IBPS PO 2023 Syllabus & Exam Pattern
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IBPS PO 2023 recruitment notification was released in the month of September 2023 and the IBPS PO exam will be conducted in three stages including prelims, mains and interview. As to clear the IBPS PO exam the candidates will have to qualify each and every stage by clearing the cutoffs. In order to help the candidates clear this year’s IBPS PO exam we are here guiding the aspirants about IBPS PO 2023 Syllabus & Exam Pattern for Prelims & Mains as this will help them to prepare for the upcoming exam carefully and strategically.

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IBPS PO 2023 Prelims Free Mock Test

IBPS PO 2023 Syllabus & Exam Pattern for Prelims & Mains

The IBPS PO 2023 exam pattern has been released in the recruitment notification itself mentioning the exam pattern for both prelims and mains. A separate sectional timing is there for each section in the IBPS PO Prelims exam. We are discussing below the exam patterns of both prelims and mains individually. 

IBPS PO 2023 Prelims Exam Pattern

S.No.Name of Tests(ObjectiveNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
1English Language303020 minutes
2Numerical Ability353520 minutes
3Reasoning Ability353520 minutes
Total10010060 minutes

As you can see in the above exam pattern there are 3 sections including quant, english and reasoning to be attempted in a total time duration of 60 mins with a total of 100 questions. Maximum marks allotted are also 100. Also there is a negative marking of 0.25 marks that will be deducted for each wrong answer. Last but not the least it is mandatory to clear the cut-offs in all 3 sections in order to qualify for the next stage which is the IBPS PO mains exam.

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IBPS PO 2023 Mains Exam Pattern

S. No.Name of testNo. of QuestionsMax. MarksMedium of ExaminationTime Allotted
1Reasoning & Computer Aptitude(Section A and Section B)4560English & Hindi60 minutes
2English Language(Section A and Section B)3540English only40 minutes
3Data Analysis and Interpretation(Section A and Section B)3560English & Hindi45 minutes
4General, Economy/Banking Awareness4040English & Hindi35 minutes
Total155200 180 minutes
English Language (Letter Writing & Essay)0225English30 minutes
Total157225 3 hours 30 minutes

A total time of 3 hours 30 minutes will be given to attempt the mains exam, however 30 minutes will be for the descriptive section that is essay and letter writing. The descriptive exam will be to check a candidate’s written skills. Other important points related to IBPS PO mains exam are as follows:

  • A negative marking of 0.25 marks for wrong answers marked in the Objective Tests.
  • No separate paper will be conducted for Computer Applications. Reasoning is combined with the Computer Aptitude section which comprises of 45 questions of a total of 60 marks.
  • The tests of Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude, English Language and Data Analysis & Interpretation are divided into two parts: Section A and Section B.

IBPS PO 2023 Prelims Free Mock Test

IBPS PO 2023 Interview

This is the last and the final stage of IBPS PO 2023 examination and candidates those who qualify mains will move onto this next stage. The Interview is of 100 marks and the minimum marks for qualifying this round will be 40% which is reduced to 35% for candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PWD categories.

IBPS PO 2023 Prelims Free Mock Test

IBPS PO 2023 Exam Syllabus

Now, since we have explained all the three stages of IBPS PO and the exam patterns of Prelims and Mains its time to move onto the IBPS PO exam syllabus. It is quite essential for any candidate to know the syllabus thoroughly before actually starting preparing for the exam. By knowing the syllabus well, aspirants can plan their preparation strategy well. 

IBPS PO Prelims Exam Syllabus

Prelims exam comprises three sections including quant, reasoning and english language. Below mentioned is the complete syllabus.

Quantitative Ability SyllabusReasoning SyllabusEnglish Language Syllabus
SimplificationLogical ReasoningReading Comprehension
Profit & LossAlphanumeric SeriesCloze Test
Mixtures & AllegationsRanking/Direction/Alphabet TestPara jumbles
Simple Interest & Compound Interest & Surds & IndicesData SufficiencyWord Usage, Word-Swap
Work & TimeInequalitiesFill in the blanks
Time & DistanceSeating ArrangementError Detection, Error Spotting
Mensuration – Cylinder, Cone, SpherePuzzleParagraph Completion
Data InterpretationTabulationOne word Substitution 
Ratio & Proportion, PercentageSyllogismMiscellaneous
Number SystemsBlood Relations 
Sequence & SeriesInput-Output 
Permutation, Combination & ProbabilityCoding-Decoding 

IBPS PO 2023 Mains Free Mock Test

IBPS PO Mains Exam Syllabus

Quantitative Aptitude SyllabusGeneral Awareness SyllabusReasoning & Computer Aptitude SyllabusEnglish Language Syllabus
SimplificationFinancial AwarenessVerbal ReasoningInternetReading Comprehension
AverageCurrent AffairsSyllogismMemoryVocabulary
PercentageGeneral KnowledgeCircular Seating ArrangementKeyboard ShortcutsGrammar
Mixture and AllegationsStatic AwarenessCode InequalitiesComputer AbbreviationOne word Substitution
Ratio and Percentage            Linear Seating ArrangementMicrosoft OfficeVerbal Ability
Data InterpretationDouble LineupComputer Hardware 
Mensuration and GeometrySchedulingComputer Software
Quadratic EquationInput-OutputOperating System
InterestBlood RelationsNetworking
Problems of AgesDirections and DistancesComputer Fundamentals /Terminologies
Profit and LossOrdering and Ranking 
Number SeriesData Sufficiency 
Speed, Distance and TimeCoding and Decoding
Time and Work 
Number System
Data Sufficiency
Linear Equation
Permutation and Combination

IBPS PO 2023 Mains Free Mock Test

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Is there any negative marking in IBPS PO prelims exam?

A. Yes, there is a negative marking of 0.25 marks in both IBPS PO prelims and mains exams

Q. What is the syllabus for IBPS PO?

A. The complete syllabus has been discussed in the article above

Q. Is there any separate exam conducted for Computer Applications?

A. No separate paper will be conducted for Computer Applications. Reasoning is combined with the Computer Aptitude section which comprises of 45 questions of a total of 60 marks.

This brings us to the end of the article. Make sure that you follow the IBPS PO 2023 Syllabus & Exam Pattern for Prelims & Mains well in order to prepare well for the exam. 

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