | English Language | 40 | 3.25 | 5.75 |
4. | Data Analysis & Interpretation | 60 | 10.75 | 14.00 |
5. | English Language (Descriptive) | 25 | 8.75 | 10.00 |

IBPS PO 2017 Prelims Cut Off:
Cut off Score for General Category:
Subjects | English Language | Quantitative Aptitude | Reasoning Ability | Total |
Maximum Score | 30 | 35 | 35 | 100 |
Cut off Score | 05.00 | 07.75 | 10.00 | 42.75 |
Category-wise Cut-Off (2017 Prelims)
Category | Cut off |
Scheduled Caste (SC) | 36.00 |
Scheduled Tribe (ST) | 28.50 |
Other Backward Classes (OBC) | 42.25 |
General (Gen) | 42.75 |
Hearing Impaired | 15.75 |
Orthopaedically Challenged | 28.75 |
Visually Impaired | 23.25 |
Intellectual Disability | 17.75 |

IBPS PO Mains Cut Off (2016):
S. No. | Name of the Test | Maximum Marks | Cut off | |
SC/ST/ OBC/ PWD | General | |||
1. | Reasoning | 50 | 03.25 | 05.25 |
2. | English Language | 40 | 02.25 | 04.75 |
3. | General Awareness | 40 | 08.00 | 10.75 |
4. | Computer Awareness | 20 | 05.00 | 06.50 |
5. | Quantitative Aptitude | 50 | 10.75 | 12.50 |
Category-wise Cut-Off (2016)
Category | Cut-offs on Total (Out of 200) |
Scheduled Caste (SC) | 41.75 |
Scheduled Tribe (ST) | 31.50 |
Other Backward Classes (OBC) | 52.50 |
General (Gen) | 52.50 |
Hearing Impaired (HI) | 37.00 |
Orthopaedically Challenged | 34.00 |
Visually Impaired (VI) | 37.50 |
IBPS PO 2016 FINAL Cut Off:
Provisional Allotment
Category | SC | ST | OBC | UR | OC | VI | HI |
Maximum Score | 46.30 | 45.10 | 50.20 | 57.40 | 52.70 | 55.20 | 40.50 |
Minimum Score | 33.70 10/09 /91 | 28.60 30/06 /92 | 37.00 06/06 /95 | 39.90 28/08 /93 | 31.40 12/12 /90 | 33.10 01/04 /86 | 25.40 22/12 /86 |

Now you must have got a clear idea about how cut-offs are made and how they can be extremely useful for your exam preparation. This year too, IBPS will declare the cut-off soon revealing the minimum and maximum marks scored by the candidates who cleared IBPS PO Prelims Exam. In short, after clearing the IBPS PO Prelims exam you can go for the Mains exam with the right strategy to clear it by taking into account last year’s cut-offs.

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